Disclaimer: I don't own Gintama, damnit! *sksksksk*

You are one of the top bakufu dogs in the country. Every criminal who knew you will shiver involuntarily if they hear your name. You led many operations, be it legal or illegal ones. Those idiots who saw how you enjoy slaying your enemies started to cower at your sword's shadow.

Being the finest swordsman of your infamous force, the Shinsengumi, you are hated, respected, and surprisingly, loved by many.

You are hated because of your public image. A sadistic bastard, a nap-loving officer, lazy and a devoted assassin to your vice chief since day three.

You are respected because even though you have a hateful sadistic personality, you save lives, your work is efficient, your method is one of a kind. Your subordinates are important to you. You stood your ground when the whole nation hates your group. You were one of those bastards who fought in the great war that almost destroyed your country- planet even.

You are loved by many. Despite your reputation, many women throw themselves for your attention. You are their fantasy man. Who wouldn't when you have the handsome face to add to their reasons?

When you were young, you thought those three things are enough. You don't need anything. You were content with being a policeman that protects what he wants to protect. You were okay with the reputation, it's not like you cared about it in the first place, anyway. Those women? You just smirk at the idea of them wanting you. Heh, if they're willing to be your "M" then game on.

But then suddenly-

Like any unexpected amanto disease that only exist in Gintama, a cliché happened.

You fell in LOVE.


What's more? You became crazy for that unfortunate woman you set your crimson eyes on. Well, not that it's the first time you set your eyes on her.

Everytime she's around, your steady and deadpan heart starts to get excited and your eyes can't stop glancing her way. Of course, discreetly.

At first you were denying everything even though the evidence is right in front of you. You refuse to acknowledge it. You even said that a manslayer like yourself is incapable of loving someone, let alone turning crazy for them.

But, boy, you were wrong.

You thought it's game over when some guys started surrounding her.

For the first time, the feeling of nervousness and panic occurred in your so-called nonchalant mind.

You thought, what if she fell in love with one of her suitors?

You can't comfort your wavering determination to kill your feelings anymore.

What are those bullshits you spat in her face yesterday when she confessed that she liked you.

What "you're ugly to be my M"?

What "you're too young to be my woman"?

She's the most beautiful lady in Kabuki District. She's 18, damnit! Ugh!

You berated yourself inwardly when you saw the hurt in her face. She's humiliated in front of so many people.

Then you reasoned, why did she have to confess on a crowded public park of all places?! Why did she have to be so confident on expressing her feelings when you're barely clinging to the last thread of self-control to suppress yours in comparison?

Why do you feel annoyed that she's the first one to confess to you? That she's so fearless as always?

Why do you clench your teeth when she started ignoring you after that incident?

Why do you gather your fingers in a fist when she accidentally glanced your way and her cerulean eyes turned cold after seeing your face?

Why do your heart changed its rhythm when she laughed at some guy's silly joke?

Why do you want to see her everyday when you were the one who said that she should stop her puppy love illusion?

Why did your appetite to kill Hijikata-san gone since she started avoiding you like a disease?

Why did you start listening to the boring meetings with your superiors to distract yourself?

Why did you start-

"F*ucking hell." You cursed under your breath.


The small hand you're holding quivered from your large one.

"Nothing, kid." You smirked at the twenty five month old little child you're holding hands with to assure him nothing is wrong.

His eyes that resembles his mother looked at you in childish glimmer.

"Pops, where Mami?" The child asked you. Trying to keep up with your steps with his tiny ones.

"She's faraway." You answered absent-mindedly. Your eyes are staring ahead. Like the people around you at the park don't exist.

When you decided to take your son on an Afternoon Walk, you were not expecting the little kid to ask about his mother. But then you realize, everytime you have time for this son of yours, the two of you are always on the same topic: your absent wife.

"Pops, Mami back?" Your little replica asked again about when will his mother came back. Just like last week.

"I don't know, kid. Maybe next month." You replied as if you're talking to a grown-up. Well, today is your day off so it's okay to divulge to your child's question once in a while. You only see him on your day off and weekends.

"Pops, me candy." Your son, Souichiro, jumped up and down when he saw a candy stand ahead. You sighed and bent down to scoop him into your arms. Smirking at his excited little face.

"Hai, hai."

Well, those questions you were reminiscing earlier are of no use now.

That girl you heartlessly rejected became your lady eventually.

You apologized to the girl sometime later.

You told her that you like her too. You explained your side. She looked like she understood you but you didn't care because you were distracted by her gorgeous face that was set on a contemplation.

Although, she's wary of you at that time, she still gave you a chance to redeem your asshole self and accepted your feelings.

Heh, you suffered for one year of courting her, her father, her brother, her foster father, her foster brother, her foster brother's sister, and even her landlady and her landlady's robot maid and her landlady's cat maid.

But it was all worth it when she finally said yes. Yes, she's finally willing to marry you. You didn't proposed to be her boyfriend, you directly proposed to be her husband because that's how sadistic captain like you thinks.

There was a sadistic smile plastered on your face when you remember the horror of everyone's ugly mug when your bride announced on your wedding reception that she's pregnant.

They thought they were the only one punishing you when they made you suffer with their unreasonable requests that broke Hijikata-san's bank account.

It's true, revenge is sweet when served cold.

"Pops." The small voice pulled you out of your daydream.


"MAAAAAAAMMMMIIIIIIII." Souichiro suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs and tugged you forward, or tried to.

Your heart skipped a beat and you followed Souichiro's tiny finger that is pointing at a particular direction. He keeps on jumping excitedly, his eyes are so bright. So happy.

"Maaaamiiii!" He waved frantically at the approaching figure. He would have run to the woman had you not hold his tiny hand so tight subconsciously.

When you finally heard her familiar giggle, you lost it.

"Ow, Sadist, can't... breath!" You heard her struggle to say those words.

Well, she deserves it. She'd been in space for three f*ucking months. You missed her for three months and she have no right to complain about your tight hug.

"Shut up and let this policeman hug you until you suffocate." You whispered in her ear tenderly. The threat is just a word, your tone is soft.

"Mami back! Mami back!" Souichiro is rubbing his adorable face on his mother's thigh. You heard her laugh in your neck. Her breath tickles you slightly. She gave you a soft kiss on your jaw and you both chuckled secretly.

"Ugh, ok that's enough, baka-sadist, let me hug my baby." Kagura groaned and pushed you using her Yato strength. Your other hand remained on her waist.

"Hey, babyyyyyy! Mami missed you soooo much." Kagura bent down on your son's eye level and hug the little kid tightly.

"Me missed Mami, me missed Mami!"

You watch your mother-son duo talk like gangsters about how they missed each other. You didn't know your usually poker face is smiling down at them lovingly.

Well, being on a field where instant death awaits you, you can't help but feel thankful that you were blessed with the one thing your heart longs for: a family of your own.

You may not look like it but deep down, you want to have your own family. You thought Shinsengumi is enough but everytime you look at those honest cerulean eyes, you feel like having one dozen children with her.

And you're goddamned lucky to have her as your wife.

She's strong and beautiful. She puts you on your place. She understands you the most. She can see right through you.

"What's with that disgusting look on your face, sadist? So creepy."

You let her remark slide and just gave her a very quick peck on her lips. She blushes and glared at you.

Yeah, totally worth it.


A/N: I'm trying to fight anxiety because of this Covid-19 crisis by writing more fluffy stories. It's totally nuts in here in our place. In our small municipality, they keep extending the lockdown date even though our place is not affected by this virus but the life being on this quarantine is starting to give me anxiety. I know the safe measure being observed but the restlessness is still there.

Let's keep on praying that this crisis will fade away and be casted out to a void place. Let's keep praying for the betterment of the people and places affected. Ameen.

OkiKagu Enthusiast