Since her creation, Makuta Nova was highly proud of her race and dedicated to the brotherhood as a whole. She was always a fierce warrior but mostly analytical, preferring command and tactics to combat.
Physically, makuta nova was tall and elegant but intimidating in appearance. Her size was average, not towering, among her own kind but most beings of the matoran universe would be looking up to meet her gaze. She wore bulky armor on her upper body to belie her slender frame and present a more intimidating visage. She wore the sleek mask of probability, its curves and points sweeping backwards. It was black save for a pointed red crest at its tip. Its power enhanced her already cold decision making. From behind her mask she had long, triangular antlers protruding straight outward on each side of her head. Her armor was black with white and red highlights; a battle skirt, open in the front, hung from her waist. When forced to partake in battle, she typically wielded a double bladed sword in combat, her signature weapon, as well as a long bladed whip on occasion.
In the brotherhoods years of their assigned role of creating rahi, she is credited as the designer and progenitor of the Manas and Kikanalo, for which she was very proud. Early in the makutas history she had a decent, though like all makuta, distant, relationship with the toa and matoran. She was made the "guardian" of Iron-Forge, a small island set in the silver sea between the northern and southern continents. It was the home of a large settlement of Fe-matoran. Proud of her rahi creations, she saw many of them brought to the island. She also developed a fondness for collecting rare or powerful Kanohi masks, often hiring dark hunters, lone toa or other rogue beings to seek them out for her. The jewel her collection was the powerful, Cephalopod-like mask of control.
Eventually, the fateful day came which changed the destiny of the makuta forever more. Teridax, the makuta of metru nui and closest confident to both their leader miserix and the great spirit himself, introduced "the plan". Said plan was the overthrowing of mata nui himself and for the makuta to take control of the matoran universe. This was also a clear attempt by teridax to wrest control of the brotherhood for himself. She was one who intended to side with Miserix against the plan, sensing it a folly to attempt. It was clear where such thoughts had crept in from, with the failed attempt at the same goal by the barraki warlords, teridax regardless apparently found himself inspired. The two battled, and teridax stood triumphant. Miserix was intelligent and cautious, but lacked the ferocious drive teridax could achieve when pushed. Afterwards, she did wish to stand with miserix against Teridaxs coup' but passed due to using her mask to sense the result that it would produce. Teridax was ambitious and brutal but also intelligent, charismatic and seductive. For whatever their many reasons for doing so, the majority of the brotherhood rallied behind him.
Of the 100 makuta that existed, only 5 foolishly chose to stand with miserix in his defeat. They paid for that decision with their lives, as she would have if she were not as wise as she was. Teridax took command of the makuta, and preparations for "the plan" were set in motion. Miserix, of course, needed to be dealt with, and Krika was made responsible for his termination. A short time later she did learn of krika's sparing of miserixs life and, always having held both makuta in high regard, and believing it to be a wise decision, concealed the truth. Miserix might very well prove to be an important factor someday.
She was one of the only makuta who voiced against their transformation into pure energy forms. Despite that their bodies were evolving to this state on their own, she hypothesized the possible future risks it presented but was overruled by teridax. Now an energy form, she had the Nynrah Ghosts reinforce her armor but ensure her appearance remained unchanged. She joined in the collective decision by the makuta to shun their inner light, making them pure beings of shadow. This would make them stronger and ensure greater success to their ultimate goals in her mind. She rather enjoyed the power over shadow that this change gave her.
Over the many years of preparation of the plan, she filled her role, ruling her designated island. As the fe-matoran, as toa, were soon considered a threat to the makuta, she kept a strong authoritative hold on them. She however eventually grew to resent teridax and vindictively fostered advancement in the matoran on her island as a form of defiance. It was her belief that the toa of iron, which the brotherhood had begun to closely monitor and even kill, could be properly used by the makuta rather than seen as threats. However, upon hearing that there was a surviving toa of iron, zaria, who had slain another makuta, she personally dispatched dozens of rahkshi to hunt him down. She feared that the toas existence would somehow be blamed on her and all that she had worked towards on her island would be torn down. The rahkshi always returned empty handed, for which she personally terminated them.
She remained on her now fortified island, overseeing the safety of her matoran on the day of the great cataclysm. The result of its effects left her island in perpetual night from that day on. She forbade contact with other islands in attempt to keep her denizens unaware of the makutas treachery against mata nui. She wisely protected herself during the brotherhoods war with the order of mata nui by misleading and militarizing the fe-matoran to be hostile to the order.
After many thousands of years, she survived to see the completion of "the plan"; teridax taking control of mata nuis body and the entire matoran universe. This however led to the loss of the matoran of her island, who fled to metru nui, no doubt learning finally of the deeds of the makuta there. With the deaths of many of the brotherhoods high ranking members on Karda nui, and mourning krikas death, nova was promoted to chief of the remaining makuta under teridax. Many had been killed also in the war with the order of mata nui, and their numbers were now only at 42 makuta, including teridax. She reluctantly but dutifully abandoned her island and followed his commands, advising the inexperienced new turaga ahkmou and leading the other makuta in producing more kraata to bolster the rahkshi army. Sensing the inevitable treachery of teridax, she gathered a small group of like-minded makuta members to escape into hiding when their task was complete.
They did, and none too soon as teridax indeed moved ahead with terminating the other makuta very soon after his takeover. Though they escaped, they were not free of his gaze or his omnipotent power. With destral no longer safe, they fled to Iron Forge, only to find it in ruin and overrun by hordes of the now corrupted rahi, a cruel jest by teridax. He personally slew the other makuta, maliciously leaving nova for last to perish at the claws of her rabid creations. She fought fiercely and without mercy, slaying many but was overcome by the wild horde. Though her body was destroyed in the gruesome onslaught, her antidermis survived and possessed the body of a kikanalo she had disabled. She was only spared complete obliteration by teridax as unseen goings on drew his attention. She did sense the survival of another makuta; miserix. Perhaps he is what had drawn the new gods attention, or he could prove a valuable ally against teridax. she was right in her calculations after all. Regardless, alive for the time being, she chose to remain in this form, hidden and in exile, allowing the matoran universe to believe the remainder of the makuta were now extinct. With her original mask destroyed, from her ruined palace she retrieved the mask of control, anticipated its possible future use.
Some time later, with the long awaited death of teridax having come, and sensing the survival of miserix, she migrated to spherus magna in her rahi form. Her goal was finding The Nynrah Ghosts to rebuild her a proper body. After some months, amid the chaos of the exodus and merging of the peoples, she did locate them. They were of course less than reluctant to help a makuta, but the mask of control as a bartering chip proved impressive enough to convince them. A new form, modeled on her original body, even with a new mask, was built and her antidermis transferred to it. She then used her shadow powers to render all the ghosts temporarily comatose, only so she could take back the mask and leave unimpeded. This was the first of many dangerous, calculated risks she would need to take to survive.
She covertly managed to locate the matoran of her former domain, and through pretty words and manipulative truths, won back their loyalty. She then wenr before the new government of spherus magna; the toa mata, turaga, agori chieftains and glatorian leaders. She made her intentions clear; she wished to have place in the new world, free of the past misdeeds of the makuta. There was not full truth to that but it was enough. There was still mistrust and even hate in these who she was beseeching to. She had brought her loyal matoran with her as a show of her "better nature" and as her trump card, presenting the mask of control. Tempting that she was handing over a means for them to control her if they chose, and giving in to that as an act of good faith.
These events managed to gain her what she desired; amnesty, a small kingdom of her own in which her matoran can live and a voice in the new government. She was no fool or lover of peace time; there were always plans and always threats. She had recruited a horde of the nomadic skrall, both male and female, to act as her countries private military. The glatorian strakk, an outcast of his kind, she also took in as her bodyguard, finding his greed and battle lust easy to manipulate.
While she relished her new lordship, always her mind was on calculation, strategy; what troubles may come her way. Toa, the order, zaria, miserix; so many with a mind for vengeance may come looking for her. Precautions were set in place for quickly summoning the toa for aid, but for now, the "mistress of shadow" as she came to be known, intended to relish her days under the sun.