Wild West / Western Fan fiction story

Hi again to all fellow readers!

This time I wrote a fanfiction story on about the story in a setting of Wild West or simply Western.

It was my first time to write this story. After all, I was more focused on writing crossover stories but here we go again.

The reason why I wrote some of my stories is not only to give inspirations to other readers but also to teach us some good values and lessons in our daily lives.

Most of the Western fan fic stories were more focused on a cowboy protagonist but this time, in the story, the cowgirl will be the primary protagonist of the story.

Full of war battles, survival, hidden secrets, betrayals and love will occurred in one another.

So have fun and enjoy reading!

Chapter 1 - Prologue

(The Birth and the childhood lives of Jennah and Tino)

In the 18th century, some foreign invaders were started to colonized and invaded poor towns and countries from across every continents, mostly in America and Asia. Some of them were so very cruel and violent when it's comes to attacking and torturing other people who were get in their way while some of other invaders, were wanted to take over a country or a town for their own selfish ambitions, because they have lot of riches and money. There was a huge rift of discrimination between the rich and the poor.

All of the towns were invaded by the foreign invaders except a town that it was very far away from other towns, named Virginia Town in which it was titled " Inner Town of the West ". Somehow, the foreign invaders, led by a British commander leader, wanted to invaded the town for their own imperial colonization for European Army.

(Birth and childhood past of Jennah)

While the foreign invaders were still out there, to invaded Virginia Town. The government had a plan on how to attacked the invaders in a secret manner.

Despite the people were afraid to be tortured to death by the hands of cruel foreign invaders, some of them were escaped, going to a safest place where the invaders will never find them. At that time, there was a beautiful but born with disfigured face figured young woman, goes by the name Clarisse. She was the owner of a gold saloon shop and she was been admired by some male residents, who were trying to woo her but they failed. She was very helpful, kind and talented woman. Despite her ugliness, she was still being admired by some people who were around her.

But somehow, the popularity of Clarisse was reached to the ears of the British commander leader, who was started to enchanted by her beauty and then he wanted her for his own personal desires.

Later that night, Clarisse was on the way back to her home after finishing up the stock of golds to be sent to other countries at the company headquarters. While she was walking back to her home, she was been attacked by a group of army men weared in black. They tied both of her hands and they put her in an army tank, taken her to the army headquarters.

The army men brought her to their commander at the headquarters base. When the commander saw her for the very first time, he started to fell eyes on her, due to her beauty. The men leave her alone with their leader.

The commander looked at her, making her to shivered with fear but he told her, with amusement " Don't be afraid my dear. After all, fate has brought me to meet a beautiful woman just like you and besides, I like beautiful and gorgeous young women. But somehow, I will make you as my secret trophy wife... for my own ambition to invaded other towns.. for the colonization goal for Europe. "

But Clarisse, was surprised of what he said, trying to run away from him but he grabbed her on the waist by both of his hands.

" I will never let you run away from me. You are my secret trophy wife now... "

She tried to fight back herself from him but she failed. Then, he brings her to his bedroom, placing on a comfortable bed. That very moment, he takes off his clothes away, placed on the floor. After that, he looks at her, making her to be frightened with fear, asked " What are you trying to do to me? "

" Just a little bit love touch of course, my darling. " with amusement on his face

He kissed her on the neck, but Clarisse pushed him down by her hands, tried to get out of the room but he grabbed her by force. He removed all of her clothes, making her to be fully naked, placing her back on the bed and he attempted to rape her. She tried to fight back many times but she fails, became totally defenseless and helpless. As he kissed her on the lower part of her waist until to her inner thighs, she screamed with agonizing in pain.

But in a moment of sudden, someone hit the commander on the back, making him to fall down to his death. Clarisse, was surprised of what she had saw. It was a police cowboy, the one who shot the commander to death. After that, he went approached to her but Clarisse was scared, thinking that he might harmed her too but the man lend his hand to her, asked " Are you alright, Miss? Don't be afraid. I came to seek justice for those who are in need. "

And she lend her hand to him, making her to stand up from the bed. The two went out of the headquarters base, with all the British armies were laying dead on the ground. That very moment, Clarisse asked him " Who are you anyway? Why are you intending to saved me from that wicked bastard? "

" My name is John Hexar, and i am a police officer. My enforcement group came here to stopped those foreign invaders, who were responsible for kidnapping people. I think you are one of them so that why we came to rescued them... and including you, my dear. "

" My name is Clarisse. Thanks for saving me, Mr Hexar. "

" Just called me John instead. " with a smile on his face

Then, Clarisse hugged him, making him to startled in surprise of what she did. As days passed by, the two were became close friends and later on they developed a close relationship attraction with each other until months later, the two were became official lovers. 1 year later, Clarisse married John. All of their friends, relatives and supporters were all attended the wedding. The two celebrated their first honeymoon at Virginia Hotel. After one month of their wedding, they started to improved the gold saloon business and they became popular throughout cities of America. Also, John was very happy that Clarisse was having their first child.

Somehow, her pregnancy was seems to getting a little bit painful when John learns that the child that she carried was not his, but actually the real father who had raped her at that time and the one whom he killed with in the operation attack. Despite the difficulties, John will do his best to become the new father of the child that she carried with. It was revealed that the child was a female.

8 months later, she gave birth to a beautiful but with half disfigured face. The married couple were so happy that the child was their greatest blessing in their lives. But when John asked Clarisse of what will be the name of the baby and she said:

" I will named her Jennah. "

" Jennah... nice name. We will take care of her with all our strength and with love. "

The married couple raised Jennah. As years passed by, Jennah was became a grown up girl despite she was being despise by some other people due to her ugliness but she was treated kindly by her parents' friends and relatives. At the young age of 11, she was trained by her father on how to become a great fighter.

The family lived together peacefully and with normal happy life. But their happy life was turned tormented when an another British commander arrived to invade Virginia town, goes by the name Lieutenant Margeret, the first female strongest and the most violent commander of the British army, and it was revealed that she was the cousin of the British leader commander whom John Hexar killed with a long time ago.

Upon hearing that Lieutenant Margeret and her armies will gonna attacked their home, John had decided that Jennah will be in the custody care of Miss Tanner, his close classmate, despite his wife's protests. But in the end, the married couple went to Miss Tanner, give Jennah to her, in order to be safe from harm. After that, the couple leave the town, leaving their daughter crying in anguish.

2 weeks later, a shocking news had been reached to Miss Tanner that John and Clarisse were died in the house in Washington, in which it was burned down by Margeret and her army.

Jennah, was extremely emotional of her parents death at the hands of a heartless soldier and so she decided that she will gonna trained as a bounty hunter, in order to tracked her down, with some training help from Miss Tanner, who was now became her secondary mentor, after her father. She had trained her for 7 years and she was became the part of American Peace Military Force, led by Commander Wayer, an organization who were responsible for tracking down evil foreign invaders.

(End of Jennah's story)

(Tino's birth and his childhood past)

After Jennah was became a member of American Peace Military Force, at the age of 18, Lieutenant Margeret and her armies went back to their colonized base, the country of Japan in which in a far away rural village, in the middle of the night, a drunken husband had beaten up his wife, who was already 9 months pregnant. In order to get away from her violent husband, she went to her sister's place, to stay for a while until she gives birth. Until later that midnight, she was finally had given birth to her first child, a strong healthy baby boy. But somehow, she was running out of time because of her illness of malaria and she told her sister " Just take care of my son, and his name will be Ruri. That child will never be touched by any other women when he getting grown up as a young man because he has a hidden ability in which he can able to predict the near future. "

And she died at exactly 12 o clock midnight. So then, her sister had taken care of Ruri, as her own son and she loves him a lot until he reached at the age of 10 years old. When he was with other people, he was been bullied due to his family status. Despite of this, he was always locked up at the room for the whole day. Until later that night, a group of army were attacked the house, killed every family members including the sister of his deceased mother, his auntie and they abducted Ruri, and they brought to the headquarters base.

When the army brought Ruri in front of Lieutenant Margeret, she was started to get fascinated at him, and she said to them " Well! Well! I had finally found my gorgeous slave at last. You will gonna stayed with me until the day I will you bring you back to my hometown... as my lover. "

This makes him to get frightened at her. Everyday that he was working with her, he was been beaten by her whip or being thrown by a hot water, for not doing his duties well and even he doesn't eat or sleep because of some duties that she had given to him, sometimes on the work some of her fellow soldiers were watching at him, laughed in a mocking manner.

Despite of his traumatic experience, he had decided to escaped from the base, to seeked help. Later that night, he tried to jumped from the window but in a moment of sudden, he was been grabbed by Margeret, holding him at his waist. He tried to fight back but Margeret said to him, with amusement

" You will never ever run away from me.. you be mine now. "

" I won't go with you! never! "

" Oh, you will be... "

And then, she placed him on the bed. She removed off her clothes, placed on the floor.

" Hold on... what is this? What you will gonna do to me? "

" Just a little bit touch of course. "

That very moment, she removed off his clothes from top to bottom and then she attempted to rape him.

" Ouch! Let me go! " as he tried to fight himself from her

" I will never! After all, you are the most gorgeous boy in the whole world. I really like young boys just like you. You will be belonged to me now, my dear Ruri. "

She kissed him on the neck until to his legs.

" please... don't touch me... please... " with tears falling from his eyes

Then, she attempted to molested him at the inner thighs and she kissed on it, making him to get even more pleading in emotional to her. No other choice, he screamed in a loud voice " Don't touch me! " and an enormous energy pushed her down on the floor and then he jumped down from the window.

Driven with insanity, she commanded her soldiers to find him in every cities. Ruri, had finally escaped from the base, went to a developed city named Osaka, to find a place to hide. But in a few minutes later, he was been chased by Margeret's army. He tried to reached to the bridge but one of the soldiers fired his rifle, hitted him on the back, making him to fall off, hit his head on a huge rock, and he fell unconscious. The army was trying to bring him but they retreated away from the place when they saw the army from the American Peace Military Force arrived to chased them off.

A hour later, a black car has been passed by on the bridge. The woman, was sat on the front seat, saw Ruri was laying down on the ground and she said to her husband, who was driving " Look, there was a little boy was laying down on the ground. We have to helped him. "

Her husband nodded in silent. The couple went out of the car, and they went to Ruri's aid, was having a huge wound on his head, still unconscious.

" I think he was been tortured by someone else. We need to take care of this child. He has no place to find with. "

" Are you really sure about this, hon? What if his family was looking for him? They will be getting worried for him. "

" Even though his family were not here, we shall decided to take care of him, just like a real son and besides, we don't have our own child for all those years. We shall treated him with love and compassion. "

Her husband had other choice but to followed of what his wife said to him, and so the couple took Ruri with them, back to America, their hometown, to cured his wounded injuries. They took him to a public hospital.

2 weeks later, Ruri was finally regained consciousness at the hospital, with the couple who had helped him, and he wondered " Where am I? "

The husband replied " You are in the hospital, my dear boy. I'm so glad that you are awake again. "

" We have getting so worried about you. We thought that you will never be awake again because of your massive wounds on your head and on your back. " the wife stated

Ruri recalled of what happened when he was been chased by Margeret's army and after that, it was all went blanked.

After he recalled everything on his mind, the couple looked at him and he recalled again on his mind that Margeret had sexually abused him. And then, he shouted " Stay back! Don't hurt me! please! Don't touch me! please!

But the wife calmed him down, tapped her hand on his shoulder " Just calmed down, my dear boy. We don't want to harmed you. We were well kinded people, okay? "

And he went calmed down.

Then, Ruri asked them " Who are you people anyway? "

" My name is Robert Feriner and this is my beloved wife, Mrs Candy. You are here in the country America. " the husband replied

" America?... " Ruri wondered, in confusion

" And what was your name, my dear? " Miss Candy asked

" Well, uh... my name was... " Ruri uttered and he paused for a moment, in a silent manner and after a few minutes " I guess I don't remember my name. "

" I see. I think we should named you Tino. " Robert said to him

" Tino?... " Ruri wondered, in confusion again

" You will be part of the family now. Even though your family was not here in this world anymore. We will gonna take care of you from this day forward, just like a real son. " Mrs Candy said to him, with a loving smile

" So, are you willing to come with us, Tino? Your new home is nice and beautiful and it was very huge too. " Robert asked, lend his hand to him, with a smile on his face

He was startled when Mr Robert lend his hand to him, despite he doesn't talk to other strangers. But somehow, he need to overcome his fear. He lend his hand to him, to stand up from the hospital bed.

" Okay, Mommy... Daddy... " he said, did the same way as Robert did

And the couple were so very happy when he called them " Mommy and Daddy " for the very first time. A day later, the couple brought him to the mansion house of Feriner. Ruri, was now Tino, was amazed by the beautiful view of the mansion house.

" Today, this is will be your new home, my son. " Robert said to him

From that day forward, Tino (Ruri) was started to lived in a better, peaceful and comfortable life with the Feriner couple despite Margeret didn't know where he was, although his traumatic memories were all going blanked on his mind, due to massive hit of the bullet of a rifle. But still, he decided to move on from what happened and to lived a new life without any harm and dangers in his life. The couple treated him as their own son, because they are childless for long years, even though they didn't know of his real biological secret.

(End of Tino's story)

(In the present time)

10 years later, He was became a good looking gentleman and he was became the popular person in the town of Virginia because his foster father, Robert, had became the admiral mayor the town.

All the people including the females were getting to admired him because of his charm and beauty but still, he doesn't talked to other people at the outside world except on those who are around him, his foster parents, and his close best friends Hitber, a well skilled chef and Jasper, the lieutenant member of the American Peace Military Forces. As he spent time with them, he was feeling happy that he had found his own freedom and happiness despite of his traumatic past. But somehow, there is one thing that he needed to completed in his life: to be fall in love to someone who has a kind and compassionate heart.

But his peaceful life with his foster family was torned when the couple received some of unknown threats from some evil crime organizations. There are two reasons why they are been targeted: (1) Because the family was the second powerful in the whole town and (2) Because they want their riches, wealth and properties owned by the couple. But sometimes, some of the evil crime organizations were threaten Tino as well, by through sending messages in a letter form. Despite the upcoming threats occurred in their family, Tino was keep stayed strong despite of his traumatic childhood past at the hands of Margeret.

Later that night, when he was on the way to the mansion house, he was been attacked by a group of bandits, whom were intended to kidnapped him for ransom. But somehow, instead of kidnapping him, one of the bandits members, a tall female one, intended to rape him at near the farm field. He tried to fight himself back away from them but the bandits were continued on hurting him. The female bandit, had kissed him on the shoulder, and she attempted to removed off his shirt, tried to touched him at the lower waist. Became totally helpless and defenseless, he screamed loudly in anguish " Somebody help me! "

But suddenly, a bullet hitted on the left arm of the female bandit, making to get wounded. And then, a female voice was heard " Just leave the young man alone, evil perverter! "

Tino, was surprised by the woman's voice.

The female bandit turned her back, facing at the right side, asked, with an anger expression on her face " Who was there?! "

A cowlady appeared out of the shadows, riding in a brown horse. She weared a costume that it was similar to a cowboy and she has weared a red hat on her head. She has every weapons on each side of her cowbelt.

The group of bandits were looked back their backs, facing to her, and the leader of the group, asked " Who are you anyway? "

Tino, was surprised of what he had saw and he thought on his mind " Who was she? Why she wanted to saved me? Is she was... "

The cowlady came down from her horse, and then she removed her hat from her head, then she released her gun rifle from her pocket, and then she pointed the weapon at the bandits group, in which Tino was started to get terrified when he saw the gun rifle on the cowlady's hand.

She smiled at them, said with amusement " My name is Jennah Hexar, the famous bounty hunter. "

And she was still pointed her weapon at the bandits while Tino was watching at her, with a terrified expression on his face.

Will it could be the start of a new-found relationship between those two?

Find Out

In the Next Chapter

Chapter 2 - Destined Fate

Don't Miss It!

" Stayed positive and have strong courage and faith. Don't let your negative thoughts and fears stayed in your mind always because it will caused anxiety and insanity. "

In this first chapter, the age of Jennah was much older mature (11 years old 7 years = 18 years old 10 years = 28 years old 10 years = 38 years old (currently)) than Tino (10 years old to 20 years old (currently)). More characters will be introduced soon in the next chapter.

Enjoy Reading!