Author Note: I can't believe that CBS cancelled Hawaii Five 0. This fanfiction is to say goodbye to the show. Don't worry, I will be writing for Five 0 more. I know that it's been a while since I last posted but due to the virus that has been going around, I have been laid off. :(

Steve walked into headquarters knowing that today would be the last day that they would be working as a team. The governor had decided to end the task force after ten years. He had gotten the news this morning during the meeting and had not been able to tell anyone.

"Hey danno, I need to talk to you for a little bit in private." Steve said to his friend. Steve and Danny walked into Steve's office.

"What is going on?" Danny asked his friend.

"As you know that I had a meeting with the governor and found out something interesting." Steve said to his friend.

"What is going on?" Danny responded to his friend.

"The Governor revealed that today is the last meeting with five o. He is disabling the team." Steve revealed to his friend. "What am I going to tell the others? They love being part of the team and I am going to let Chin and Kono know."

"We can tell the others together." Danny said to his friend with a smile. "We can take care of this."

"Okay." Steve said to him.

The rest of the day, Steve was still trying to process the news that his team was not going to be working together. Tonight he was supposed to skype Chin and Kono and check in with them. He was now planning to have Danny come and join him.

"Hey are you ready to tell them?" Danny asked his friend.

"Tell us what?" Grover asked walking into the room.

"Close the door." Steve told him as he watched his friend shut the door.

"What is going on?" Grover asked his friend.

"The Governor has decided that we are closing down the task force." Steve said to his friend.

"That's crazy. Did he say why?" Grover asked.

"He said that we often cross to many lines. He also said you, Danny and Tani are welcome to return to HPD." Steve said to him.

"What about you and Junior?" Danny asked his friend.

"I am going to retired and just live out my days. Maybe find a girl that I can spend the rest of my life with. I am not sure what Junior is going to do." Steve responded to his friends. "I am still going to have you guys over."

"We need to tell Junior and Tani about this." Danny responded to his friend.

"I know. I just don't know how to say it to them." Steve responded to him.

Later that night

Steve was going to talk to both Tani and Junior being disbanded. He knew that they were going to take it hard. He also needed to talk to Adam about the team being disbanded. He wanted to talk to Chin and Kono as well. They had been part of the team for a long time. He had invited Adam and Tani over to talk.

"Hey Junior, Tani, Quinn and Adam are on the way over so we can talk about the team." Steve revealed to him.

"Okay, Are we in trouble?" Junior asked him.

"I will explain when they get here." Steve said to him as his phone started to ring. "It's Chin. I got to take this."

Steve walked to the backyard so he can talk to Chin and tell him about the task force ending. Chin could not believe that the Governor would shut down. Five 0 had always been good for the island and now it's coming to an end. Right after Chin hang up, Kono called and was pretty upset that the task force was ending. Steve took a few minutes before coming back inside to find his whole team there.

"Do you guys know what is going on?" Tani asked Danny and Grover.

"We do but Steve will tell you." Danny said as Steve walked into the room ready to tell.

"Alright guys, I received some bad news from the Governor this morning. The task force is going to be disbanded. Grover, Tani and Danny are being welcomed back to HPD. Junior and Quinn, if you want to sign up for HPD then you are more that welcomed to do so however, I am retiring from both the navy and work it's self." Steve revealed his friends. "I know that this is hard to understand and it took me all day to figure out what to say.

"It just sucks that we won't see each other anymore. I just joined the team and now being forced to leave." Quinn revealed to her boss.

"I know, I never thought that this would happen. He said that it was because we crossed too many lines and he won't protect us anymore." Steve revealed to them. "I hope that we can still have our friendships. You guys are like Ohauna to me."

"We feel the same way as you do." Adam says to his friend.

Six months later

Steve was nervous about the girl that he was going to introduce to the team. They have gotten pretty serious about their relationship. He had not noticed that she walked into the room.

"Steve, everything okay?" She asked him

"Yeah, I am fine. Just nervous about you meeting the rest of my friends. I mean that you have met Danny and Lou." Steve responded to her.

"It's going to be fine." She said to him.

Author Note: Alright that's it. Now I have officially seen the season finale of Five 0 yet but know that it will be good. I hope that you follow me on twitter as carson34ff where I should be updating more until I go back to work.