
Lieutenant Wesley Crusher was in the engineering and putting something in place.

He graduated Starfleet Academy last month and decided to stay on the Enterprise so he can be with his family, the Enterprise family. They call themselves a family after being together for six years. He broke up with Robin two years ago and now has a current girlfriend named Kathryn or Kat for short and were doing just fine. He has something in his room that he's going to bring with him tomorrow on their date.

"There we go. All set!" he said smiling.

"Awesome, let's see if it works." Geordi said.

So he hit the button and it worked.

"Perfect!" he said smiling.

So they gave each other a high five and then started to back up.

"I'm so lucky you came back to the Enterprise after you graduated."

"You really think I'd leave this place? My dad worked in this one, my mom works here and I've been here since I was fifteen years old. I'd never leave home and my family!" Then he looked at his watch. "I have to go, my shift is in five minutes."

"Alright, see you later."

When he got to the Main Bridge he said hello to Picard and sat down.

"Warp nineteen Lieutenant Crusher." he said.

He was proud of him for making it to a lieutenant. When he thinks about the past six years he sees the teenager he met and was annoyed by and how much he's grown up. Even after what he did at the Academy two years ago he was proud of him for admitting what they did.

"Yes sir." Wesley said and set it all up.


Then he hit the button and they were off.

The next day he was in the engineering again and had just finished playing around with something when he tripped over something else and banged his head hard on the desk.

"Ooff!" he said.

"Wes! You ok?" Geordi asked next to him.

Wesley looked at him confused.

"Who are you?"