A/N: Random idea I got for a side project. For the sake of the story not being too long, there will be skipping through the Avatar story section. I will still cover it some, but I will be skipping several episodes worth of stuff.

I briefly thought to just not to show the Avatar side of things. I was originally more focused on the stuff after Harry returns. I was planning to reference it and have flashbacks, but I decided it would be too important to treat that way.

I've never written anything in the Avatar: The Last Airbender world, so bear with me as I figure out how to write action scenes and such for it.

Things might seem rather samey to canon at first. Harry's involvement will start off a little on the slow and minimal side. He will get trained up, so eventually he will be just as involved as the others. Keep in mind, he doesn't exactly have a lot of experience with fighting battles and such. His experience with magic is rather limited at this point too.

This story starts off after his name comes out of the Goblet in fourth year. The "Bending Force" aspect of the title will come into play on the HP side of things. This story is mostly rated M for safety. I will be keeping it within the M guidelines for here.

Chapter 1: Unforeseen Consequences

"Dumbledore?" Harry asked after he and Hermione successfully saved Buckbeak and Sirius. He was meeting the Headmaster for their end of year meetup. It was becoming an annual event it seemed.

"Yes, Harry?" the headmaster asked from his desk.

"Why does all of this stuff happen to me? Meaning Voldemort and all of that? And don't say it is just because of that night… I just lost the only chance I ever had at real family. The Dursleys don't count. We share blood, but that is it," Harry said.

Dumbledore had to blink as he saw the intensity of Harry's green eyes. He thought over all that had been happening in the boy's life. "Was I being foolish thinking he could have a normal childhood? Would it not be better if he had a chance at a real life after Hogwarts instead?" he thought to himself.

It was in that moment Dumbledore decided perhaps he needed to tell Harry the truth. The boy asked for it back in his first year, after once again facing down Voldemort. The boy had taken on a young Tom Riddle and his giant deadly snake just last year. Now… the boy knew the seeds for Voldemort's return were planted and heard a real prophecy spoken.

"You once asked me for the truth, Harry. I refused to tell you at the time. Saying how it was a beautiful and terrible thing and should be treated with caution. I believed at the time that meant to keep it from you. Now, after watching you these last three years, I realized the caution I should have taken was telling you what it was. You will have to keep the secret as well for the time being," Dumbledore said in a voice that sounded every bit his age.

"I'm ready to do that, Professor Dumbledore," Harry said to him seriously.

"There was a prophecy. Voldemort knows part of it and that is why you are constantly targeted by him…" Dumbledore started.

Harry paid close attention as the Headmaster told him of the prophecy. He knew after tonight what was coming in the future. He needed to know this and pay attention to very detail. He would need to prepare.

What Dumbledore told Harry really stuck with him. The knowledge began Harry on the path he should have walked down for three years already. At least he was starting now. Hopefully it wouldn't be too late...

[-] [-] [-]

"Harry Potter?" Dumbledore called as he caught the fourth piece of paper spat out by the Goblet of Fire that Halloween Night.

The hall was silent. There were no cheers for another Tri-Wizard Tournament Champion. There were no tears from those you weren't selected for their school. It was just silence and a worried/puzzled Headmaster looking to a young and clueless fourth year. No matter what others would think, Dumbledore knew Harry hadn't put his name in the goblet at that moment.

"Head to antechamber," Dumbledore told Harry as the boy walked forwards with a frown.

Harry felt out of place compared to the other champions. They were imposing and talented. One was handsome. One was Beautiful. One had an intensity that demanded respect. They wanted this and prepared for it. Harry didn't want anything to do with it. He wanted to watch with his friends and cheer on the champions with everyone else. He didn't want to be in the tournament. He was just in his fourth year. There was no way he should be in it.

He did know why this happened to him though. It was because he was Harry Potter. That's what it was. He wouldn't be surprised if Voldemort was somehow involved in this as well with how things always went.

"Yes? Little Boy? Did you need something? Are zhey wanting us out zhere?" Fleur asked.

She wasn't completely rude, but Harry didn't like being called little boy. It really got to him.

Before Harry could say anything, Bagman came into the room excitedly. "We have a fourth Champion! This has never happened before... So exciting!"

"Zis must be a joke?" Madam Maxine said. It was clear she was not amused.

"It isn't… The goblet spat his name out," Bagman said.

"I don't want anything to do with this! I just started my fourth year. I want out!" Harry pleaded to the man. He was hoping Bagman would know how to get him out of the tournament.

"He doesn't want anything to do with it… I say let him withdraw," Cedric said. He was surprised by Harry's words, but for some reason he could tell the boy was being truthful. It also meant he only had two other competitors if Harry dropped out.

"I say we do zat," Fleur said. She did not look happy with the situation.

Krum remained silent.

"It is clear he is lying!" Karkaroff said in anger.

"No, I'm not! Why would I want to be in it?" Harry said defensively.

"You want the money! Who doesn't?" Karkaroff said with venom in his voice.

Harry, the champions, and their Heads of School didn't notice as four others joined them. Dumbledore motioned for the others to wait. He wanted to hear how this played out.

"I'm Heir to the Potter Family! Why would I want more money?" Harry grumbled.

Fleur, Madam Maxine, Krum, and Cedric blinked at that. It actually made a lot sense. Even those from other countries in the magical world knew of the Potter Family and their wealth. The boy was pretty much set up for life already.

"Pah! Then it is the fame! Clearly!" Karkaroff scoffed.

"I hate fame… I have that in spades too, despite how I wish I didn't. Bloody-Boy-Who-Lived mess…" Harry grumbled in reply. He was tired of this stuff. He didn't want in the tournament. He'd rather study more and prepare for what lay ahead for him. He wanted to enjoy watching the tournament as a break from it all. Not be a part of it.

Even Karkaroff couldn't find a way to dispute that. Anyone who had any dealings with Magical Britain knew Harry was The-Boy-Who-Lived. The boy did indeed have more than enough fame.

"It seems we all agree, including Harry. He shouldn't be in the tournament," Krum spoke at last. He was watching the scene play out. He could understand Harry. He had fame and money himself. Winning the tournament wouldn't do anything in that regard for him or Harry Potter. Krum put his name in the goblet because this tournament would be a true challenge for him.

"But the rules…" Bagman said.

"It seems we are all forgetting something important," growled Moody at the moment.

"What do you mean, Alastor?" Dumbledore asked as a way to change the subject, even though he already knew the answer.

"This boy clearly did not want to be in the tournament. He also couldn't have hoodwinked a powerful artifact like the Goblet of Fire. That leaves one important question... Who put his name in the goblet instead?" Moody rumbled.

Professor Snape was in thought at Harry's actions. He had not expected Potter to be so against this. He figured Potter would see it as another way to flaunt the rules didn't apply to him. To get even more fame while showing off. Yet, he felt there was some truth to Potter's words this time. Things were troubling enough without the fool boy willingly getting himself killed.

"That is indeed a question…" Barty Crouch said drawing their attention. He would know to do here. He knew all of the rules by heart.

Crouch looked to everyone and said, "However… The boy must participate. The moment his name was called out, a contract was formed and bound him to the tournament. He must participate… or die."

Harry blinked to that and sighed. It was just typical. "Is there no way I can get out? I'm almost tempted to have my magic bound and become a full-time muggle," he said with a frown.

"There is no other way," the official said.

"Then we relight the goblet! Put in the names again. We go until each school has two champions," Karkaroff said.

"The goblet won't light again until the next tournament," Bagman said.

"Which Durmstrang will not participate in!" Karkaroff roared.

"Karkaroff…" Madam Maxine started. She knew he was just getting worked up.

"So. I have to do this?" Harry asked again.

"I'm afraid so," Bagman said. He almost came off as sympathetic. He was way too obviously excited about a fourth champion though. He had a plan forming in his head. Harry Potter could be his ticket out of a lot of trouble.

Harry would have said something more. However, he suddenly felt extra warm… He felt light headed. For some reason, he felt something behind his scar was screaming in pain. Harry could have sworn he heard a hissing sound coming from behind the scar as well. Suddenly, his vision was engulfed in blinding white light.

Harry heard voices in the distance…

To outside observers, it was as if Harry fainted from being overwhelmed by having to participate in the tournament. Dumbledore luckily acted quickly. He cast a cushioning charm right under Harry as he fell to the floor.

The adults placed him on a sofa as Krum got up from it. He wasn't sure what to make of Harry collapsing like that, but he knew the boy needed the couch instead. The group could only wait to see what happened with the Fourth Champion...

[-] [-] [-]

There was one thing few knew about Magic, Destiny, Fate, the Grand Plan, and whatever else people called it. It was all the same entity. It also did not like it when people defied it in a rather grand fashion. Only Magic knew what it considered a grand fashion, but it should be obvious making horcruxes was one of those instances. Voldemort was the guiltiest in that way. Magic would not just sit idly by as these things happened. There had to be consequences.

Few knew how consequences worked. There were consequences for tampering with the Goblet of Fire. It wasn't Harry who would suffer the consequences though. Magic saw Harry as a way to solve the Voldemort problem and as the consequence for the Goblet tampering.

Barty Jr, who was disguised as Mad Eye Moody, made a grievous error with his little goblet stunt. Magic got an interesting idea on how to fulfill the whole "Power he knows not" part of the prophecy. Yes. Barty Jr. would never know he ended up being the instrument of his beloved dark master's destruction.

Magic also thought it would be fun to see how this could affect things in the tournament. That too deserved a consequence.

Magic didn't like a bunch of dithering old fools deciding to bring back the Tri-Wizard Tournament and upping the age to 17, because… politics. If their intentions had been to do so in the first place for the safety of younger magicals, it would have been different. Wizards always said intention was key to magic. They just didn't realize how deep that truth went.

[-] [-] [-]

There was a flash of light that caught the eye of Aang, Katara, and Sokka as they rode the trusty air bison.

"What is that?" Aang asked.

"I only care if we can eat it," Sokka said.

"Sokka…" Katara absentmindedly scolded her brother as she looked to see what it was.

"What?" Sokka asked, but was ignored.

"It's a person! He looks to be about my age. We have to save him! He'll die in this water out here," Katara said.

Aang was already on his way though. "Yip Yip!" he called to Appa. The air bison let out a roar to show he got the order. He sped off in the direction of their target.

[-] [-] [-]

Harry let out a groan as those voices he heard got louder. Knowledge was filling his mind at the moment. Information he needed for this… new world?

Had he really traveled to a new world?!

Harry snapped awake.

"Aaahhh!" a girl yelled in surprise as she scrambled back a bit. She had been checking to see if he was okay.

Harry looked to her. She was beautiful… She had brown skin and dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He also liked her hair loopy things.

Harry shook his head. She might be beautiful, but he needed to find a way back eventually. Harry just knew he would be here a while. Wherever here was…

"Are you okay?" a bald boy wearing yellow and orange asked. He had blue arrows on his arms and head. He looked to be a couple of years younger than Harry. Harry could sense he was very powerful, despite his small body.

"I think so… Something weird happened. There was a bright light… And then I was here. Where am I?" Harry answered as his mind was still reeling from everything.

"You're about half way to the South Pole. We're on our way to Southern Air Temple and then the North Pole. I'm Katara by the way," the girl said happily.

"I'm Aang and we're going to learn waterbending at the North Pole!" Aang said excitedly.

"Yes… After we make like a million stops first apparently! Why couldn't it be food?" the last boy complained. He looked to be the oldest by a year. He looked to be related to Katara and wore his hair in a warrior's knot.

"I'm Harry Potter," the messy haired boy said shaking his head causing Katara to blush a little for some reason. Harry blinked and noticed he didn't have his glasses on. He quickly scrambled to edge hoping to see his reflection. He was squinting but not because he couldn't see. The water wasn't very still. He couldn't really make out details in his reflection.

"Oh… ummm… did you want to make sure you looked alright?" Katara asked carefully.

Harry nodded to her. She pulled out a hand mirror from a satchel. Harry held it and looked. He blinked at his reflection. He saw his scar, but it looked fainter than usual. It actually, dare he say it, looked kind cool instead of annoying. His hair was as wild and messy as ever.

He blinked again as he looked at his eyes. Even he had to admit they looked rather intense. He'd never really seen them without his glasses on. Mostly because he couldn't see much without his glasses.

"Okay pretty boy," Sokka said.

"Sokka!" Katara griped.

"Sorry," Harry said giving the mirror back to her. She smiled and blushed as she took it and put it away. "Thanks for letting me look. Everything looks like it should. Ummm… thanks for pulling me out?" Harry asked her unsure.

"It was mostly Sokka and Aang. Sokka's my annoying older brother, who only thinks with his stomach," Katara said huffing in a way that reminded Harry of Hermione.

"Hey… Someone has to think about essentials. Food… especially meat! Is important," Sokka said with a frown.

Harry couldn't help but a laugh a little at their exchange.

"What's so funny?" Sokka asked.

"Sorry… You two just remind me of some people I know. I don't want to impose on you all for long. You can drop me off when convenient," Harry said.

"Nah. It's cool. As they say, the more the merrier! Appa's got plenty of room," Aang said with a smile. Appa then made a sound that showed he agreed with Aang. "See?! The Big Guy agrees!"

"Great another mouth to feed," Sokka complained. Katara frowned at him.

"Just ignore Sokka. He's always grumpy," Katara said with a frown of her own.

"Did you find anything on my person?" Harry asked as he patted his clothes.

"We did actually," Katara said as she handed him his wand.

"Great!" Harry said as he held it again. He felt the same sensation he did when he first picked it up. Red and gold sparks shot from the tip.

"Whoa! What was that?" Sokka asked in surprise. He was suddenly less concerned about food.

"Sorry about that," Harry said with a slight grin. He felt oddly free for once in his life. He thought it was this world, but something told him it was more to do with that first scream he heard.

"What is it? That was beautiful!" Katara said.

"Aww… I missed it," Aang whined comically. He had been looking forward while guiding Appa.

"It was magic," Harry said.

"Like a show magician?" Aang asked as Appa came to stop to rest for a moment. Aang quickly turned to face them. He wasn't really in too much of hurry, so he was fine with this. It was also nice to meet someone else after he was frozen for a hundred years.

"Not exactly," Harry started. He was in thought. He was trying to figure out what to say.

He didn't have to though. Something seemed to form above the water next to them. The group looked to the side in both worry and awe.

A being appeared in a beautiful dress above the water. It looked like a woman with long flowing and color changing hair. Her eyes that seemed to be a shimmer of the most beautiful light.

"Whoa…" Aang said. He then immediately bowed as the monks taught him. Harry and Katara quickly tried to copy him. Sokka was too gob smacked to respond.

"I always liked this world," the figure said in a voice which was beautiful and sounded both distant and close at once.

"Lady Cosmo! It is an honor to meet you," Aang said formally.

"Rise, blessed child," Lady Cosmo said. That was just one of its names. Others, such as Harry, would know her as Magic. Usually to see Magic, you had to be very highly attuned to it. This was an exception though.

"Why have you blessed us with your presence, Spirit?" Aang asked reverently.

"I am here to tell you all what has happened. About Harry Potter," the spirit said. The others looked to Harry. Harry shrugged. He was about as clueless as they were.

"Harry Potter is too, a blessed child, but not in the same way as you, Young Avatar. He is able to wield a tiny portion of my power. He is tied up in a likewise complicated destiny though. The two of you will be good for each other. You will all learn much from one another on this journey. Harry will have to return once your task is completed though," Lady Cosmo said.

"Aww…" Katara said with a frown. She blushed as the others looked at her. "I mean... We did just meet him," she tried to explain herself. Aang seemed to buy it. Sokka quirked an eyebrow at his sister. Harry blushed a little.

He understood what she was really sighing about. He'd never really thought there would be a girl who had a crush on him. Then again, he wasn't wearing glasses here and he seemed to actually be an appropriate size for his age. He wasn't too skinny and too small like he was back home, even if he had been growing a little.

"How much time will have passed back there?" Harry asked carefully. He didn't want to accidentally say too much.

"Not long enough to worry. Your new changes will follow once you return, but they will slowly be reintroduced," Lady Cosmo answered.

Harry mentally sighed to that. It was better than nothing though. He was actually a bit at ease with his situation. It wasn't bad knowing he would return. Should he survive. Maybe he would be ready for the tournament by then.

"You also have a different gift, Harry. You too are now an Airbender. Perhaps, Aang can teach you a thing or two," Lady Cosmo said looking to young boy.

Aang grinned to that. He loved the idea. It was too bad Harry would be leaving them once the war was over, but he wasn't the only Airbender anymore!

"Really?" Harry asked in surprise.

"I would not lie. It will be of great help with your other tasks once you return," Lady Cosmo said.

There was suddenly a bright light. It washed over Katara, Sokka, and Aang. "No reason to make this any longer than needed. They are learning much about you, Harry, in a way they can understand it. That way there will be less questions you have to answer," Lady Cosmo explained.

"You are being of great help, Mighty Spirit," Aang said as he bowed in thanks.

Lady Cosmo grinned in a slightly uncomfortable manner. "Certain individuals have made a great mistake. I am merely making sure they will get what they deserve. Fortunately, you four will all get to reap the benefits of their follies," she said before disappearing.

She was very much looking forward to how things would go. She was actually laughing to herself a little. It would be so funny seeing those people get what's coming finally. It might even turn out to be as amusing as that time when wizards discovered the humor of purple dancing sheep singing bawdy songs.

"So, you're like an… Energybender?" Sokka asked in thought as the information settled in his mind.

"Pretty much. I need my wand… for now at least," Harry said. Something was telling him that wouldn't always be the case. It would take a lot of work to get to that point though. He was more than determined enough to reach that far.

"That's pretty cool! I've never heard of an Energybender. And you're an Airbender!" Aang said excitedly.

Sokka frowned. "We still don't have food," he griped.

"For crying out loud… We just met a Mighty Spirit! And food is all you can think about?" Katara said with a groan.

"That's just the immediate thought," Sokka defended himself. Katara didn't look to believe him.

"I can actually help with that. I kind of looked into my… bending... a little recently. There are limits to what I can do though," Harry said. He concentrated as he waved his wand. He was surprised he didn't need to say an incantation for this spell. Perhaps he was already familiar enough with it?

Suddenly a few fish appeared in a pile on the saddle in front of them. The fish were flouncing about as if they were just caught. Sokka looked excited. "Get us on that ice berg right now! Imma cooking these…" he said licking his lips.

"Wow… That was amazing! What did you do?" Katara asked excitedly.

"It is a summoning… technique," Harry almost said spell. "I can't really create something out of nothing, for example filling food, but I can summon it to us," he explained.

Sokka was looking at him with big blue comically watery eyes. He gave a heartfelt sniff. "You are my new best friend," he said to Harry.

Harry appreciated the words, but felt a little uneasy about Sokka's intensity.

"You were just complaining about him not being food," Katara said with her arms folded.

"That was before all of this! Seriously, Harry. You have no idea how long I've been starving," Sokka said as he started cooking the fish. "Are you going to want any, Aang?" he asked.

"No thank you. I'm still good," Aang said.

"If you want to still do the whole vegetarian thing, that's cool. More for the rest of us!" Sokka said.

"You won't starve? Right?" Katara asked Aang in worry.

"I'm good. The monks taught me how to fast when needed," he explained.

"I'm sorry. I'll do better next time… I could get you seaweed," Harry offered weakly as he looked to the water.

"I'm good for now. Thanks for the concern," Aang said. He sipped some green tea while the others ate their meal.

[-] [-] [-]

Aang was currently greatly saddened. Katara placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort. "I'm sorry, Aang..." she said with a frown.

"You both warned me… I shouldn't have run like I did," Aang said with a frown at himself.

"All you got to do is just take down the Fire Lord after learning the elements. That way this at least won't happen to anyone else," Sokka said in a serious tone.

Katara squeezed Aang's shoulder to comfort him.

They just came from the Southern Air Temple. Aang grew up there. He didn't know just how much changed in the years he was gone. He flipped out a lot in his grief at seeing the devastation the Fire Nation did to the place. Seeing his old mentor/father figure's skeleton, was too much for him. They came to their current room hoping someone remained at least.

Harry was amazed as the statues' eyes started to glow. Harry was just as surprised by the sudden violent wind blowing around them all as Aang's eyes and tattoos glowed. It was both terrifying and awe-inspiring.

Dumbledore had his theories about "the power the Dark Lord knows not". Harry was beginning to think he actually knew what it was. Bending was amazing and terrifying and he was an Airbender. Harry was pretty sure this was not something Voldemort knew of. This would give him a fighting chance at least.

Harry would have to survive this world first though. A deep part of Harry hoped he wouldn't need to worry about surviving Aang as well. He couldn't blame the boy. Aang actually knew his family. The grief knowing they were all gone had to be unbearable.

It was actually Katara who saved them from the wrath. She shouted out to Aang, but he didn't hear her at first. She fought against the whirlwind Aang conjured up. She made her way to him without being pushed back or hurt. It was incredibly brave of her.

Once she embraced Aang, the wind died down. She consoled him and told him about her own loss regarding her mother. Aang came too after that. He was still feeling down as they sat outside under the setting sun.

The group soon heard a chirping sound. They looked around and saw a familiar critter. Harry was pretty sure any of the girls he knew would consider it cute, probably even Pansy. The small animal came over and climbed Aang and started to eat a peach while resting on his shoulder.

"Hey! That was mine! Stupid thieving Flying Lemur!" Sokka complained after he realized where the peach came from. He wasn't too upset really. The thing had given them food earlier that day.

Aang gave a laugh and asked, "You want to come with us, little buddy?"

The flying lemur chirped at Aang.

"You and me are all that's left of this place. We should stick together. What to name you though?" Aang said in thought.

The lemur looked to him with big eyes and took a nibble of his peach. Aang smiled at him. "That's it! I'll call you Momo!" he said grinning. The now named Momo seemed to be pleased with his name, as pleased as a Flying Lemur could be at any rate.

Harry gave a fond smile at the two as Momo sat on Aang's shoulder.

"It's good to see him smiling again," Katara said as she sat down next to Harry. Aang seemed to be chatting with Momo about something.

"It is. You were brave back there, Katara," Harry said to her with a smile.

Katara blushed and shyly looked to the side. "Thanks," she said.

A minute later she asked, "Is something else on your mind?"

"Hedwig," Harry said.

"Hedwig?" she asked curiously.

"Yep. I have a pet owl back where I'm from. She's a beautiful snowy white owl. A good friend of mine gave her to me as birthday present. I'm missing her a little bit," Harry said.

It was hard to describe, but he found it easy to talk to Katara. Maybe it was because she reminded him a little of Hermione. Hermione always seemed to pull out unfathomable bravery... When she wasn't worried about getting expelled. It was worse than death after all...

"She sounds lovely," Katara said with a smile.

There was a part of her relieved Hedwig wasn't a human girl Harry knew. It was silly really. She knew he was leaving them once they finished helping Aang, but her heart still insisted on fluttering around him. Maybe it was because he was the first guy her age she'd seen apart from her brother. She didn't really count Aang in that way. It was more likely Harry's eyes though. Such intense greens with delightfully messy raven black hair. He was handsome.

"We should probably get going soon," Sokka said after a moment.

"That sounds like a good idea. If Appa's up for it," Katara said. Aang seemed alright now, but she had a feeling it was still best if they got moving again.

"You up for it, Big Guy?" Aang asked.

Appa let out a roar to show he was rested and ready.

"Let's get going then!" Aang said cheerfully.

"Where are we going next?" Harry asked.

"Don't worry about it. I know exactly where we're going. It will be great and Appa will get to rest at the perfect time," Aang said while not really answering the question.

Harry let it slide. He was betting Aang wanted to get away from the Southern Air Temple, even if he was seemingly fine. "Alright then," Harry said. He waved his wand and everything instantly packed up.

"Wow... Katara!" Sokka said suddenly.

"What?" Katara asked in a startled manner due to his sudden volume.

"Marry him please. This magic stuff is too amazing," Sokka said as he watched in awe.

"Sokka!" Katara yelled in anger and embarrassment. Her face was beat red and her chest was heaving a little.

"Fine… Fine…" Sokka said. He looked to Harry and asked, "Can I marry you instead?"

"Ummm… I don't really swing that way," Harry said nervously.

"I don't either, man. I'm saying I'll do it out of convenience. We can have an open marriage and still get our own girlfriends," Sokka explained causally as he placed one of the packed bags on Appa.

Harry wasn't about to load them all using magic. He was pretty sure there would be no escaping Sokka if he did.

"Unless you can somehow follow him to a completely different world after all of this… I'm afraid you'll have to delay any wedding plans indefinitely," Katara said in a huff.

"So Aang! When are you going to start teaching me about airbending?" Harry asked louder than he needed to ask. He was so done with this conversation.

That was another similarity he noticed between Sokka and Katara and Ron and Hermione. You did not want to get involved once they started arguing. Sokka and Katara were worse in that regard though, probably because they were brother and sister instead of just friends with very opposite personalities.

Aang hummed in thought for a moment and nodded to himself. "For now. Meditating. I can't really show you any of the moves while we ride Appa. Clear your mind and learn to find your inner chi. I'll show you some of the beginner motions at our next stop," Aang said.

Harry nodded to that and went over the meditation pose Aang showed him briefly last night.

Aang sighed. "It is a pity we couldn't find a leftover glider. Though… it might have just fallen apart. Being over a hundred years old now," he said.

Harry, Katara, and Sokka climbed on board Appa's back. "Yip Yip," Aang called as Appa took off into the night.

Aang briefly looked back and watched as the Southern Air Temple was again surrounded by swirling clouds. He took a moment of silence in memory of those lost there. Harry noticed the younger boy's solemn expression. It was surprising how mature Aang could be at times as the boy gave a final salute to the temple.

Katara and Sokka missed Aang's look. They were arguing about something different. Their bickering seemed less heated now. it was more typical brother and sister arguing instead. It was something like Harry witnessed between Ron and Ginny at times.

He gave a fond smile at a memory of them in the common room one night last year as the argued with each other. Ginny was easily winning as was usually the case. Harry much preferred Ginny when she wasn't possessed by Diary Riddle. She was more like Ron always complained she was. Harry actually found her behavior endearing in a way.

"I guess this is what they mean when they say the heart grows fonder with distance?" Harry thought to himself.

He was reminiscing a lot and he hadn't even been here more than a few days. He was determined to do what he could to help the others out. He wanted to get back home, even if it meant he had to be in the bloody tournament.

Harry took the position for meditation and started to slow his breathing. He was new to this meditating stuff, but it was relaxing in a way. It was really easy under the quiet night sky as they rode on Appa.

"Just don't fall asleep, Harry," he thought to himself.

"You're supposed to clear your mind… Not tell yourself to stay awake. Harry," Aang said with a friendly chuckle.

"Sorry…" Harry apologized sheepishly. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. It was a possibility though. Sleep came to him easier here. He could only guess it was this world, or maybe due to whatever disappeared from behind his scar. He would have to find out what that was, but that was for later. That was for when he returned.

For now, Harry looked forward to seeing this new world and the adventures he would have here.

A/N: Just to let people know. I don't see this having much of an effect on progress for Harry and the Ice Princess or Naruko: Bonds of Magic and Jutsu. For obvious reasons, there is plenty of free time currently. Honestly though, I usually spend my free time writing anyways.