"Garnet, what's wrong?"

There was sweat on the purple forehead of the Permafusion.

The Gem was in Lapis and Peridot's company, who had decided to attend one of her yoga classes.

The lesson was over and the students were leaving, but during the Fusion's deep meditation, her Future Vision powers were activated and she panicked, being at the mercy of an unknown figure, a voice she had never heard in her life, and which was holding Ruby by the hand.

In the vision, moreover, Ruby called her, presumably by name.


Those five letters rang to her like an infinite and disturbing chant. Garnet had rarely felt this way in her life.

"Is everything alright?"

Lapis touched her forehead and Peridot handed her a handkerchief.


"For all the clods, Garnet... I didn't know that yoga could be so tiring!" exclaimed the green Gem.

"It's all right now... You don't have to worry about me."

Garnet adjusted her stylish glasses and headed for the center of Little Homeworld; Lapis and Peridot were stunned and looked at each other.

A short time later, the two Gems went to Beach City for a walk and an ice cream.

It was July, four months had passed since Steven had gone away and everyone was missing him.

"How do you think he's doing?" asked the shorter Gem to her partner, while savoring a mint popsicle that dripped continuously. The weather was really hot.

Lapis became thoughtful as she took small bites from her cream cone. She liked that food, it reminded her of the clouds flying in the clear sky, for her a symbol of newfound freedom.

"I just hope he has found his place in the world."

They regularly received postcards and telephone messages from the boy, but it wasn't the same thing and above all, through those channels they could not understand if Steven was peaceful or not.

Connie often visited him through Lion, but to do this she had to clash with her mother, Priyanka.

The doctor, although fond of Steven, saw him too emotionally unstable to be her daughter's boyfriend, and given Connie's stubbornness in dating him, she felt helpless; she was afraid to find him as a son-in-law one day... one not too far away.

She loved Steven... but she loved him at a long distance.

Her husband didn't pronounce on it, he wanted to act for Connie's sake and wanted to see her happy, but he also understood his wife's concerns.

That same afternoon, Priyanka Maheswaran showed up at the Gems' house, with the specific intent of talking about this engagement.

Garnet was uneasy, nervously drumming her fingers on her thighs and seemed to be sitting on a cactus instead of the living room sofa. The woman spoke and her companions, Amethyst and Pearl, replied in kind.

"Berry! Berry! Berry!"

There was no room in her mind for the issues raised by Priyanka, but only for that unknown name.

Meanwhile, the Indian woman invoked the common sense of the Gems:

"I ask you on my knees, make your godson think. We have seen that Steven is not yet ready to have a stable relationship and I am afraid that Connie may get hurt..."

"We can assure you that Steven is working on himself..."

Pearl was sorrowful like a caring mother and Amethyst defended him with a drawn sword, like the older sister she had always been for him.

As for Garnet... she couldn't assert her authority. Not at that moment.