Chapter 14 Going on a Journey

The next day, as the sun was rising over the land, Ludwig and the other Koopalings were saying good bye to Bob. Ludwig had decided to give him a lot of items that he might need, such as food and money. So, it was no coincidence that Ludwig found this as the perfect opportunity to educate Bob about his hammerspace (the area between the shell and the body that is used for storing various items).

Most of the Koopalings were sad to see Bob go. Lemmy in particular was drying tears from his eyes as he helped Bob load the money into his hammerspace. Now, of course, Ludwig had mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, he thought that this whole adventure would be just what Bob needed. If he wanted to find out more about himself, then going out into the world was the perfect way to do it. He could make friends, he could build a life of his own.

But at the same time, Ludwig was also sad to see Bob go. Over the course of Bob's lifetime, Ludwig had gotten attached to him. Sure, some might see a copy of Ludwig that was made by accident. But Ludwig himself did not see that. He saw a friend. In a sense, he also saw a brother.

As Ludwig was thinking about this, the other Koopalings had finally loaded all they needed to into Bob's hammerspace. Ludwig sighed. What emotion was attached the sigh, he could not say.

"Well, Bob," Ludwig said. "This is where we part ways."

Bob looked at Ludwig and smiled.

"I can't believe that I'm going out into the world. I mean, when you think about it, I haven't been around for that long."

Ludwig snickered.

"Yeah, three days," he said. Suddenly, and without warning, tears started to fall from Ludwig's face. He sniffled and put his hand to his mouth. "Someone say something so that I don't fall apart."

Roy chuckled and stepped forward. He patted Bob on the back.

"I hope that you find what you're looking for, Bob," he said. "If anybody deserves that, it's you. You are an awesome guy."

"Ah, thank you!" Bob gushed. He wrapped his arms around Roy. Larry decided to join in, and when Bob let Roy go, Larry smiled at him.

"You are the best goalie we've ever had Bob." Larry snickered. "You're much better than Ludwig by a long shot!"

Ludwig snorted back a scoff. Bob then went over to Wendy and Morton.

"I know we haven't gotten to spend that much time together," said Bob, "but I still am really happy to have met you."

"Aww!" Wendy exclaimed. Morton smiled.

"Thank you very much Bob," he said.

Bob then went over to Iggy. Iggy smiled at him as he held Charles in his hands.

"I will miss you, Iggy," Bob said.

"I will hold your memory in high regard as well, Bob," Iggy said. Charles flew up and licked Bob's face. Bob laughed as he went over to Lemmy, who had already cried a river.


Lemmy cried out and wrapped Bob in a hug. Bob gladly returned it.

"I...I….I will miss you, Bob!" Lemmy said. "Promise me that you will write!"

"Of course," Bob replied. "As soon as I learn how to, I will write to you guys at every possible opportunity."

This seemed to give Lemmy some form of contentment. He pulled away from Bob, all the while showing him a smile. Bob then turned to Ludwig.

"Well," Bob said. "I think it's time that I head out."

Ludwig nodded. He approached his clone and wrapped him in a hug. He could tell that Bob was a little taken aback by this, as he didn't immediately return it. However, once he did, Ludwig felt fuzzy feelings of joy wash over him.

"Good luck out there, Bob."

"Thanks Ludwig."

Bob pulled away and gave Ludwig one final smile. Then he walked away, the light of the rising sun gleaming on his back.

AN: Well, there you have it; Ludwig's Clone is finished! Thank you so much to everyone for reading, reviewing, favoriting, and following. Don't forget to check out my Youtube channel if you wish to see audiobook versions of my stories, and make sure to check out Power Surge Redux.

Oh, and for those of you who were fans of Bob, don't worry. I promise that we will see him again very soon.

Well, stay safe, stay awesome, and know that it will get better. I promise :)