I rushed into the hospital, following the gurney in a brisk run. I'd found him but I still couldn't believe it.

A half-demon boy had been hanging on a tree in my backyard. It seemed insane, but I knew he was alive and I had to get him help.

As I sat next to his hospital bed, holding his hand—he was glamoured, looking human—I realized that this might be the closest I came to loving someone.

I watched others fall in love, craved it, yearned for it; but I was always second. Men often told me that there was "someone else." And I was fine with that. I didn't need other people to be happy.

I didn't care what anyone thought. I looked at the half demon. Did I? I seemed to care what this demon thought; I was protecting him.

As his eyes opened, I started my song.


Inuyasha opened his eyes to a world not his own.

He would have screamed and fought the tubes binding him, but something in the miko's voice—soothed and calmed him.

Inuyasha relaxed and lay back in the bed, his eyes looking over the girl. Unlike Kikyo, who had been clearly human and so vulnerable, this woman exuded otherworldly energy.

It was spiritual energy, but a form he had never encountered before—so pure. He noticed from her smell that she was ill, and for some reason he growled at the thought.

Hearing him, she leaned over, silver light spilling from her hands and healing his wounds—physical and emotional—from being sealed.

"Who...are you?" Inuyasha managed.

"You first." The woman said unnervingly. "After all, I did save you."

"Hmph. Inuyasha." Inuyasha stated then looked at her pointedly.

"Kuri Hikawa." Kuri grinned. "Your name means Dog Demon. This is wonderful! I love dogs!"