I always wanted to be a hero.

You know the guy that gets the girl, has everyone looking up to them a well, everyone likes and looked up to him.

Had I known the price that I would pay for it, I would probably reject it, now that I'm, older I'm much wiser.

I haven't slept in five days and I doubt that I will be able to sleep anytime soon.

I'm not from this world, I'm from an earth where heroes and villains are nothing more than stories.

I won't bother saying how my first day in this world went, it's in all honesty pointless to do so, the only thing I will say is that, when a person expects the world to end, they expect it to happen slowly.

Not in an instant.

One moment people were going about their day, not caring about my existence, the next...everyone's eyes and mouth were bleeding.

I used to be bullied a lot when I was younger, so my instincts immediately reacted the moment I felt the danger, it was that very instinct that saved my life.

The only things I had with me were my wallet, my cellphone and a recently bought deck of playing cards I had just bought, something I had seen in the store, things from when I was younger.

I don't know what drove me to do it, but I pulled out a card and said teleport, one moment I was on the street the next I was on one of the nearby roofs.

Anyone would have called me a coward because I just watched as everyone began to kill each other, but I didn't know what was going on.

I just watched as men women and children tore those uninfected apart.

I know what your thinking, put me in there I'll do better.

No, you wouldn't, I watched as entier suns were created right before my eyes and those very suns were torn apart by the zombies.

And so we find ourselves here five days later, there is til electricity and water is still running, but I need to find a place I can lock myself in and get some sleep.

I can't keep going, every building is either filled with the undead or with what's left of their victims.

Hell, I would sleep on the streets and use every card I have to defend myself, but with all of the superpowered beings running around, I'm not willing to take the chance.

Screw it, there's an empty bus in front of me, I need to sleep so I walk into it and luckily for me, its clean and there aren't any undead inside.

One by one I put a card around me and activate them, they will either make the zombies leave or kill them long before they get to the bus.

If all else fails, I'll just teleport away.

Imagine seeing blood coming out of someone's head and that blood running down their necks until it finally runs down their hands and drips from their fingers one drop at a time.

The blood never drying and never stopping, that is my reality.

I can feel my cards activating one after another, I'll have to wake up soon.

"Get up" I hear a man's voice as he shoves me awake.

I suddenly realize that the bus is full, when did all of these people get here?

"Your defenses are starting to fail can you do whatever you did to those cards again?" he asks me, as he hands me one of my cards.

There's no point in me laying on the floor and as I get up, I realize that men women and children are all packed into the bus.

"How did you all get in here?" I ask them

"It seems your cards only protected you from the infected, but they didn't go off when ran here for safety. I'll cut straight to the point, they were chasing us, and your defenses killed them but not us, so we've been here ever since" the same man answered me.

"What do you know about?" I began to ask him but he just lifted his hand.

"They're gone, they got on some space ships and left. We thought there weren't any superheroes left and then we found you" he said to me, and those last few words hurt more than anyone can imagine.



"Super technology?"

"The heroes destroyed it to deny it to them"

"Anything?" I asked him

"No, this is it" he answered me, I could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

"I thought I was the only person left" I said as I looked at my deck of cards.

"Heroes have a lot of cool gadgets and stuff the villains used, hell the villains probably had even cooler things," I said to him.

"If this is it, then do you want to help me make it safe?" I asked him and the man's eyes seemed to stare straight into my soul.

He stretches out his hand and I watch as three long blades emerge from his hand and I can't help but smile.

"Logan, but people call me wolverine"

"Jacob and I don't have a superhero name"