Magik's Miscellanea

Magik's Comments: I want to keep posting weekly updates to fanfiction, but because of the current quarantine (Hello hypothetical future people! This is coronavirus time) my inspiration is stalling out. So, I'm going to go back in time for a little while and post old notes from my earlier works, along with comments.

File 1: "The Mushroom Kingdom" (2009-2014)

[From Notebook #1]

Magik's Comments: I began taking detailed notes for my stories when writing The Mushroom Kingdom. As you'll see, it was sketched out to be quite the epic...

List of Sagas

#: Saga — Main Antagonist — Main Party

1: Toadbert Saga — Hamro — Cel, Wes, Kan

2: Blood Mask Saga — Blood Mask — Cel, Wes, Jonas

3: Sacharial Saga — Apprentice (Exxen) — Cel, Wes

4: Antidote Saga — [none] — Wes, Vapear

5: Third War Saga — [*Malpix or Penter or Both] — Cel, Wes, Jonas, [Army…]

6: Oni/Devil/Demon Saga — Azine — Cel, (...)

7: Saviour (Sacrifice?) Saga — King Ludwig — Cel, Wes

Magik's Comments: I only ended up writing to the third saga (Sacharial), though things were sketched out quite a bit further ahead. The Mushroom Kingdom story was heavily influenced by anime, an interest of mine at the time of the writing. The term "saga", referring to major plot arcs, is a reference to "shonen" (generally fighting/adventure-oriented) anime, especially works like Dragon Ball and One Piece. The scripted format of the story also suggests itself as television.

I don't know where the name "Sacharial" came from. Back then I tried to just make fantasy names out of nothing... with varying results.

Last note: I don't know why I went with the British spelling for "saviour".

Excerpt from Third War Saga notes

+All of Celistar's friends/friends of friends team up for battle. "Cel's Army" (Not actual name) base themselves in Sarasaland. (Think of when everyone meets in Final Fantasy 6.)

Magik's Comments: Ha. Yep, Final Fantasy was a big influence too. Final Fantasy's style was also influential on the later story Mario's Crowbar.

Power States

Lv.1: Normal (Can go to Magi or Super)

Lv.2: Magi (Can go to Super)

Lv.4: Super (Can go to Pseudo-Ultra, Magus, or Ultra)

[Ordinary people's strength ranges from Lv.1 to 5]

Lv.6: Pseudo-Ultra [Luigi is unable to reach Ultra. His enraged state leads to the weaker Pseudo-Ultra]

Lv.7: Magus [Magus is Wes' power state at the end of The Mushroom Kingdom's story.]

Lv.7: Ultra (Can go to Destined or Demonic) [Ultra is Celistar's power state at the end of The Mushroom Kingdom's story.]

[Magus and Ultra are equally powerful.]

Lv.10: Destined

Lv.10: Demonic (Can go to Blessed Demonic)

[Destined and Demonic are equally powerful.] [Demonic is Ludwig's power state at the end of The Mushroom Kingdom's story.]

Lv.13: Blessed Demonic

Magik's Comments: This was originally in a more graphic format (levels descending in lines from 1-14, with arrows pointing from power state to power state, etc.) so I apologize if the notes here are a bit confusing.

Levels noted are base levels, so if a person reaches Super, for instance, they are at base power level 4, but can reach up to level 6 through training.

No character in the original Mushroom Kingdom reaches past power level 10, nor the power states Destined and Blessed Demonic. Higher power levels and states would have been involved (in a limited capacity) in the two potential sequel stories to The Mushroom Kingdom.

Character Power Levels

Celistar: 1-9

Wes: 1-10

Mario: 1-8

Penter: 1-6

Hamro: 2

Exxen: 1-4

Bowser: 2-6

Magik's Comments: Giving Wes a potential power level above Celistar smacks of bad OC-ism, but it's because he would have survived into the first sequel story past The Mushroom Kingdom (while Celistar wouldn't have), and so have the time to get a little more powerful.

Celistar's sacrifice at the end of The Mushroom Kingdom would have been permanent… though a clone-son version of her would have later appeared! (The Mushroom Kingdom was very very much wacky anime hijinx.)

Ah, yes, here we go—

Excerpt from Saviour Saga notes

+Celis sacrifices life to kill Ludwig.

+Cel's DNA is extracted, and a baby son is created. Wes takes custody of the baby. End of the story (TMK)

Magik's Comments: Yikes, that sounds dumb! Maybe it could have been done well, who knows.

Excerpts from Character Notes

Ghrea Azuki- (KOOPA) (Age: 18)

General Details: Part of rebel faction in Mushroom Kingdom dungeon. Actually a spy for the Beanbean Kingdom, directly under orders from Nask's Third Creation. Refers to her as "Madam". A triple agent: *Works with Wes, *Works for NTC, *Works under Daisy in Sarasaland. Used to work with Sacharials but is now assumed dead by them.

Powers: Medical skills.

Main Weapon:

Main Goal(s): Help the Sacharials kill Penter.

Important Saga(s): Sacharial, Devil

Alliance: Mushroom Kingdom- ? (Sacharials), Beanbean Kingdom- NTC, Mushroom Kingdom- Celis

Penter Alago- (TOAD) (Age: 59)

General Details: Trained with Mario. Legendary fighter.

Powers: Incredibly skilled in fighting, his body has recently been semi-possessed by a powerful entity. Now has an omnipresent source giving him unlimited information-but also controlling him to a great extent. He can sense MOD powers through feeling auras- a skill he developed from some terrible incident.

Main Weapon: A simple walking stick. His fighting skills make it a deadly tool, however.

Main Goal(s): With the demon controlling him, all thought go to killing MODs. Otherwise unknown.

Important Saga(s): Toadbert, Blood Mask, Sacharial, Third War

Alliance: Mushroom Kingdom-Azine

Wes Winters- (KOOPA) (AGE: 17)

General Details: After he was forced into the Koopa Army, he became one of Ludwig's servants. Born in the village of Nasidius.

Powers: One of the three Star MODS, has some of the weaker powers that Celistar has, but is also a Maguskoopa-knows simple elemental magic in early TMK, later gains other kinds of magic, such as the power of wind. Must manipulate an element.

Main Weapon: He has no true weapon, but wields deadly magic, after Celistar learns of it.

Main Goal(s): Help Celistar with her journeys. (Eventually, track down his brother.)

Important Saga(s): Toadbert, Blood Mask, Sacharial, Antidote, Third War, Devil, Savior

Alliance: Mushroom Kingdom-Princess Celistar

Magik's Comments: These are the three major characters whose names got carried over to Mario's Crowbar. Though, to be more accurate, the names came about when I wrote the original babby draft of Crowbar back in 2007, then they were carried over to Mushroom Kingdom, and finally returned to their original owners in the 2013 Crowbar.

Everyone is the same species, though carrying fairly different personalities. Penter, especially, is an older man who acts as a kind of mentor (and later antagonist), rather than the angry young pseudo-revolutionary he is in Crowbar. Meanwhile, Ghrea works for the Beanbean Kingdom in both timelines (but thrives less on chaos in TMK), while Wes is a lowly Koopa Kingdom soldier (but has much more of a backbone).

That wraps it up for the more interesting Mushroom Kingdom notes. The rest is plot, most of which was already covered in the summary featured at the end of The Mushroom Kingdom.

Next time we'll take a look at notes from Mario's Crowbar (2013-2017).