I'm on a Monsters Inc. kick, but I've been thinking about my favorite Night Fury and his human buddy, brainstorming ideas and whatnot, you know, thinking of a cute and wholesome story for these two. Now this story does take place after the events of the first movie. Hope you all enjoy and don't forget to review, favorite, and follow!

~Lean on Me~

The war between the Vikings and dragons are over, the Red Death was killed and her control over the dragons was done, though the final battle did come at a heavy cost. Many casualties resulted in the assault upon the nest, the monstrous dragon was cruel and deadly, her flames and terrifying roar left haunting memories for both races, though even with all her power, she still fell to the fearsome Night Fury and his teenage friend.

The prosthetic fin burned by flames finally gave way and they struck the dragon's tail, as Hiccup was knocked from his dragon and fell towards the flames below. Unable to fly, Toothless in a leap of faith, leaped down towards Hiccup, enveloping him in his wings and shielding him from the flames, but sadly, he couldn't save all of him.

Toothless felt like crying when Hiccup's leg had to be amputated, it was too badly damaged to save. He had to restrain himself from leaping over to the boy's side when he heard the poor child's screams of agony.

When it was done, he loyally remained by the sleeping Viking's side. A happiness he never knew existed overcame him when he saw Hiccup's eyes open, attacking the boy he's grown to love in endless affection, leaping and jumping around the house happily upon seeing his best friend awake. And when Hiccup pulled the covers back, he blinked and titled his head, watching as Hiccup came to see the reality of what happened and his new leg, as he lowered his snout down and sniffed the metallic prosthetic limb.

He then met Hiccup's gaze and offered him a sympathetic look, as the teenager took a couple deep breaths and nodded. Attempting to walk and using his bed for support, Toothless stood close by as Hiccup attempted to walk and lost his balance, with the loyal dragon catching him and being his crunch, as Hiccup leaned on him as they made their way to the door.

"Okay, thanks, bud." Hiccup whispered to his best friend, leaning on the Night Fury's body for support.

"You don't need to thank me, Hiccup." replied Toothless, offering a sympathetic croon, his eyes never leaving the Viking leaning on him, as together they made their way to the door.

They're more than best friends, they're family. The human that shot him down and crippled him returned his flight, but also gave him something much more precious than his flight back, it was an eternal bond and a love that formed upon gaining complete trust in one another.

"I'll always be with you. I love you, Hiccup." whispered Toothless, making a vow to himself to always remain by his best friend's side.

At the Forge, Hiccup's working on a couple projects in his spare time, including doing a couple tweaks to his new leg, give it more of that unique Hiccup flare to it. Standing outside the forge and munching on some cod, Toothless watched as Hiccup worked, seeing the red hot metal rod struck with a hammer, a little concerned about the possibility of his rider burning himself.

But Toothless kept himself where he was, he wasn't going to baby Hiccup, though that didn't mean he wouldn't keep his eye on him. They're both disabled, each of them losing a limb, and on their left sides, no less.

"He really is like no other. Hiccup, my friend. No, my best friend, my rider. My brother." crooned Toothless, eating another fish as he watched onward.

Naturally, he could be out eating back at the house, or spending time with his fellow dragons, but for Toothless, being with his buddy Hiccup was where he's the happiest at, even if they're not flying or spending time at the cove, it was just nice to be near his buddy.

Studying the plans and weighing out the metal beads with a scale, Hiccup grabbed his tools and begins fashioning his contraption together, acting in almost meticulous fashion as he worked. It amazed the Night Fury as he watched Hiccup work on whatever he was doing.

"Whatever you forge, Hiccup, I know it'll be remarkable, far above what the other humans in your tribe are capable of." said Toothless, watching as Hiccup finished the project and nodded in approval at his work. "You're so different, but so amazing."

Letting out a laugh, Hiccup turned around to see Toothless right at the entrance of the forge, a cute gummy grin forming across his face. It warmed the Viking's heart seeing his Night Fury there, he remained with him, even when they couldn't have fun. It was kinda cute.

"Hey, bud. I'm happy to see you too." smiled Hiccup, walking over towards his happy dragon, before losing his balance as his leg gave out.

Eyes widening, Toothless leaped into the forge and caught Hiccup before he could hit the ground. Opening his eyes and feeling the smooth yet rough blackened scales of his dragon, Hiccup's eyes met those of his Night Fury's, who just crooned and slowly helped him up, allowing him to lean on his head for support.

"Always there for me, bud." whispered Hiccup, silently thanking the dragon for his timely intervention.

"Are you okay, Hiccup? Tell me." begged Toothless, concerned for his rider.

Feeling his legs a little wobbly, Hiccup clung onto Toothless for support, as the Night Fury brought his tail up and looking at the missing fin, then going back to look at the boy's new leg.

He and Hiccup are the same, both of them disabled in some form, yet they're stronger for it. Inseparable and in perfect sync, flying high into the heavens, feeling the wind blowing against them as they bask in the blissfulness of the moment and treasuring the company they share with one another.

Toothless gave a sympathetic croon in response, gently nuzzling the Viking's face. Hiccup just smiled and slowly rose up, still hanging onto his dragon for support, as they clambered there way out of forge and making their way back towards the house.

"Thanks, bud." responded Hiccup, grateful to his dragon for the assistance. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You don't have to wonder because I won't ever leave your side." answered Toothless.

So much for getting to fly, but Hiccup was still recovering and right now, top priority was making sure his human got used to his prosthetic leg.

"You'd think I'd be used to this by now, but I'm not. Guess I'm still pretty pathetic." remarked Hiccup, only for Toothless in comedic fashion to smack him in the face with his ear as he grumbles. "Fine. I did promise not to second guess myself in front of you."

"That's my boy!" happily purred Toothless, as they approached the residence.

A small smile remained on Hiccup's face, sometimes his dragon would do stuff he wouldn't think was possible. Even if they couldn't speak to each other, it was like they understood each other and could read what the other was saying crystal clear.

Reaching up, Hiccup brought his hand down and scratched behind the Night Fury's ears, as Toothless let out a cute purring and his eyes fluttered, purring softly as they stopped just short of the front door.

"At least wait till I've got you back in your room, human!" complained Toothless, though his loud purring showed he was enjoying it.

"You really are just like an overgrown puppy, you know, buddy?" chuckled Hiccup, as Toothless shot him a playful glare. "Hey, don't give me that glare."

"You're lucky I don't tackle you." playfully growled Toothless, as he just a mocking babble at Hiccup, who just babbled back at him.

Helping Hiccup up, he watched as the teenager opened the door and waited for the dragon, as they leaned on each other once more, entering the residence as they made their way over towards Hiccup's room.

Sighing at the thought of resting, Hiccup welcomed it as Toothless brought him over to his bed and the human sat down, removing his metal leg, as Toothless bent down and sniffed it. It smelt strange, though it did carry a faint scent of the young human on it.

"Gonna finish making some more tweaks to this soon." stated Hiccup, as he sat the leg down beside his bed.

Toothless lit a candle nearby the bed for the Viking, as Hiccup grabbed his drawing book and began to create something new. The dragon smiled at the sight, he appreciated the artwork, crooning softly as he stood by the human's bedside.

The Night Fury leaned in to see the picture, feeling his affection for the boy increase upon beaming at the drawing, but what caught his eyes were what the human wrote underneath the drawing. It was some type of message, as the beaming dragon turned to face Hiccup.

"What does that say?" warbled Toothless, nudging Hiccup's arm.

"Bet you're wondering what I put about you down here, eh?" chuckled Hiccup, putting the book down and turning to face Toothless, reaching his hand out and placing it on the Night Fury's snout.

Toothless closed his eyes halfway and gave him a nod, pressing his snout to the Viking's hand in response.

"You didn't just become my friend, Toothless, you became the friend who gave me my purpose." revealed Hiccup, looking back at Toothless and meeting his eyes. "My best friend."

Reaching up, Hiccup brought his arms up and embraced Toothless in a warm embrace, as the touched Night Fury surprised him by bringing his front legs up and enveloping them snugly around the human to hug him back, gently nuzzling his head and ruffling his hair as he purred.

"You're my best friend too." purred Toothless, licking his friend's face as Hiccup laughed and tried to pull away. "I love you, Hiccup."

"Okay, okay, gross!" laughed Hiccup, as Toothless only held him tighter. "Yeah, yeah! Love you too, buddy!"

Finally letting his best friend go, Hiccup just looked at Toothless and smiled, wiping the excess slobber from his hair and face, as the Night Fury gave him a gummy grin in response.

"And I love you, Hiccup." purred Toothless, watching as Hiccup went back to sketching. "I'll always be with you, Hiccup. If you fall, I'll catch you. We're both wounded, but together, we're stronger."

Toothless intently watched as Hiccup drew, the picture showing something that made the Night Fury give his best friend another sloppy lick to his face. Hiccup groaned and rolled his eyes, before smiling and bringing an arm up and putting it around Toothless, as the happy dragon purred.

"I sure am lucky I have you for a friend, bud." remarked Hiccup.

"You sure are, Hiccup. And I'm lucky to have you." purred Toothless.

The end.

Hope you guys enjoy this little story of mine, just felt like writing something about these two and I just love the see where Toothless helps Hiccup walk to the door. Let me know what you think. RandallBeast19, taking flight!