






Katsuki headed down the hill, sensing that perhaps the press would attack him with questions, preferring to flee from that dire encounter.

To his disgrace, on going down the hill, he met Todoroki.

"Bastard" He muttered under his breath, irritated to see him.

"And Midoriya?" He asked.

"What do you care where he is?!" He huffed.

"I care a lot" He shouted, changing his nonchalant gesture to a more pleasant one.

"You never cared about, Deku" Katsuki highlighted.

"I'm interested in knowing how he improved so much in two years" He snapped. It was like having touched a nerve to Katsuki that. "It's impressive the enormous amount of power that he exerted with so little effort, that is, I didn't expect it from someone as reckless as Midoriya"

"Can you stop talking about Deku ?!" He pushed him away. "I've had enough! I don't know why they brought us together on this"

"Because Midoriya is on vacation" Recalled Todoroki uneasily. "And if he goes on vacation, it is up to you to work with me"

"I'd rather work with the four eyes than a trash like you-"

"What harsh words for someone who loves his childhood friend and has never told him" He said sarcastically; Katsuki glanced at him, a vein in his temple throbbing hard. "Is it out of fear of Midoriya's rejection? Or because he won't see you like before?"

"Shut up!" He growled, shrugging his shoulders.

"I say that you are afraid that Midoriya will run away from you again" He concluded, moving his eyebrows, using a rather sarcastic and cold tone. "What if Midoriya finds someone... poor you" He said with a fake smile.

"Enough!" He tried to defend himself, but he knew that those words, however tiresome they were, were, after all, true. Katsuki feared that Deku would walk away from him by confessing his feelings, and he also feared that he would leave him for someone else as he already did with the bastard in front of him and kept teasing him.

"I know I'm telling the truth!" Todoroki sputtered, facing him. "Don't try to deny everything like you always do, Bakugou, I already know those tricks of yours; that's why I told Midoriya when we were dating that you were a bad influence for him"

"You are the bastard who dated Deku for convenience" Katsuki attacked.

"And you're the one who runs after Midoriya like a poor wretch?" He winced giving him sidelong glance. "And you're still a coward"

"What did you call me?!" He broke out in anger.

"You are a coward" He repeated mockingly, shaking his head from side to side. "Happy?"

"You piece of scum!" Katsuki approached him to punch a punch in his face, but before he got there, the press had come to meet him and their chances of hitting him went straight to the trash.

"You better keep those animal instincts to yourself, Bakugou, if not, Midoriya will end up hating you" Todoroki whispered to him, when he stopped himself from hitting him. "Remember that I was his boyfriend for four years, of course I know what he likes, much better than you, because you only know the Midoriya of childhood, not the adult one and those are completely different"

Katsuki glared at him, restraining the urge to finish him with blows, suppressing those desires because if he didn't, maybe Deku would hate him for being that way with people, and if Deku hated him, then what was the use of loving him so much if he wasn't reciprocated .

Also, in what sense did the Deku of childhood and that of adulthood differ? For him, the two were the same, because he still saw the same gestures on Deku's face, the same laughter, the uncontrolled crying, the intense determination to help the others, his kindness, his humility, his natural intelligence.

Those details lingered on the nerd, and would linger forever.

For Katsuki it made no sense to compare the two Dekus he knew, if they were the same person.

Todoroki only played with him.

"Shouto" A reporter came in to ask them. "What was it like working with Ground Zero?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes, emitting a vague sigh.

"In fact, we were helped by hero Deku" He replied nonchalantly. He turned to see the damned Todoroki in a fury of anger.

"Hero Deku?!" Repeated the reporter with an excited face.

"Yes, he is here in this city" He announced with a fake smile.

"But he is in Latin America" Replied the reporter. "Does that mean he came back?"

"That's right" Todoroki agreed. "Ground Zero, can you explain that to us better, or not?" He looked at him with those bichromatic eyes that he so repudiated. Katsuki gritted his teeth, restraining himself from popping that idiot at any time.

"Is it true?" The reporter turned her attention to him, planting herself with luminous eyes.

"It's true" He confirmed, and withdrew from the cameras and the press, listening to the reporters' happy cries behind him.

How idiotic could he be for Deku.

He felt himself sinking into a lagoon of recurring thoughts, until the recurrence became a habit. A terribly annoying, constant and almost permanent habit.

A lagoon that swayed in rain, a rain that fell from the very top of the sky, a rain that could not stop no matter how hard I tried to do it, and when everything was clouded the shocking silence was his company to think about.

There was no choice but to return to the agency with the regret that he would deal with his friends, who, surely, would ask him about Deku, and he was not in the mood to explain that he left him alone to go fix a shirt. A damn shirt!

"Bakugou!" The first to approach him was Kirishima, who greeted him and congratulated him on having accomplished the mission.

He nodded, giving a weak sigh.

"Bro, how did it go with Midoriya?"

His stomach contracted and he made that movement that he did when something made him resentful; and this was the case.

He gave his friend a grim look, sliding away from him.

Kirishima put on a puzzled expression.

"What happened?" He asked. "Did we do wrong to send him with you? We knew you wouldn't want to work with Todoroki and when Midoriya came looking for you, I didn't see why not give him the direction of the mission"

"You wouldn't have done it, you idiot!" He grumbled, shoulders hunched.

"How was it?" Kaminari appeared, standing next to Kirishima. "Eijirou and I did an excellent job sending Midoriya to you "

"Denki, I think we didn't do a good job" Kirishima informed him, glancing at him stealthily. "We screwed up on this"

"What? But Bakugou likes Midoriya" Kaminari insisted stubbornly. Kirishima put his arm around Kaminari's waist, pinning him to his side.

"I know, but there is no need to irritate Bakugou anymore" He advised.

Katsuki was there watching their exchange, which curiously, made him envious, well, those would be him and Deku, if things had been different, which was not the case, and regretting it would only make his feelings worse.

"Deku is on vacation." He stood firm before them. "Don't expose him to jobs that don't correspond to him, you idiots!" His friends looked at him in horror, but they didn't flinch. "And they did what I didn't want to happen!"

"What thing?" Kaminari asked with his innocent face.

"Let Deku see the half and half bastard!" He said angrily. "The bastard had no shame with Deku"

"And what did he say?" Kaminari said. Kirishima elbowed him in the side, looking at him with a face that said no more.

Katsuki left indignant at Kaminari's recklessness.

Arriving home, he inserted the key into the lock, opening the door, hoping that Deku was there, because he did not imagine that some dry cleaner had gone to fix his shirt.

Fortunately, when he had those kinds of missions, they gave him a chance to leave before work, that was why, when he entered, he saw that hardly the night light settled on the wood of the floor.

"I'm home" He announced his presence, however he was greeted with a dramatic cry from Deku, saying:

"Oh no, the stain won't go away!" He heard the sound that something was being polished, or scrubbing, he himself couldn't distinguish what kind of sound it was, but he knew that Deku was trying to remove the stains. desperately bleeds into his shirt.

"Deku" He mentioned, stepping into the room, seeing that Deku was indeed wiping the shirt with a damp towel on the floor in front of the sofa where he slept and had an open laptop on the table.

It was the first time he had seen anything more of Deku's belongings since arriving at his apartment. Now he knew that the nerd owned a Macbook Pro.

"Ah, hi Kacchan." He became aware of her presence in the apartment.

"Nerd" He muttered. "Are you trying to clean your disgusting shirt on my floor?"

"Em" Deku rolled his eyes in concern. "Sorry, Kacchan, I'd better go to the dry cleaner"

"They are closed at this time, stupid" He said to hold him back, knowing that he would have no choice but to offer to clean his shirt himself.

"Yes?" He said listlessly, continuing to rub the shirt with the towel. "What bad luck"

"Deku" He said, exhaling.

"Tell me, Kacchan." He looked up attentively.

"Give me your shirt." He reached out to him.

"What?" He looked at him questioningly.

"Give me your damn shirt." He snatched it from his grasp. "I'll clean it for you, since you can't do anything right, useless"

"Really?" He asked impressed.

"These stains aren't removed with a towel" He grumbled, inspecting the nerd's Hawaiian shirt in disgust.

What a bad taste in clothes Deku has, he thought in conflict.

"How come you have a Macbook Pro, and a shirt as mediocre as this?" He inquired, shaking his head.

"Kacchan!" Deku exclaimed. "That shirt was given to me on my birthday, it means a lot to me" He said with a shy smile.

His chest clenched suddenly.

"Was it a girl?" He dared to say. His tongue stung his palate in great discomfort.

"No" He denied, directing his gaze to the shirt appreciatively. "My coworker gave it to me."

The same idiot you always talk about? He wanted to say, but stopped when he saw Deku continue.

"Well, whenever we travel on a mission, he buys me a shirt" He explained, hesitating with his fingers. "He doesn't tell me why he does it, but he usually buys me a shirt every place we go." He smiled as if remembering something cute. "And on my birthday he gave it to me as a token of our hard work and sacrifice"

"This?" Katsuki raised his shirt in disgust.

"Yes!" He laughed cheerfully. "It happened that we were in Cancun, and at the end of the mission, he gave me the shirt that same night"

"I see..." He didn't know how to respond to that situation, because it was very difficult for him to guess something coherent.

Jealousy and helplessness played a huge role in Katsuki's life and if they collided with each other, it would end in tragedy.

"But I have other shirts, Kacchan" He replied proudly. "Like this one" He showed the shirt he was wearing. "I bought it in Vallarta, at Mr. Frogs." Indeed, it was a Mr. Frogs green shirt. "They are very comfortable"

"You have horrible tastes for clothing" He spluttered, seeing that Deku's jaw dropped.

"You think?" He mumbled taking it seriously.

"I don't think so, it is so" He corrected, taking the hideous stained shirt with him to the bathroom, knowing what he would do to clean it.

"Do you think I look very ugly?" He asked innocently.

"Yes, idiot." He gritted his teeth, going into the bathroom. "I'll clean your shirt, so don't bother me!" He warned, closing the door on his face.

"O-ok Kacchan!" He said from the other side. "You're great! You can do it!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes, once again surrendered to those charms that he tried so hard to repress, but he didn't think he could do it any longer.

Soon he would get tired of holding himself back so much that he would end up bursting and kissing Deku, and he didn't doubt that this soon, would come faster than he anticipated.






P.S. Poor Kacchan! I hope things are better for him.

And Deku super worried about his shirt.