"Error (part 1)"






Katsuki Bakugou was about to marry a woman.

He was very determined that this was what he wanted, because he had always been fulfilling all the expectations that were expected of him, being one of the best heroes of today (occupying the number two position), he attended the best school of heroes that there was in the country, he lived in an affluent area with his parents, and beyond everything, he was going to marry Ochako Uraraka, one of his classmates from UA with whom he was expected to make such a commitment.

He didn't complain about the things he had achieved when he was only twenty-two years old, how to complain if everything went for a neutral tune? Even the most idiot would feel comfortable with the things he owned and still not think it was enough to be happy.

Although, he would take photos to make his wedding invitations, in the company of Ochako, wearing formal clothes. Still, silly photos to make the invitations were anything picky, without much meaning, but it was to fulfill another requirement to please his fiancée. Anyway, all he did since he got engaged to her, was to please her, saying yes to all her requests with his complaining and bitter attitude, taking her hand when she asked for it, choosing the colors of the decorations she wanted, among other things.

To be frank, that seemed very boring to him, because he felt in the absurd need to agreed everything, although it did not seem so, so as not to fight with people, especially with his closest friends. But, that was the way he was raised, to accept everything without saying a word, to be the best even if he had to do things that he often didn't like, to socialize with stupid people and to keep his wishes in silence.

Being on the beach, holding his fiancée around the waist, the boredom of having to force himself to smile frustrated him, wearing the look of having few friends, and he nodded at the photographer's requests, clicking his tongue in indifference.

How fucking boring is this! He thought rolling his eyes, moving them to the waves of the sea to calm his irritation. The waves crashed into the sand, releasing a salty breeze, gently crowding his face, caressing his cheeks and his ears, which received the breeze gently. Without paying much emphasis on performing that action, his attentions were stolen when he saw a man with curly green hair emerge from the waves of the sea, wearing only a green swimsuit and some shark patterns in the corners, which it reached the knees. His eyes focused on every part of his physique, beautiful wet curls, a toned and strong body, a broad back, thin legs, calves, Oh! so perfect.

Katsuki blushed realizing that he was the number one hero, the bastard who stole his position, being much better than him in every way. The hero named "Deku", having his same age, obtaining the number one position when defeating the dreaded "All For One" completely alone, although they had requested the best heroes, only he could fulfill the mission, emerging victorious in the act.

For the first time, his heart beat, his breath caught, his cheekbones changed color, turning crimson red, the same color as his eyes, his chest tightened and skipped, causing the air to go away as he felt so enraptured to see Deku so casual and elegant just by emerging from the waves of the beach. It was when he saw his scars surrounding certain parts of his body, one on his arm, the other on his hand, that set up a rapid heartbeat, but they were scars so fucking attractive that Katsuki was affected by that he salivated, delighting in his such an unmatched presence.

It was an alien sensation, but at the same time a sweet taste emanated from his mouth, an adulterated landscape painted green.

Katsuki Bakugou was about to marry a woman. Well, that was what he believed.

If he put it into words, he would not fit a single coherent verbal description, more than a single word and that was: perfect.

How is it that in all the times he came to see him in person, he never actually started to see him well, other than from a superficial point of view? Fuck! He was watching him with all his attention focused on him and he didn't process knowing that he missed several occasions to contemplate him.

He couldn't concentrate on the next photographs that continued to be taken on the beach, more than on Deku, who was walking on the sand, with his body wet and dripping from saline water from the sea. It seemed that he was enjoying his solitude, but it didn't take long for him to realize that he was not alone, but was accompanied by a plump lady, with straight green hair and green eyes exactly like Deku's. He deduced that it was his mom, because in the news about the hero Deku, they reported that he was single.

He's so fucking beautiful and single, he told himself through clenched teeth, tempted to continue watching him.

How irresistible could a person be?

There were no limits to it, because Katsuki had never come to feel that kind of thing towards his fiancée, dammit, he didn't even develop a desire to marry, on the contrary, his thoughts diverged towards hero Deku, towards what he saw firsthand and latent, what he felt emerge from within him.

How special was that feeling.

Without thinking much about it, he sensed that it was a call from fate to open his eyes to the reality that he himself refused to accept, a kind of sign that was born as soon as his eyes captured deeply the person who came out of the sea as if he were the savior of his life of just nodding and accepting the whims of others, except his own. Deku was his signal, his awakening to take charge of the direction he was giving his life and change it.

Suddenly, as if the world conspired not to marry Uraraka, he noticed some signs that were impossible to hide, such signs from the fact that he turned on the agency's television and the object of his wishes appeared in full action, rescuing people and fighting to the meanest and wildest villains in an elegant and strategic way, or to see news of him when he checked his cell phone to see news of other heroes, and realized that the more he thought about it, the more he made an appearance in the actions he carried out.

His doubts regarding his future wedding were piling up in his silence, leaving him in conflict with the question: What am I going to do?

And yes, what was Katsuki going to do with that feeling that originated from just seeing hero Deku on the beach? He had no idea what to do.

His answers were given when he was on a dangerous mission shortly before his wedding in the Ryukyu area, battling a villain so bloody and violent that even his own primitive instincts were not enough to defeat him. Between the blood, the steel, the putrid smell of the rusty metals due to the explosions, his breath was stolen from his being the moment a green beam of light appeared in the middle of the battle and overthrew the villain in a short time, taking the victory.

Katsuki had the number one hero in front of him again, his beautiful curls floating in the wind, his broad back was glimpsed from the little range of vision that Katsuki had at that time, because he was being crowded by a mountain of rubble, from which, the numbness of his limbs was nothing compared to that presence.

How beautiful could a person be?

"Are you okay?" That subtle, force-charged voice could come from one person.

"Fuck yes" He growled voraciously, captivated by a pair of green eyes that focused on him when they found him piled up on the mountain of rubble.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of there" He announced with a gleaming, dazzling smile curving from his lips. Katsuki felt that he was in heaven; never before had a smile fascinated him as much as that. "Because I am here!" As soon as he said that, he lifted a colossal pile of rubble with both hands, managing to get him out of there.

"I didn't ask for your help" He let him know, as soon as the debris crawled out, smelling of metal and blood.

He continued smiling innocently, helping him to get up, because his legs failed him, due to the fatigue they felt. His damn legs made him look vulnerable, so stupid, pathetic, and vulnerable. The hero Deku gasped in amazement at seeing him with his huge expressive eyes directed at him, that only got worse because Katsuki blushed, and his heart beat wildly again.

"You are Ground Zero, right?" He uttered excitedly and Katsuki swore he saw stars flitting around that damn beautiful smile.

Katsuki coughed due to the injuries he had, but that didn't stop the desire to continue seeing him.

"Wow! Your fighting style is spectacular!" He expressed delighted; He couldn't contain himself and blushed from the amazement of hearing him. "I have seen you many times in action and I am fascinated by the techniques you use to attack, what you do with your explosions so that you can fly is great! And when you use the maximum power of your explosions, and then your gauntlets, are they heavy? They look like they weigh a lot, and you don't get tired when you use them at work? I guess not, it looks like you're used to them."

"You talk a lot, idiot!" He pretended to complain, not to admit that he was indeed, captivated by his voice and the things that came out of his mouth.

Hero Deku laughed giving him the impression that he was used to that kind of reaction regarding his comments, but he wasn't bothered at all by that aspect of himself. It gave the number one hero more charm.

"It's a habit, Ground Zero" He admitted sincerely, kneeling beside him, being very careful not to bother him, a detail that Katsuki appreciated very much because he didn't like people to approach him much, much less his fiancee. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you"

"You didn't bother me, moron" He corrected contemptuously, without taking his eyes off him for a moment. The hero Deku's lips formed into a wide smile, making him blush.

"I was dying to meet you in person, Ground Zero. You are amazing!" He emitted with admiration. His heart raced at such sincere words. "You also went to U.A. the same school that All Might studied! I always wanted to enter U.A., but I couldn't enter, and I ended up entering Shiketsu, and I got a scholarship for winning the sports festival the first year"

"Are you bragging about your fucking life, nerd?" Katsuki joked, showing a superb smile from his lips.

Katsuki didn't used to smile neither with his best friend Kirishima, nor with his fiancée. Curiously, it was very easy for him to do it in front of the man next to him.

"Nerd?" He giggled, his eyes sparkling. "No, what happens is that I want to meet you, Ground Zero"


"I've wanted to meet you since I saw you at the U.A. sports festival in your first year" Suddenly he became serious saying that, it meant he was serious. Katsuki blushed from a tomato, the pain from his wounds subsided completely and his body only reacted to what came out of the hero Deku's mouth.

He could conjecture that he had been bewitched.

"If it's not too much bother, I would like to know your name" He asked very polite, keeping his distance, however his eyes burned with desire to contemplate him, thirsty to see him, just as he felt in flesh and blood.

"Katsuki Bakugou" He answered clearly and concisely. Deku's eyes lit up in unison, looking like incandescent stars.

How heavenly could a person be?

"And yours, asshole?"

"Izuku Midoriya" He pronounced polite. "You can call me 'Deku', it doesn't bother me to be called that, it's a childhood nickname"

"Stupid Deku" He scoffed, appropriating that nickname as if he wanted to hold on to something so that he wouldn't get away from him.

"Do you have a childhood nickname?" He asked smiling.

Childhood nickname? Hm, he actually did have a nickname back then, a nickname he didn't forget, because it was relatively simple to remember.


He found no reason to hide, for it was the first time he felt that way, the first time he had not hidden, and he put up a barrier so no one would come near him.

"Kacchan" Deku repeated brightly. "Okay, Kacchan, let me take you over to check yourself." He offered to carry him like a gentleman, which he refused. Since when did Katsuki let himself be carried as a princess being the number two hero? Ridiculous, hilarious, pathetic!

And yet, there was Katsuki, in Deku's turned arms, from which emanated a pleasant aroma, anesthetizing his nostrils, evoking from him, the feeling of not wanting to get away from him, even though it was their first conversation, but no, he didn't want to part. It was not time to separate.

"I'm so sorry" Deku apologized, bringing him back to the present. "My desire to meet you was greater than my duty as a hero to take you to heal your wounds, Kacchan"

"This is nothing, Deku" He boasted proudly. "I've had worse wounds than these"

"Still, you worry me" He admitted, giving him that look of desire that could pierce him, penetrate his interior.

Deku carried him to the ambulance, where they checked and healed all his wounds, which in themselves were nothing more than scratches and shallow cuts, while that was happening, Deku was giving the reports to the authorities, in detail and expressive, his luminous eyes and his melodious voice that aroused warm sensations in his chest.

He couldn't doubt what was happening inside him, to tell the truth, he didn't mind feeling that way as soon as Deku said goodbye and seconds later he disappeared from the territory, leaving him alone, well, not alone, because his fiancée appeared worried about what happened, reminding him again of his commitment to her.

Katsuki Bakugou was about to marry a woman.

But, he was in love with a man.





P.S. This fic is a Dekukatsu.

It's about Katsuki to marry Uraraka, but he ends up falling in love with Deku.

Katsuki's personality is more about pleasing others, not the personality he has in anime/manga. Also, I was inspired by a Twitter photo to write this story, although I didn't copy the link, it passed me, but if I find it, I will try to put it.

In this story they are not childhood friends, nor did they go to U.A. together, but Deku did inherit the OFA.