Chapter 2: A Talk With A Father

So I watched Infinity War on Friday, and it was pretty good! I wasn't expecting that beginning!

As for my response to GuardianDragon98: Maybe she will have powers, maybe she won't! I haven't decided yet, but I'm leaning towards powers, vs. no powers.

On with the story! Also, I'm sorry if Tom (Hiddleston)'s sweetheart side comes out during this fanfic…

Also also, sorry to GuardianDragon98 for stealing her Loki has healing magic thing…unless it's canon. Is it canon? If not, so sorry!

The next morning, I'm snuggled up against Eret.

"You sure had a rough night last night, love."

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"A few times, but it's not your fault. Your father coming here brought back a lot of memories of you-know-who, didn't it?"

"It did."

"I'm so sorry, my love."

"It's not his fault, though. My dad's, I mean…"

"How is it not his fault? He said he'd been watching over you for years. He knew what that monster put you through. He was even there when you were in labor with our son."

"I know. But he also said he didn't do anything for fear of that monster hurting me more."

"That's true. So what do you wanna do?"

"I honestly don't know. But if Ruff and Tuff find out who he really is, they'll probably worship me like they do him."

"They probably won't treat you any different than they do already."

"Won't they? I'm the biological daughter of the god of mischief and tricks for goodness' sake, Eret!"

"I know. But we just need to be careful, love. He may be your father, but I still don't trust him. Loki is known for his tricks."

"I'll be careful. I'm sure he'd never hurt me."

"That's what you said about the father you knew for 16 years."

"We had this conversation last night, Eret. I'm gonna go fix breakfast."

"Need any help?"

"No, thank you. I've got it."

I head downstairs, understanding yet puzzled as to why my husband doesn't trust Loki. Sure, he's the god of mischief and tricks, but I'm sure Loki's got a heart. He wouldn't have been there for me when I was in labor with my son if he didn't have a heart.

"Morning, sweetheart."


"Loki is fine for now."

"Okay. Morning, Loki. While I'm getting breakfast ready, do you think we could talk?"

"Of course. Do you need any help?"

"No, thank you. I can manage on my own." My back pain then flares up and I put a hand to it.


The moment passes and I nod.

"Yeah. It's normal for me."

"I know. I did tell you I've been watching over you for years. Come here. I can fix that." Putting down the eggs, I cautiously walk over to Loki.

"Turn around."

I turn.

"You'll just feel a little tingle."

I nod and Loki puts his hands on my back and I do indeed feel a tingle, and then…relief.

"I can also do your other pained areas. I'll just hover, though. I know how sensitive you are."

I don't speak. I only nod. I turned and Loki hovers his hands over my stomach where the pains are.

I feel the tingle again, this time more gentle, and then…relief again. Like I've never had pain there and will never have pain there again. Or anywhere else.

Tears start falling down my cheeks in relief.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?"

"I'm…I'm okay…I'm okay for the first time in years." I practically throw myself at…at my father. He hugs me back.

"Thank you so much…Dad."

"You're welcome, Becky."

We're interrupted by a knock at the door.

"I'll be right back." I smile at my father.

"Okay." He grins at me as I walk over to the door.

I open it and immediately close it.

"It's the twins."

"Well, don't just leave them out there, sweetheart."


I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Guys, hey."

"What are you up to?" Tuffnut asks me.


"You're up to something. We know that look. We invented that look." Ruffnut says.

(Couldn't help but sneak a sort of quote from the final Tinker Bell movie in there)

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Ruffnut."

"Let us in. Please. We're starving."

"Can't Mom and Dad fix your breakfast?"

"It's Saturday."


"You always fix us breakfast on Saturdays."

"Right…come on in."


Ruff and Tuff follow me into the house.

"Uh…who's the guy?" Tuffnut asks, referring to Loki.

I look back to my father, who nods.

"Ruffnut, Tuffnut, this…is Loki, the god of mischief. He's also…my biological father."

Their jaws drop.

"No. Way." The twins say in unison.

Tuffnut is first to break from his shock.

"You're telling me that you, our adoptive sister, are related to Loki. The Loki?"

"That's what I'm telling you."

"That is…so cool!" Ruffnut exclaims.

"Guys, could I talk to you for just a minute?" Eret asks, coming down the steps.

"Us?" Ruffnut asks.

Eret nods and leads my brother and sister to the side of the room where my dad and I can't hear them…but we can hear them. We pretend not to.

"Guys, I know you worship Loki, but I don't trust him. He may claim to be Becky's father, but we don't know what he's capable of. He could hurt her. Be on your guard."

Ruff and Tuff nod.

I begin to prepare breakfast, with my father's help.