Inuyasha Dribbles and Drabbles

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha. I don't make any money from this.

Title: "Inuyasha Dribbles and Drabbles"

Author: Gayle Nightingale

Prompt: Writing practice

Word Count:

Rated: G

Genre: comedy

Remarks: Using Slogans I'm challenging myself to write daily. According to Wikipedia Flash Fiction Dribbles are 50 words and Drabbles are exactly 100 words. I'll start with the ten best slogans of all time, again according to Wikipedia.

1. Nike – Just Do It

2. Apple – Think Different

3. Wendy's – Where's the Beef?

4. Coca-Cola – Open Happiness (Open a Coke, open Happiness)

5. L'Oreal – Because You're Worth It

6. M&Ms – Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands

7. De Beers – A Diamond is Forever

8. Wheaties – The Breakfast of Champions

9. Dunkin' Donuts – America Runs on Dunkin'

10. Verizon – Can You Hear Me Now?


Word count 100

Just Do It

Inuyasha looked at the shoe box with the check mark on the side. Kagome had brought them to the feudal age just for him. Something about protecting his feet in the cold weather. He huffed. He had lived 200 years without shoes. Why did he need them now? Still something about the way they looked and the smell they carried made his mouth water. The box was teasing him. Just Do It, the box commanded.

"Hope she doesn't get too mad. They are for me," Inuyasha paused before biting the shoes and shaking them in his mouth.