Ever Us – Forever Us

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. (In addition, this is not how I make money, but it is how I have fun.)

Title: Ever Us – A Future Adventure

Author: Gayle Nightingale

Prompt: Continuation of Ever Us

Word Count:706

Rated: M for yaoi, Mpreg, inucest.

Genre: General/Slice of Life/Fantasy/Romance/Family/Adventure

Pairing: Inuyasha/Sesshomaru

Original Characters: Keiko, Kenichi, Ryuu, Suteiibun (Steven), Kyo and Yuki, Barbie and Bobbie, Suzy, Rin, Sango, Kohaku, Miroku, Kagome, Nikki, Capt Kenichi, Shippo, Tsumi, Usagi, Suyuki and the Leash. Special thanks to NikkiS71 and Vampirelady1 for the ideas.

Setting: Cyprus, Ibiza, Greece, the Mediterranean, Castletown, BC Canada

Time: The majority of the action will be in the distant future 2299.

Technology present: Cell phones with perfect coverage and no international charges


Large Global Aeronautic Space Administration (GASA)

The University—the biggest University in the world boasting all the best professors.

Chapter 1 A spacecraft on Ceres

Time: 1900

The spacecraft hovered in the main asteroid belt of the Sol system near the ice chunk called Ceres. They had traveled light years in search of life saving elements for their home world and had discovered what they needed on the third rotating body from this solar system's sun. Fearing they would be discovered if they were closer to the planet they hid in the asteroid belt between what they later found out were called Mars and Jupiter.

Their search had been fruitless and frustrating until now. Now there was the element they needed just in front of them. Initially they were saddened to find the planet was inhabited. Then the crew began arguing about the priority of their mission and what failure would mean to their planet.

It took the crew some time to figure out how to steal the element but in time even the most ethical of the crew bowed to the pressure and collaborated on a long term plan to steal the element from the third planet. During those hundreds of years they had observed the planet's inhabitants, their activities, their pleasures, their wars and had decided that they could take what they needed without fear of retribution. They were more intelligent than the third planet inhabitants. One hundred years later and the Terrans had no space ships, only a manned space station with very impressive telescopic equipment. The most the Terrans could do, would be watch them.

Their conscience quelled, the crew put their plans to steal the element into operation.

The Galactic kami sighed. Why wouldn't all their children get along?

A voice from the Elysian Fields spoke up.

"Mighty Kami, allow this humble warrior a chance to put all my pieces into action. I believe once they are all in place the drama will play out and the situation resolved. I would bet my place here in your presence on it."

The Kami looked at the warrior. They knew all. They were omniscient after all. However, they had given their children free will. Would their children behave as the warrior predicted? How could he be so certain? They weren't. They enjoyed the warrior's presence. They would not want to see him go to the netherworld, but if they gave him this power and he failed he would have to leave them. The Kami were conflicted.

The warrior remained kneeled in the presence of the Kami. His spouse knelt next to him and offered her hand as encouragement. The warrior pressed it to his lips and kissed it before holding it and giving it a light squeeze.

"We suppose she would go with you if you left us?"

"I would," the delicate woman replied.

"We do not like the idea of losing you and her. How are you so certain your plan will be successful?"

"I know my children, my Kami," the warrior replied.

The Kami paused. His children were their children in a sense, yet they did not possess the same confidence. This was yet one of the reasons they enjoyed the warrior's presence. He was interesting, brimming with confidence and effervescing with life.

"We shall see," the Kami declared as they waved a hand.

The air shimmered then cleared.

The drama had begun.