A birthday story for zeroa5raven on DA. Here you go, Amiga! Happy Birthday! :)

Deltarune belongs Toby Fox. I own nothing.

A Sibling's Bond

Lancer was down on his belly on the floor, slithering around like a snake as he looked around, hunting for a target. "Hmm, where is she?" He asked himself.

He was on the lookout for Susie, who was like a big sister to him. As he was looking around, he heard someone coming and paused, staying hidden, grinning when he saw Rouxls, who was like his second father, Jevil, and Susie. "Lancer hath been looking forward to you coming over, Susie," the blue-skinned robot said.

The purple-skinned dinosaur chuckled. "Probably because I promised him that we'd play some games," she said.

"It's good that my nephew has a sister who cares for him," Jevil said, a smile on his face.

"Of course," Susie said before looking somber. "I just don't get how his father can be so...cold towards Lancer."

"The king feeleth Lancer is a distraction, sadly," Rouxls said, frowning as he felt anger at that.

Jevil huffed. "Lancer is just a kid, kid!" He said. "The king should be proud to have a wonderful son, son!"

"If only that were the case, friend Jevil."

Susie clenched her fists. "Well, if he feels he can't be bothered to be a Dad, then perhaps you should adopt Lancer, Rouxls," she said.

The blue-skinned robot jumped in surpirse. "What?" He asked.

"I agree, agree!" Jevil said happily. "You treat Lancer like a son, Rouxls. He sees you as a second father."

"Tis true," Rouxls admitted. "Like Kris, Lancer is liketh a son to me."

"And Kris is doing so much better now," Susie said. "Bullies used to pick on him for being an orphan, but ever since you took him in, they don't bother him anymore."

The robot looked at her with a smile. "I believeth thou might have had something to doeth with the bullies leaving Kris be?" He said.

"You know it," she said with a grin before looking around. "By the way, I wonder where Lancer is."

"Yeah, I would have thought he'd be at the door to greet you, Susie," Jevil said in confusion.

"Perhaps he is getting some games ready to play," Rouxls said. "You knoweth how much he loveth making sure all is just right for any game he plays with friends."

"That's true," Susie said with a smile. "And he always comes up with good games."

"As do you, Susie," said Jevil. "Remember how Lancer didn't like cleaning up the backyard, but you made it into a game for him?"

"Yeah," she said with a giggle. "He really enjoyed that."

"Thou art a very good sister to him, Susie," Rouxls said with a smile. "When the day comes that I do adopteth Lancer, I'll be glad to adopteth thou as well."

Susie was surprised before she looked down. Her home life hadn't been the best and she stayed in a secret place that only Kris and Ralsei knew about and had sworn to keep a secret. "I'll think about it," she promised him.

"I understandeth," he said reassuringly.

Lancer smiled as he heard the exchange. While it was true that his own father didn't spend time with him, Rouxls always did, which was why he was happy to hear that the robot was thinking about adopting him and Susie. She needed a good home too.

As the trio passed by his hiding place, he hunkered down, moving swiftly and silently as he had seen some of his rudinns do when playing games or practicing. He paused when they paused and stayed hidden.

Susie looked over her shoulder curiously before humming and shrugging her shoulders when she saw nothing behind her. "What is it, Susie?" Jevil asked.

"I just got a feeling that someone was following us," she said.

"Perhaps one of the rudinns or hathys," Rouxls said. "They do patrol quite a bit here."

Susie nodded and continued walking before suddenly grunting as something tackled her to the floor. She landed on her stomach with a grunt while Jevil and Rouxls jumped in surprise and the former called up his magic while the latter pulled out his sword, but both paused and laughed as they saw a small little monster sitting on the purple-skinned dinosaur's back. "Twould seemeth that Susie was right about being followed," the robot said with a chuckle.

Susie lifted her head in time to hear a familiar laugh. "I got you, Susie!" A familiar voice said.

Grinning as she recognized who was on her back, she turned her head to look at the little monster that was practically her brother. "Hey, squirt," she said, calling him by his favorite nickname. "What were you doing?"

"Practicing stealth," he said, looking proud of himself. "And I caught you!"

She laughed. "You sure did, buddy," she said, proud of him. She was about to get up when she felt fingers wiggle onto her ribs, which were her worst spot. "AAAHHHH! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEY!"

"Tickle attack!" Lancer cheered as he kept up the tickle torture while Rouxls and Jevil watched in amusement, laughing as well as Susie tried to grab the little monster, but he was too quick for her and she was in stitches from him tickling her ribs.

In an effort to stop him, the purple-skinned dinosaur managed to turn onto her back, but the small monster just crawled up her side and tickled her stomach and ribs at the same time, making her squeal with laughter, her squeals growing louder when he blew raspberries into her stomach.


He laughed. "Do you concede, Susie?" He asked.

She nodded and he stopped, sitting on her stomach as he watched her recover. "How was that, huh?" He asked with a big grin.

Susie chuckled before looking at him. "So that's what it is, huh?" She asked, a gleam coming to her eyes.

Lancer, seeing this, gulped as a wobbly smile came to his face. "Uh-oh," he said, a giggle escaping him as he tried to get away.

"Oh, no you don't!" The purple-skinned dinosaur said playfully, sitting up and catching the little monster in her arms. "Come here, you rascal!"

"Eeek!" He squeaked before squealing with laughter as Susie tickled his stomach. "AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Tickle, tickle, tickle! Who's my ticklish little brother?" She cooed to him before blowing a big raspberry into his stomach, making him squeal.


She giggled. "Oh, you're just too cute, squirt," she said, letting him up as he giggled and hugged her. She hugged him back with a smile.

Jevil smiled. "They have a close bond as siblings," he said.

"Yes, they do," Rouxls agreed with a smile.

Lancer looked up at Susie with big eyes. "Susie, can we play the cops and robbers game?" He asked.

She chuckled. "Sure, squirt," she said. "You be the cop and me the robber?"

He nodded and as the two adults watched with amusement, the two children played happily, the bond between them evident to the two adults.

I just had to. :)

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