Author's Notes; Dark Armors AU. Plot. Shounen Ai. POVs. After years of delay, I finally get to this one..How many years..? I argue 7 at maximum..The ideas just didn't want to come forward for a long while..I had done a summary of the Dark Armors and weapons themselves way earlier..but seeing as the designs for both have undergone changes throughout the years, that could see a rewrite too at some point..Regardless, please enjoy..

Flashes of light filled the room. Members of the press poured in, trying to reach my desk. Many of them human and were asking many questions about what had recently taken place. Among the most repeated questions were, 'Had you and X actually gone Maverick?', 'Was Signas crazy?', and 'What will you do now that you are Commander again?'

I had a lot to explain. I doubted the human members of the press would believe me, but X and I have the weapons and the data from our memories to prove any potential doubt they held. I was the Commander after Sigma went berserk and after I was reassembled by Dr. Cain. Blast Hornet was my second in command, the assistant commander. Now that he and all the other reploids that had gone Maverick in the Doppler incident were gone, I had virtually no options, it seemed, and would have to make do by myself.

Ok, that's not quite true. My very first consideration for assistant commander was actually X. He turned down the offer though, feeling he wouldn't do well in such a high position since he was only a B-class Hunter. Though, now that I'm the commander once again, I wonder if he would change his mind. He's earned such a position in my eyes, regardless of his class as a hunter.

Speaking of which, X soon came into the office. He had been looking for me. We often spend down time together, but hardly anyone had told him, or me for that matter, the press would be here asking about the recent incident. Some of our informants had gone Maverick during the Doppler incident as well so now it was often anyone's guess as to what was going on and when.

I saw the fear and nervousness in X's face when he saw all those press members as I turned my chair towards them and him. X looked at me puzzled. His expression begged the question, 'Is this a bad time?' I motioned to him to come to my desk silently. I watched him come closer, seeing he was holding his arm shyly. I don't know why, but I find that very cute. He stopped just before my desk.

The press members started asking X the same questions they had tried to ask me. I pulled up a second chair before he could answer. He was getting flustered and wanted out already, I could see that clearly. He started to leave, but I grabbed his side and pulled him into the chair beside me. Those adorable green eyes stared at me in surprise. 'You need to stay here, babe. They're going to want your side of the story too.' I whispered. I could see the blush on X's face, though trying to hide it as he looked down and nodded deeply with a sigh. 'I guess you're right there, my commander.' He answered, taking my hand under the desk and squeezing a little for comfort.