AN: This is based on a request from breath20k.

It was a typical day in the Koopa Kingdom. Volcanoes were erupting in the distance, but everybody could hear them. Including King Bowser and Prince Bowser Jr.

But neither one of the Koopa Kingdom royals minded the explosions. They were too busy watching TV. Junior had recently been introduced to a show called "Rainbow Mare" by his adopted brother, Morton. This show had a rainbow maned pegasus as its main star. Despite being skeptical and even disgusted by the show at first, Junior had eventually grown to like it. It was the number one show that he and his dad watched together.

"Come on, Rainbow Mare!" Junior shouted at the screen. He was so far on the edge of his seat that he literally fell off the chair. Bowser chuckled.

"You know, if this show is getting to be too much for you, I can always turn it off."

"NO!" Junior shouted. "I want to see how this ends!"

Rainbow Mare was on the brink of defeat. She faced the villain, Minimus, with fear in her eyes. Rainbow Mare had never been this far away from victory, and Junior was extremely nervous for her sake.

"Come on, Rainbow Mare, you can do it!" Junior shouted.

Unfortunately and for no other reason to build the suspense, the show cut to a commercial break. Junior was severely disappointed, and the way his face fell showcased that. However, when he actually saw what was being advertised, he perked up.

"Come down to Burger Shroom and try the Superstar Cheeseburger Deluxe!" The announcer said. "With the cheesiest cheese this side of the Mushroom Kingdom, it is the only cheeseburger that actually looks as good as it does on TV!"

Junior felt his mouth water as he stared at the burger being showcased on screen. The cheese was the perfect shade of yellow. The patty looked so tender and juicy.

"And that's not even the best part!" the announcer said. "To celebrate both the twelve year anniversary of Mario Kart Wii and the three year anniversary of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, we are giving out the burgers today completely free!"

Junior instantly jumped up and looked toward his father with so much excitement that one would think it was Christmas.

"Dad, Dad, Dad, we have to go get that burger!" he exclaimed.

Bowser smiled at his biological son.

"Whatever you say, Junior. We'll go for lunch."

It was now nearing twelve o'clock; noon time. Junior excitedly got out of the Koopa Clown Car and rushed into the Burger Shroom fast food restaurant. Bowser followed in after him, and when the cashier saw the two of them, she gawked.

"Oh my word! King Bowser! Prince Bowser Jr! It is such an honor to see you here!"

"Why thank you, Miss," Bowser said with a chuckle. "My son and I are here to have the Superstar Cheeseburger Deluxe."

"Oh, I see you've seen the ads!" The cashier said with a smile. "Would you like fries with your burgers?"

"Yes, yes!" Junior exclaimed. "I love your guys' fries so much!"

The cashier smiled and typed into the computer. Then she turned back to the king and the prince.

"Take a seat. Your meals will be out shortly."

Junior instantly hurried to the seat near the window. He saw that there weren't any other people in the restaurant yet. Good. That meant he would get some alone time with his Dad. As Bowser took a seat, he smiled at Junior.

"I really hope these burgers are as good as they say they are."

"Of course they are! People never lie on TV!"

Bowser chuckled just as the cashier brought their burgers and fries over to their seats. Junior stared at the burger in awe. It was gorgeous! Cheese was draped down the side like a blanket; the bun was so golden brown it could be mistaken for pirate treasure. And the made Junior's nose jump with joy!

"Well, here you have it," said the cashier as she set the meals down on the table. "I hope you enjoy your meals, your highnesses."

Junior licked his lips as he looked at the burger. Then he looked at his father.

"On the count of three, let's both take a bite at the same time," Junior said.

"Good idea," said Bowser. He picked up his burger. "One…"



Junior and Bowser both took a bite, and when they did, Bowser looked starstruck.

"Oh my developer," he said with his mouth full.

"I know!" said Junior. "I think I've found true love!"

Bowser laughed and took another bite. Junior did the same thing, all the while praising the good Lord that such a treat could come to exist.

"You know," said Bowser as he munched on one of his fries. "The commercial said it was an anniversary this year."

"Yeah; it's the twelve year anniversary of Mario Kart Wii!" said Junior. He sighed as he took another bite of his burger. "Man I love that game!"

"Why? Because you're in it?" Bowser asked.

"Well yeah; duh!"

Bowser smiled and took another bite of his burger. He sighed nostalgically.

"Man, time sure does fly!"

"Yeah, it flies like a paratroopa!" Junior said. Then he thought of a question. "Hey, Dad, what is your favorite track in Mario Kart Wii?"

"Why, Bowser's Castle, of course!"

Both of the Koopas laughed together.

"I remember that track!" said Junior. "There was a giant Bowser golem!"

"Yeah, there was!" Bowser said. "People thought that was so cool they brought it back in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!"

"Ah, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe," Junior said as he nibbled on a salty fry. "That game is so much better than Mario Kart 8. They added me as a playable character!"

"And they also fixed the Battle Mode," said Bowser.

Junior shrugged.

"Yeah. But that wasn't nearly as important as adding me. I mean…" Junior took another bite from his burger. "They added the Koopalings into the base game, but not me! I mean, come on! The least they could have done was add me as DLC!"

Bowser laughed and took one last bite of his burger, making it vanish completely.

"Speaking of the Koopalings," he said. "Do you think they might like these burgers!"

"Oh yeah!" Junior said. He chowed down on the rest of the sandwich and wolfed down the rest of his fries. Just before they went home, Bowser got seven burgers to go. Just before they got into the Koopa Clown Car, Junior gave Bowser a hug.

"I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Son." Bowser said as he hugged back.

AN: Well, there you have it! Thanks so much to breath20k for requesting this. I hope you all enjoyed it!