Us Against the World

Chapter Two

Jack left home early that morning to head to the meeting of Guardians. He couldn't wait for this meeting as it would be talking about-

"Someone has been crossing the boarders!" Bunny was yelling.

Oh. Right. Jack had to hide the fact that Hiccup was hanging out with the Disney landers and they were on their boarders.

"Morning." Jack said.

"Jack. Come on in." North spoke. He was always in a jolly mood when people come by.

"So, what is this about others on our land?" He asked.

"Jack. This is our task. We need to figure out who is the leader of these rebels." Bunny said.

"What Bunny means to say is that, there have been some others coming onto our land and some of our own meeting with them." Tooth explained.

"Jack. This will be a big assignment. But we have to hold a secret mission." North said.

"A secret...Okay." Jack wasn't liking the sound of where this was going.

"The mission will to be gathering any and all information on the people in DreamWorks and finding out who is meeting with these others. And we need to know who these others are so we can deal with this problem responsibly." North explained.

"We three will handle most of the other higher ups. I've already informed Katherine and Nightlight about this and they are willing to be more undercover work. And you Jack, would you like to do the same? Or you can work with Emily Jane and Sandy on the night shift?" North offered.

Jack already made a promise to Hiccup and to Elsa Snow about keeping this a secret from everyone else. And eh doesn't want to lose his best friend.

"I'll take the undercover work. Besides, I'm close with almost everyone on the south and south west side of the whole land." Jack said.

"Good. Katherine has the north and East half covered. I'll find someone to take on the full West side. Good to know. Now on to more important business."

Jack could breath again. This was going to be harder then he thought. He better let Hiccup and Elsa know about this so this secret can stay a secret. As much as Jack wants to do the right thing, he promised. And he never backs out on a promise.

After the meeting Jack met Hiccup and Elsa in the original spot where he found them.

"Hey. I didn't think you'd come." Hiccup said.

Jack smiled at him but only for a moment. "Look. The guardians council knows about you guys crossing over and meeting. They don't know who and are looking to narrow everyone down and get someone caught. If this is supposed to work, we need to be more careful." Jack explained.

"What? How are they doing- How did they even know?" Hiccup asked.

"I don't know."

"Well, our head leader doesn't know anything so unless your council is going to make an accusation, we should be fine on our side." Elsa said. "But I'll let everyone else know so we don't come charging over. We'll be causes." She added to Jack.

He felt a little better about this. But he still wished he reported this in the first place.

"Well, with that out of the way, what do we talk about?" Elsa asked.

Jack didn't know what to say. He honestly couldn't think of anything.

"Well, Jack is my best friend here. He's the best guy anyone should have and the best thing to change your life." Hiccup said.

"Dude." Jack never thought Hiccup would use those words to describe him.

"Sounds a lot like my little brother." Elsa giggled.

"You have a younger brother?" Jack asked.

"Yes. Anna is my little sister by two years. We have a younger brother by four years or six for me. He's sweet and loves to be the light of everyone's day." Elsa explained.

Jack smiled. It sounded like his own little sister. She was always a light of sunshine to everyone's eyes.

"Wish I had a sibling." Hiccup sighed.

"What are you talking about? You have a brother. Toothless is your brother." Jack joked.

"Haha. Very funny. He's still a dragon. If that's the case many of the dragons and other pets are like family." Hiccup said.

"Well, Olaf...he isn't human." Elsa added.

"Wait. Your brother's named Olaf? And he's not human?" Jack asked.

"No. He's a snowman. Brought to life by my magic. And my sister and I named him that so don't go judging it." She snapped.

Jack was shocked. What kind of rule do these people live in?!

"Look. It's how everyone in my land is. You should hear Rapunzel talk to her lizard thing. He's like a baby to her. Cinderella has birds and mice and many other animals. Merida has her horse too." Elsa added.

"I've met her horse. He's sweet if you have carrots on you." Hiccup said.

"Yea. Same with Sven. My sister's boyfriend's best friend and brother of sorts." Elsa rolled her eyes.

"So, you have a snowman for a brother. And he's made of-"

"Magic. Yes. I have powers." Elsa said.

"Can I see?" Jack asked.

Hiccup was also new to this. As Elsa played with her powers, Jack realized that she was like him. Just like him.