So, I was watching the Smallville episode Warrior, and this came to me. Clark/Zatanna pairing.

Daily Planet

"Clark. Clark. SMALLVILLE!"

"Huh? What was that Lois? Were you saying something?" Clark asked, and the brunette snorted.

"No Smallville. That was just the voice in your head calling your name for the last five minutes! Yeesh, where have you been?"

Clark didn't answer. The smart aleck comment that he had been sitting right across from her never leaving his lips. For while he had physically never left his desk at the Daily Planet, his mind had been wandering back to the previous evening. Back to Zatanna, the beautiful magic user he had been helping. The woman who had kissed him, and who he had kissed in return. Oh, she had used some of her magic to light a few candles, and to push him towards kissing her. But after their lips had connected, he had been kissing her because he wanted to. Good gracious had he been kissing her. Then she had climbed on his lap, and it could have very quickly become a whole lot more than just kissing. But then he had remembered Lois. Lois who had been waiting outside. Lois who he had a crush on, who he had admitted to Zatanna he cared for. Lois, who he would keep at arm's length, because after everything that had happened with Lana, he didn't want to be hurt again. Lois who was staring right at him still waiting for an answer to her question.

"Sorry Lois, just lost in thought I guess." He replied, and she rolled her eyes.

"Uh huh. And this thought wouldn't happen to have dark hair and wear fishnets would it?" She asked, and Clark glared.

"What are you-"

"Ha. I knew it. Clark Kent has it bad for the magician from last night. What happened Kent? You try to make a move and strike out? Or were you just too scared?" She asked, and he glared, biting his tongue to keep from responding. To keep from telling Lois that Zatanna had come on to him. His parents had raised him better than that.

A moment later his phone rang, Clark answering it without even looking at the caller ID.

"Clark Kent."

"So, I could use your help with that book we found yesterday. If you're not too busy with your space trooper that is?"

Clark smiled as he heard Zatanna's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Not at all. In fact, I was just about to go get lunch. Care to join me?"

"Why Mr. Blur, are you asking me on a date?"

There was still that same flirtatious banter, he had heard the previous evening, but he could hear the question in her voice. Was he actually asking her out, or was this going to be a repeat of yesterday? In the second it took him to respond, thoughts raced through his mind. He remembered his disastrous relationship with Lana, how his desire to keep her safe from his secret drove her into Lex's arms. He remembered his conversation with Zatanna the previous night. He remembered how she had looked at him. Not as though he was some larger than life deity or a secret she had to unravel. No, she had been impressed by his powers, but she had also understood him. She had understood the isolation and the loneliness he felt. She understood how he felt about those people at the convention, the ones who liked to dress up like heroes, but had no idea the burden that came from having a secret such as his. She understood him, knew who he was, and she accepted him anyway. All his life, he had wanted someone who would just accept him for who he was. For all of who he was. So what was he going to do? Wait forever for something to possibly happen with Lois? Or take a chance on what was right in front of him?

"Why yes, I do believe I am. Meet you outside in ten minutes?"

"It's a date."

A/N: So, I hope you all enjoyed this. Please read and review and the next chapter will be up soon!