Chap32 Epilogue

Jan 2300

The following days were full of celebration and reunions. Usagi and Suyuki brought their leash to the castle in search of their grandparents. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru enjoyed seeing Shippo be chased ragged by his grandbabies. Tsuki fared much better and pulled out a whistle. The leash snapped to and reported to their grandmother. They were sent on a scavenger hunt with Aunt Keiko, The Three Musketeers, Jalen, Grandpa Kenichi, and Grandpa Shippo while Nikki and the baby Jazzmyne rested. When the leash asked for Grandpa Inu, they were told of baby Kagome. The youngest fox-rabbit hybrid appeared to be confused for a second and then accepted the news without any questions.

Yoshiko spent some quality time with Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Kagome. They had all decided the past was the past and that was that. Now they had the future to look forward to. Yoshiko took some time to meet and spend time with all her grandbabies, but always had a special place for Kohaku. It didn't take too long before she realized the psychiatrist she had spent time with was Steven. But when she asked him about it privately, Steven commented, "My Lady, I don't discuss my cases outside of my clinic. Patient confidentiality is very important to me. At the clinic I take everything seriously. At home I am my "regular goofy self." I would love to get to know you."

Yoshiko smiled, "Well, hello Steven. My name is Yoshiko Takahashi. Join me for a cup of tea?"

"Gladly my lady," Steven offered his grandmother an arm. "How do you want to be addressed? Yoshi-kun? Gigi? Grandmother?"

"What a good question, grandson. Let's figure out which one fits best, shall we?"

Off the two went giggling like two young children. Soon Kenichi joined them for tea.

Yuki grabbed Kyo's hand as they walked the castle grounds.

Kyo's transformation to a Sigma male had been instantaneous the second he asked her to mate him. He no longer worried about his status but lived outside the hierarchy at the top of the socio sexual hierarchy alongside the Alphas in his family. That made him even sexier to Yuki who couldn't keep her hands off him.

Bobby and Barbie were seen in deep discussions with Uncle Jaken. They realized he knew the secret to keeping humans and demons happy together and they were going to capitalize on their Uncle's genius.

Uncle Jaken was basking in their attention and playing with their two little ones.

Rin and Kohaku lay on the ground staring at the sky. Kohaku was pointing out various points of interest to her and she was following every word. Tsume was visit with his parents soon.

Miroku was playing hard to get while a frustrated Sango chased him.

Suzy stared at all of them.

Ryuu stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned back into his strong embrace.

"Suzy, I just want to hear you say it again. Will you be my mate-Forever?"

Suzy smiled as she turned and looked into his eye. "Yes Ryuu. Forever Us."