
"Hey Mamori, it's gonna be summer soon, do you really have to wear high-collar shirts?" One of her friend asked

"Well, my throat is always sore whenever the seasons changes" Mamori replied.

Across the classroom, there was a blond young man laughing in amusement.


At the changing room of Saikyoudai Wizards

"Hiruma, was you hit in your chest at the last match?" Jumonji asked the quarterback

Agon interupted without waiting the blonde's answer: "Hell no! That's fucking not from the hit, you dumbass!"

The whole team stared at Hiruma Youichi. He had finished his changing and left the room with his signature laughter.


Mamori grunted

"It's nearly summer now, I'm really tired with high-collar shirts and these spoty jackets. Could you be just… more reticent?

"Keh? But you love it there, don't you?" Hiruma bared his teeth.