A/N: Hi. This one shot is inspired by a prompt my cousin gave me coz I have no idea what to write.

(Female lead is mutually inlove with the pursuing male lead but she's in denial and keeps avoiding / ignoring him instead. Male lead is finally annoyed so he found a way to corner the female lead into finally stop her stubbornness and admit her true feelings.)

So... I tried to use this but OkiKagu style and this happened. Ugh, I'm sorry if I suck at writing mature content stories. Seriously, I wanted to hide while writing this hahahaha. Unedited. I don't own Gintama.

Wrong grammars, typos, misspellings and etc. ahead!

Review or Criticize


'I should have knooooooooowwwwnnnn!' Kagura howls inside her head. She may look calm outside but she's panicking inside. She could even hear imaginary police sirens and annoying school bell ringing in addition to her inner dilemma.

'Noooooooo!' Kagura continues to moan complaints in her mind. 'Of all people I could ride an elevator with, why did it have to be with this damned sadist?! Ugh, I'm so screwed! ' The imaginary Kagura in the middle of darkness, in her head of course, dramatically kneels and cried a river while putting both hands on her face. She looks like an abandoned madwoman.

"Well, well, well. If isn't the infamous Yorozuya girl. Fancy seeing you here, China." came a taunting voice beside her.

She is busy berating herself in her mind that she almost shrieked when the Shinsengumi 1st Division Captain finally speaks. Uh oh.

'I'm so going to investigate you, Soyo. I have a feeling you have something to do with this. I could tell. ' She should have known that Soyo asking her a favor to buy a milkshake is one of her alibis. That manipulative princess! She felt betrayed. She thought she's one of her allies but now that she's trapped, she doesn't think so. Kagura laments and finally focused on reality. This is it. I'm gonna face this sadistic bastard once and for all.

"Heh, what are you doing here, sadist? Escaping work as expected, I see." She replied with equal calmness and hostility. She crosses her arms on her chest and smirked at him maliciously. "Man, aren't you a lucky dog that gets paid even if he forsakes his work. I'm jealous." She added.

"Hoo, that's rich coming from a poor employee like you. At least I get paid, right?" The sandy-haired policeman retorted back heartlessly.

'Ouch.' She flinched visibly because as much as she loved that useless foster father Gin-chan of hers and his run-down home/office, what the Shinsengumi officer said is also true. No matter how many years have passed, Gin-chan is still the cheapskate bastard when it comes to their salaries.

"Tch." She looked away from the annoying man and focused on the floor buttons across from her instead. She plans to ignore him until she came upon her designated floor to buy Soyo her blasted milkshake.

"You're really stubborn, China." Sougo said out of the blue. Surprised, the vermilion head looks at his direction again and then points at her nose in disbelief.

"Me? Stubborn? What the hell are you playing at, bastard? Just so you know, I don't have anything against you." Kagura is annoyed from the start but now, she's starting to get pissed too. What's with the personal attacks this time?

The policeman stared at her intensely that caught her off guard. Woah, what's going on? She asked herself warily.

He sighed sharply and turns his body towards the wide eyed girl: "I've been courting you for a year now and I have to say, you're so stubborn. Like, my-teeth-are-itching stubborn."

Kagura choked: "W-What did you say?! Wh-What the h-hell, sadist?!" She is pointing her finger at the policeman in horror.

If Sougo didn't know her personality, he would be offended by the reaction she's giving him right now. Unfortunately though, the sadistic captain is finally fed up by their cat and mouse charade and wants to end the chase. He had enough of Kagura's avoiding him like a plague and ignoring him like an air.

The Yorozuya girl started avoiding him when he started showing his advances. She would find various excuses to flee whenever he is around. She even stopped reacting to his provocations like she's not affected at all. She would be defensive when he finds an opening to be alone with her. The cycle continues for one year.

One time, he even rented a restaurant to treat her on her birthday just to be brushed off heartlessly.

It's frustrating and... tiring. Who said sadists don't get tired?

That's why when the ex-princess Tokugawa Soyo sent him a detailed text message about their girl's day out that was supposed to be sent to Kagura, he wasted no time to go to the mall.

That China girl's obstinate ass ends today. He swore.

Sougo chuckled darkly, crimson eyes raging: "Can't you even tell when someone likes you? Oh, wait. You can't because you were busy running away like a coward. I'm disappointed in you, China girl. Here I thought you would face me head on." He tsked.

Kagura was silent for three seconds before an angry glint crossed her cerulean eyes. Suddenly, she swung her fist to his face.

Okita Sougo could see that punch coming miles away but he still can't believe that this damned yato is finally giving him the reaction he is waiting for.


His smile is vexing: "Ho? Finally got the balls to face me, China?" He taunted.

She gritted her teeth and attacks him one more time: "You damn Chihuahua! Saying weird things like that AGAIN." She keeps on attacking the police officer and he keeps on evading her punch like a choreographed dance.

Well, they've been fighting since teenage years that's why they can read each other's defensive moves and offensive attacks.

"Let me go!" Kagura glared at him when he finally tamed her offensive arms. He had her trapped in the corner of the elevator. Both hands above her head and legs between his.

"Losers should shut up." The girl was shocked when he handcuffs her hand on his.

"Sadist!" She screamed at him but he just smiled sardonically in return.

"Now. I'm going to ask you something and you better answer me this time before the door opens- oops wait, I remember, I had Yamazaki tell the mall to stop this particular elevator because I'll be investigating a criminal inside." He mocked a sorry expression but his voice didn't sound sorry at all.

"YOU WHAT?! What criminal?! You f*ucking corrupted bastard! You really know how to abuse your authority, baka-sadist." She squirms to free herself from the corrupt officer but she felt his free hand on her waist. She growled at him in warning.

"If it's the only way to corner you, then yes. Now, answer me." Sougo demands.


Kagura who is fuming mad, blushed furiously because she already knows his untold question: "No."

His crimson eyes turned colder: "Why?"

Kagura looks away from his eyes, unable to match against its intensity: "Because you are a sadistic bastard who keeps bothering me." She glared at him briefly and continues, "Everytime you are around, I feel like my chest would explode. I can only calm down when I can't hear your annoying voice. I can't even eat properly because my stomach felt weird. You are so annoying that I even dream of you pestering me. See? Why should I say yes to you when you are the thorn I want to stay away fro-"

The rest of her sentence were swallowed by a searing kiss. She groaned when the captain bit her lower lip painfully.

Sougo glared at her hatefully after their kiss and warned her: "Stop the bullshit, China."

"I said no." Kagura challenged. Her swollen lips is set on a straight line. "What, going to kiss me again?"

The policeman smiled sadistically: "Damn right you are."

The second kiss was more punishing than the first. His teeth clawed at her lips sharply. Her eyes watered by the rough invasion and all she could do is to let the man kiss her like the end of the world is tomorrow.

Crimson eyes taunted her: "Give up already?" She knows the double meaning of that question so she looked at him in disdain, "Bastard."

By the time for the third kiss, Sougo freed her hand from the handcuff and had them around his neck while he ravish her addicting lips. Tongues danced with each other and the vermilion head didn't evade his touch. His chest on hers felt scalding hot that makes her toes tingle. His hard belt pokes her stomach everytime he pulls her closer to him.

"You're going to pay for making me suffer for a year." The man growled in their kiss and the woman hummed softly.

With their foreheads against each other: "I believe you have something to tell me?" Sougo inquired. Kagura frowned shyly and stared at the officer's thin lips. It vexed her that she already gave up the moment she saw who's the figure coming inside the elevator earlier but she thinks it's time to surrender to her real feelings for this man and let the doors of hell open.

After dodging his obvious advances for the past one year, she already had enough of it. She can't find a reason to refuse his constant appearances wherever she go anymore.

After the unexpected and shocking kiss at her Anego's wedding, she tried to act normal around him to dispel any awkward feelings she has for him but he made it difficult for her because he was blatantly showing his shameless courting skills to her.

The last straw was when it was Kyubei's birthday and the sadist found the opportunity to trap her on a balcony and declared his love in the most annoying Okita Sougo way.

"I'm only saying this for one time, China. I love you, idiot. I'm yours, you're mine. Will you be my girlfriend?"

She looked at him like as if he said he is a cow in his past life then blushed then paled then ran away screeching like a banshee.

The memory made her flush, finally admitting defeat: "I love you too." She could hear her heartbeat inside her ears. Her fingers tremble against his neck.

Okita Sougo's smile was sadistic and pleased: "Yes, you do and?" He gave her a closed-mouth kiss that lingered for two seconds.

"... and I'll never push you away again."

He hummed, pecking her temple : "What else?"

"... and you're mine." She avoided his smirking eyes. The urge to kick him in the stomach is too strong.

"... and?" He urged her one more time, running his nose to her smooth cheek.

"... and I'm yours." She whispered shyly.

The fourth kiss is the sweetest kiss.

"You'll stop running away from me this time?" He asked.

Kagura's lips quivered: "Yes."

"You'll be honest to yourself and not fight it this time?"

"Yes." She nodded. This time she is the one asking: "You really love me?"

He smirked, "I already told you that last year but you just ran away like you are in fire-"

"Sadist!" Kagura's pale face reddens.

He chuckled before turning serious, "Yes, yes. I love you, idiot pig."

"Tch. Next question," she stared at him intently: "You'll stop stealing kisses from now on?"

He had to laugh at that one because he remembered their first kiss on Lady Boss Otae's and Kondo-san's wedding.

Apparently, the China girl turned 18 that year so Gin-chan finally let her dress like a woman and use make up. Everybody's jaw dropped at her makeover and she caught foreign allies' interest attending the wedding. When someone boldly proposed to Kondo-san for her hand, Sougo lost it and kissed her in the middle of the ceremony.

From then, Kagura avoided him like a plague.

"No promises."

"Sadist..." she narrowed her cerulean eyes at him in warning.

"I would be crazy to say yes, idiot. If I can steal a kiss from you when you're not mine, how much more now?" He raised his eyebrow, quietly challenging the woman in his arms.

After glaring at him, Kagura seems to remember something because she suddenly pushed him away (literally) and started pressing the elevator buttons in panic.

"Oh my God, I forgot about Soyo!" She screamed.

"She already left." He scoffed. Kagura froze.

"What?" She asked him in confusion.

Sougo leaned away from the elevator wall and replied: "She texted me earlier. Do you think I could find you in this gigantic mall alone? She told me to meet you at the food court."

"Some bestfriend she is." She spat bitterly.

"Oi, if she didn't interfere, do you think you would have this policeman as your boyfriend?"

She snorted, "Yeah, I'm good. I should be the one saying that. This beauty is hard to catch, sadist." She sneered at him.

"Only because you're good at running away like a coward." He retorted.

"Whatever, you still had a hard time so the joke is on you. Hahahahahha!" Kagura laughed like a villain.

"Why you-"


"Captain Okita, is the investigation over?" Yamazaki asked warily after the door opens. The two people were staring at him blankly before they composed their appearances.

"Yes. Go back to the station and report to Hijikata-san about today's mission." Sougo said in a serious voice.

"E-eh? T-then, where is the suspect?" Yamazaki is confused. As far as his clear eyesight is concerned, the only people inside the elevator were his captain and the Yorozuya girl.

"Just tell him the suspect is found innocent. Go."


The detective gaped at his captain in confusion. So, you mean to say that he waited for an hour to arrange the clearance and the needed paperworks to request the mall's cooperation to this operation only to find out that the suspect is found not guilty?... Huh?

The frowning police officer was about to call his superior when he froze at the scene ahead of him.

His sadistic captain is seen holding hands with the China girl while walking away from him.


The end.

A/N: Intentional OOC. Hahahaha.