Just a dream. Just an ordinary dream.

I woke up in my bed.

I was still sick and still just a girl who dreamed about handsome half demon.

I struggled to get out of my bed.

It had been such a good dream.

That half demon...Inuyasha. Was it all in my head?

I went to meditate at the hearth and closed my eyes against the flames, but all I saw was his haunted eyes. So full of hurt and betrayal and confustion.

Did I really get to heal him? It all seemed so real.

The fire flickered. Sensing a presence I turned to the door and saw the half demon standing there.

There was a long silence.

"Why did you free me?"

I smiled. "It was the right thing to do."


Inuyasha didn't understand this world at all. But mostly, he didn't understand this priestess.

She had yet to slam an Ofuda on his head or shoot an arrow at him. What kind of priestess was she?

He had followed her scent from the hospital and found her here, meditating. Her spiritual power was stronger than Kikyo's had been. He wondered if that was because her physical strength was so low.

She offered him some tea, and he had some.

"You don't have to worry, Inu-chan." Kuri grinned. "You're safe here. My shrine is a sanctuary where humans and demons can coexist."

Inuyasha didn't know what to be more confused about: the nickname or the information she'd just given him.

He chose the information.

"Feh." He scoffed. "As if humans and demons can coexist."

"Your existence is proof that they can." Kuri countered. "You were created because a human and a demon loved each other, ne?"

Inuyasha scowled at her. What did she know?

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Kuri rummaged in a trunk and held out Tessaiga. "This was left for you by some of your comrades that still live in the area. Myagi, Totoro, and Shimano."

Inuyasha processed this. The sword bore the stench of Myoga, Totosai and Shippo. That must be their modern names.

"I was the miko who assimilated those three, when the barrier went up and forced all demons to demon world. They were under protection of the Great Demon Lord, so—"


"Sessaki." Kuri inclined her head in respect. "He is the Demon Lord that is on good terms with spirit world and so allowed to live her with his human mate Isuzu. He was also allowed to prolong her life, and to protect his vassals, and you from the capture." She beamed at him. "But don't worry. I'm not under the old fluffball's orders. I chose to protect you, Inu-chan. "

"I don't understand." Was all Inuyasha could say.

"Well then!" Kuri grinned. "Let's understand with our fists! You and me—to battle!"

She was such a strange human!