Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the show Smallville. I do not own the reference to the film Misery which is used once in this story. Only original characters I make up and small changes to the story or dialogue are mine.

Chapter 1: A Grand Surprise from a Tiny Sound

There were very few things that could make the Man of Steel shake in his boots. He's faced enemies of all kinds from both Earth and Apokolips. He's constantly been on the receiving end of Lex Luthor's attempts to bring him down, but none proved successful. Even when the planet appeared to be doomed from the danger of outside forces, the people were always safe in the hands of the greatest hero of them all...and that was Superman. However, there are some situations that are so personal that even the Kryptonian powerhouse himself may find troubling. Superman might seem fearless, but Clark Kent is not quite the same especially now that he's about to enter a new phase of his life: fatherhood.

Smallville Medical Center

There was no one in that hospital more nervous than Clark Kent, a.k.a. Superman, as he sat nervously in the waiting room. He appeared lost in his own thoughts while his right knee shook in anticipation. Clark was so distracted by his own thoughts that he did not even realize that he was making the pictures in the room tremble from all the shaking his knee was doing.

"This is it. This is really it" thought Clark. "I thought I would have more time to get everything ready. Oh God, why did it have to come two weeks early?"

It seemed like only yesterday that Clark was working on the latest story at the Daily Planet when his wife Lois came into their office three hours late.

Flashback: 9 months ago, Daily Planet

As soon as he heard the office door open Clark looked up and saw Lois walking in with an unusual look in her eyes.

Clark flashed a sarcastic smirk as he said, "Morning Lois. You know, normally I'm not one to complain about your pathological tardiness but I just had to cover for you to Perry White for the third time this month. He's starting to see through my bull shit."

Lois stood quietly with a dazed look like she was staring off into space.

"Hello? Earth to Lois Lane." Clark snapped his fingers which seemed to break Lois's train of thought.

"I'm sorry what?" said Lois as she quickly got herself together again. She glanced down at Clark waiting for her response.

"Quit snapping your fingers at me Smallville" she angrily said, "This ain't the 1960's and I sure as hell ain't your secretary you can boss around at the drop of a hat."

Clark awkwardly sat in silence in his chair for a brief moment, not sure of how to form his apology in a way that wouldn't land him in deeper trouble.

Lois immediately looked regretful and put her right hand on her forehead.

"I'm sorry Clark, I did mean to go all Annie Wilkes on you."

Clark breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay Lois, I probably should have given you some space before going off on you."

Lois sat down at her desk across from Clark as she said, "Don't even worry about Perry, that blowhard wouldn't fire me even if I poured hot coffee on his lap. My stories are too juicy for him to pass up on."

Clark giggled. Lois smiled at him before immediately looking back down at her desk.

"Besides," she said, "I've got bigger things in my life to deal with, especially now."

Clark looked at her bewildered, "What do you mean? What's wrong?"

Lois sat quietly while playing with her fingers.

"Lois, what's wrong? Whatever it is you can tell me. Did something happen?"

"Well something did, or rather is happening right now, but I-I definitely wouldn't say it uh, is wrong. I mean it depends on how you look at it from umm a personal viewpoint on uh certain subjects in particular and uh…"

Clark had been with Lois long enough to know that when Lois starts rambling nonstop it usually means she's got something big on her mind.

Clark cut her off, "Lois!" She stopped and stared blankly at him.

"You're rambling again. Look whatever is on your mind you know you can trust me with it. No matter how ugly or uncomfortable it might be I would rather we both be honest with each other than to keep secrets."

Lois couldn't help but smile at what Clark was saying.

"After all Lois I wouldn't have told you the biggest secret of my life if I didn't know you were the one person I could always count on."

Lois's eyes started to glisten as they started to get watery.

Clark continued. "And besides," he stopped for a moment to look around to make sure no one else was around to listen in. "And besides, if anyone can handle anything it's Superman."

Clark winked at Lois, and she responded by showing off a big smile as she stared lovingly at her husband.

"So spill," said Clark, "what does the great Lois Lane have on her mind?"

Lois got up from her chair, and slowly walked around her desk. Her focus on Clark never wavered as she made her way to him. When she finally got around to him, Clark stood up from his chair and they came face to face with each other. She grabbed Clark's hands and held them close to her chest.

"The reason I was late today," she said, "was because I was at the doctor's office this morning. For the past month I've been feeling sick to my stomach and sometimes I'd get these migraines that…" she stopped.

Clark looked at her with such worry in his eyes, thinking of the worst possible outcome to come out of this conversation. Lois, with a single tear rolling down her face, looked at Clark with such intense love in her eyes.

"I want you to do something for me," she said.

"What? Tell me Lois, what?"

"I want you to open up those big dopey ears of yours," she said with amusement hoping to defuse the tension. "I want you to use your super hearing and tell me the closest sound you can hear."

Clark at first seemed confused at Lois's request, but felt that she must have had a good reason.

"Okay Lois. Is there anything in particular I'm supposed to be listening to?"

Lois shook her head. "Try focusing on what's close by, perhaps what's in this room."

Now he really seemed since there was nothing around the office besides them, their computers and phones that could make noise. Nonetheless Clark complied with her request.

He turned his head slightly as he focused his hearing to go beyond normal limits and to listen as he would as Superman. At first all he could hear were the sounds of phones ringing, people chatting, and keyboard typing. But as Clark focused harder he was able to drown out the more mundane sounds until it was fixed to only the things that were in his and Lois's office. He could hear his heartbeat and Lois's heartbeat, which sounded normal to Clark. He felt relieved for a moment at the sound of her heart beating at a regular pace.

Suddenly, a strange sound went off in his ears that caught Clark's attention right away. It was small, repetitive, and oddly familiar.

Very faintly Clark asked, "Is that….a heartbeat?"

Lois smiled brightly at Clark, as he continued to listen closely to the noise. At first he thought it was Lois's heart but as he focused harder on Lois he realized that he was listening to not one but two heartbeats inside her. There was one that was strong and loud, while another one was small and frail. Clark figured that the louder was Lois, which meant only one thing.

Clark gazed in Lois eyes which were not shooting out multiple tears as she smiled with such joy.

"Lois? Are you.."

Before he could continue Lois said, "Yes Clark, I'm pregnant."

And just like that Clark's eyes began to water too. He began laughing joyfully with the biggest smile you could imagine. He pulled Lois in and embraced her in a big hug. She wrapped her arms around him as they both laughed softly.

"I can't believe it," he said. "We're having a baby."

Lois, with her head on Clark's broad shoulders, shook slightly. "Yeah Smallville, we're having a baby."

Clark's laughter got louder as he hoisted Lois up, and swung her around in a truly romantic fashion. He made sure to be gentle as he swept her off her feet now that she was carrying precious cargo. When he put her down Clark cradled her face in his hands, and began to passionately kiss her to which she delightfully took part in.

But then Clark pulled away and showed off a concerned look in his eyes.

"Wait a second. We don't know what's going to happen. I mean, what if this baby's like me. We don't know how a pregnancy like this will go and what if.."

"Smallville!" Lois said, stopping Clark in mid sentence.

"I can't tell you what tomorrow will bring, or what will happen 9 months from now. All I know is that whatever happens, we'll face it head on together. I mean seriously, what's Superman without Lois Lane to be by his side to help him through the tough times."

Clark Kent laughed slightly, and Lois cradled one side of his face with her hand.

"This is happening Clark. We're really having a baby. And I know it's only been a month or so but I'm already in love with this kid."

Clark smiled, "Well I've only known for a few minutes and I already love it as much as I love you."

He pulled Lois in yet again, and they were locked in a warm embrace. Both were feeling joyful and anxious as they realized a new member of their small family would be arriving sooner than they thought.

Flash-forward: Present, Smallville Medical Center

Looking back at how happy he was when he heard his baby's faint heartbeat for the first time made him more at ease. He stopped shaking his knee, which ceased the trembling pictures on the walls. Clark Kent remained seated in the waiting area with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, a shout from across the room caught his attention.


He looked up and saw that it was none other than his best friend and fellow superhero, Oliver Queen, a.k.a. The Green Arrow.

To Be Continued

Coming up..Oliver provides words of comfort to Clark before he is suddenly called to join his wife as their baby enters the world. Stay tuned!

I hope you all enjoyed the first part in this cute story. If you have any positive feedback you'd like to give that's always welcomed. The more this story is liked the quicker I might be in updating this story.