
Adult Simba stood on top of Pride Rock. He could hardly believe it. True, he always wanted to be king since he was a cub, but he never imagined he had to dethrone his own uncle to do so.

His uncle. His cruel, wicked uncle who was so jealous that he went and murdered his brother, and was going to kill him just to get the title. And on top of that his uncle blamed him when he was just a defenseless little lion cub at the time. How could he? His own flesh and blood. Simba looked up to him. He cried on him after he laid next to the body. He trusted him. He never knew that behind all of that niceness was truly something evil. He never knew that someone related to you, or your best friend even, could be so heartless, and turn at you at any moment.

He just had one question. If Scar wanted him dead, why didn't he just do it himself when he was a cub, defenseless and weak? He supposed he didn't want blood on his paws so the Pridelanders wouldn't question it. That might be why he sent the hyenas after him to do his dirty work for him. But still; why did it have to be this way? Why?

He looked back, and saw his newborn daughter, Kaira, sleeping peacefully between her mother's paws, and smiled. Now he had a second job besides being king, to be a dad, and raise a great future queen. Hopefully she won't have to experience what he had to. She doesn't have any siblings...yet. And Simba himself was an only child.

The funny thing was both he and Nala thought that Nala gave birth to a boy and was going to name her Kopu. That, Kimba, or Kion. They haven't had a girl name picked out. It was only after they found out by Rafiki telling them. Nala suggested the name, Kiara, and Simba approved. It was a fitting name for the future ruler. He and Nala couldn't be any happier. He just wished his father was here to see it all. But he knew he was looking down on him. Like what Rafiki said, his father lived inside of him.

"Simba?" Nala asked from where she was. "What are you doing?"

"Just looking over my kingdom is all." He answered.

"I bet you just can't believe it. I can't imagine what you had to go through in order to get here."

"It was a wild ride all right, but it sure was worth it."

"I'm sure it was. I missed having you as my playmate, and greatest friend around you know. Everyone did."

"I know."

"And don't worry Simba." Timon assured him as he came up to him with Pumbaa. "We'll stay by your side though thick and thin."

"Yeah!" Pumbaa agreed. "As long as there's plenty of bugs around, we won't leave your side. You can count on us." Simba smiled at that.

"And we'll be the best babysitters ever to your little one just you wait and see. We'll watch Kiara like a hawk. She won't be able to do any hijinks when we're watching her."

"Nala and I appreciate that very much." Simba told him. Zazu flew up then, and landed by Pumbaa.

"I do hope you don't sic her on me, Sire like your father did." He shivered at the very idea. "I did not like it one bit." Simba pretended to be disappointed.

"Aw, but I loved that pouncing lesson."

"Well, I didn't. Just because you're king now doesn't mean you have to be a jerk. You have to think how other animals will feel, not just you."

"Okay, Zazu."

"I mean it, Sire."

"Whatever you say, Zazu. I won't let her ponce on you. I promise. " Zazu was uncertain of this, but let it slide. Little Kiara then opened he eyes.

"Oh no!" Timon said to Pumbaa. "You see that Pumbaa? We woke the baby."

"Uh, I think it was you. You do speak pretty loud." The warthog said. Timon was shocked.

"What do you mean?! You were loud so you woke her." He shook his head.

"Nah-uh, it was you."




"You." Zazu sighed in annoyance.

"Here we go." The hornbill said. He looked at the king and queen. "Good luck you two." He flew off. Simba and Nala then looked at each other and smiled. Kiara smiled up at her dad. She laughed as her mom licked her.

"Welcome to your future kingdom, Princess Kiara." Simba told her. He looked up as he saw his father smile down at him from above. Now this, he thought. This is where I truly belong.