Domain: Po-Metru

The Nui-Jaga inhabit the barren wastelands near the Po-Metru Sculpture Fields. These scorpion-like creatures are notoriously ill-tempered, quick to strike out at intruders or even each other.

Nui-Jaga commonly hunt in packs, which helps to make up for the fact that they are not very fast. One of the creatures will drive prey forward, usually into a canyon, where others wait to strike. Once the target is surrounded, the Nui-Jaga will call to each other. Their cries have been compared to the sound of glass breaking.

Nui-Jaga stings are painful, sometimes fatal. In some parts of Metru Nui, Nui-Jaga stingers are considered very valuable, so Po-Matoran have been known to hunt for the creatures. Few of the hunters ever return.

Rahaga Norik says: "You only have one advantage when trying to trap a Nui-Jaga, and that is that they are not very bright. One effective trick is to place a sheet of crystal along a path. The Nui-Jaga will see its own reflection and strike, thinking it is another of its kind. If it hits hard enough, its stinger will get buried in the rock and it can be handled easily."



Domain: Le-Metru

A harsh buzz fills the air…a rustle of wings…a dark shape flying out of the suns…these are the warning signs of a Nui-Rama attack. These insectoids are one of the earliest recorded Rahi menaces in Metru Nui, and Vahki order enforcers spent centuries trying to root them all out of their Le-Metru nests.

Nui-Rama feed on liquid protodermis and Matoran believe that they are particularly attracted to the impurities in it. Drawing it directly from the ocean leaves the Nui-Rama vulnerable to sea creatures, so the insects prefer to drink their fill from the chutes. Using their stingers to pierce the magnetic field around a chute, they will drain large amounts of liquid protodermis from inside. If they return often enough to one spot, the field can be ruined and the chute can collapse.

Nui-Rama use their stinger both for feeding and as an offensive tool. They are most dangerous if their nest is disturbed. A Nui-Rama's wings are strong enough to allow it to lift a Toa high in the air. The Nui-Rama's natural enemy is the Gukko bird.

Rahaga Kualus says: "Oh, my—nasty things. One of them is hard enough to deal with—anger a swarm and you will have a very short day. Best way to keep safe is to get inside immediately. If that's not possible, head for Ko-Metru. Intense cold slows the Nui-Rama down and may give you time to escape. As for capturing them, what works for the Visorak will work for you: webs, nets, anything that will entangle them."


~RAHI BEASTS: Phase Dragon~

Domain: Le-Metru

Often seen racing through the tangled chutes and cables of Le-Metru, the enigmatic Phase Dragon is one of the most unusual Rahi found in the city of Metru Nui. Larger than a Toa, this creature can be frightening to look at. Sharp claws sprout from long, powerful limbs, while glistening white fangs protrude from the Phase Dragon's mouth. Flames can often be seen shooting from its maw, while dark, spiny wings help this Rahi move quickly through the skies.

Despite this terrifying appearance, the Phase Dragon has a surprisingly gentle personality. It loves speed, and has been known to chase vehicles and flying Rahi. Phase Dragons were often spotted flying alongside Matoran airships.

The Phase Dragon also loved to race vehicles on the Le-Metru test track, where it put its powerful phasing ability to use. Just when this Rahi is about to strike a hard surface at high speed, it changes—or "phases"—to a ghost-like consistency, allowing it to pass harmlessly through solid objects. Once the obstacle has been passed through, the Phase Dragon returns to solid form and continues racing!

Rahaga Norik says: "When the skies over Le-Metru were filled with airships and the streets with moving vehicles, the Phase Dragon was no real threat to anyone. Now that the city is largely dead, this Rahi is growing bored and has begun chasing after anything that moves. It will even charge and attack to get something to run, often misjudging its own strength and doing serious harm."


The Toa Hordika of Air and Water were still poised underneath the golden Keelerak-shaped battle ram. Visorak of all kinds slowly pulled the ram toward the furnace of the building, which stood with an opening a hundred feet high.

"Got any bright ideas?" Matau asked.

"You never seem to like my ideas," Nokama answered.

Matau pointed to the light of the flames they were nearing. "Well, your last one got us a one-way pass-ticket to our own barbecue." He shook his head. "That fine-settles it—this is sure-absolutely the last time I hear-listen to one of your ideas, Nokama." After a pause, he added, "This time I mean it."

Despite the situation, Nokama could not help but smile. Matau smiled, too. "I might have a thought or two…" Nokama looked over to see him charging an air spinner. Clinging to the battle ram upside down, it was pointed right at the floor underneath them.

"Matau…" Nokama started to warn him. Before she could finish, Matau fired the Rhotuka. A towering cyclone erupted underneath the battering ram and created violently spiraling winds, sending the heavy ram and Toa Hordika flying. "Matau!" Nokama called as they flew out of control.

"Yeah, I know!" the Toa of Air nodded, proud. "Great idea-plan, isn't it?"

Nokama could see Visorak attached to the ram by their chains, helplessly flying along. The spinning of the ram was so fast that most of their chains were fully extended and held taut from the rotational kinematics. "There are still Visorak hanging on to the battle ram!" she called.

"Then they made a bad career choice," Matau affirmed.

A second later, the battle ram, Toa, and jerking Visorak blew straight through the wall of the tower, soaring into the skies of Metru Nui.


~RAHI BEASTS: Proto Drake~

Domain: Ga-Metru

These amphibious creatures dwell in the sea waters near Ga-Metru. Graceful as well as powerful, they have always been regarded with respect by the Ga-Matoran. Their great fins allow them to swim at high speeds underwater as well as more slowly through the air. Prey, normally smaller creatures, is grabbed using the claws on the Proto Drake's tail.

Although the ocean is liquid protodermis, that is not how the drake got its name. It actually came from the creature's strange habit of bathing in molten protodermis in Ta-Metru vats. More than one Ta-Matoran has been startled to see a violent upheaval in the fiery liquid, followed seconds later by the emergence of a Proto Drake. Onu-Matoran believe that these Rahi may attract various parasites while underwater and so use the searing hot liquid to burn them off.

Proto Drakes can be frightening, but they do not seem to be hostile to Toa or Matoran. Only once has a Proto Drake attacked Ga-Metru, and that creature later proved to be wounded and in terrible pain. Their presence has traditionally been welcomed by the residents of Ga-Metru since they primarily feed on sharks.

Rahaga Gaaki says: "Ga-Matoran must be very friendly sorts. If I saw something that size flying toward me, claws ready to grab, I don't know that I would be welcoming it with open arms. Unfortunately, the Visorak don't care if a creature is 'friendly' or not—they want them all in their web—so I will do the best I can to snare these things for their own protection."


~RAHI BEASTS: Razor Whale~

Domain: Ga-Metru

Massive creatures, Razor Whales live in the ocean off Ga-Metru, feeding on other marine life. Although their appearance is formidable, they are not by nature a hostile species. The incredibly sharp spines on their backs are enough to scare off most predators, and even Matoran fishing boats leave them in peace. Rarely having to fight, Razor Whales have found they quite enjoy living a peaceful existence.

One interesting fact about these Rahi is that at a certain point in their lives, their spines fall off. Whether that is related to age or some other factor, no one knows. But once the spines are gone, it seems to be easier to tame these beasts and some Matoran, like Maku, have even been able to ride them.

Nokama has fought hard to protect this species from the Visorak Boggarak who menace them, but it has been a losing cause. Not used to having enemies, Razor Whales do not seem to understand the need to hide or flee. The Toa Hordika keeps trying though, for each Razor Whale who is captured by the invaders is like a personal blow to her.

Rahaga Gaaki says: "Sometimes the largest creatures are the least dangerous to others. In this case, the gentle nature of the Razor Whale is working against the species. If they do not learn how to fight, they may all perish—or worse—at the claws of the Visorak."


~RAHI BEASTS: Rock Raptor~

Domain: Po-Metru

Found around the Po-Metru Sculpture Fields, the Rock Raptor is one of the main predators in the district. Although not very aggressive towards Matoran, these Rahi are cunning hunters with an uncanny ability to bring down prey much larger than themselves.

They prey on large animals like Kikanalo using a unique method. A Rock Raptor uses its natural tools to dig out caves in the mountains in Po-Metru as a living space. It can then use those same tools to weaken entire slopes and bring them down in a rain of stone on Kikanalo herds or wandering Kane-Ra. Stunned, the larger creatures are then easier prey for the raptors.

Rock Raptors have increasingly come into conflict with Visorak Roporak. Unfortunately for the raptors, they seem to have met their match and their numbers are dwindling rapidly. Worse, they are so territorial and aggressive they will not let a Rahaga anywhere near enough to catch them, their only hope of protection against the hordes.

Rahaga Bomonga says: "Pouks tried. Iruini tried. Even Kualus tried to catch these things, and he hates going after anything that doesn't have wings. Now it's my turn. If I fail, there may soon be no Rock Raptors left to catch."


Nuju struggled between Vakama and Whenua. Vakama had already crossed the line from social conflict to physical hostility once, but it seemed he was ready to do so again. Nuju stopped him first. "We don't have time to fight among ourselves! We have to find the others," he said directly, as if trying to remind Vakama why they were even there.

Onewa glanced skyward as a large shadow fell on them, growing larger. "Um, guys? Course, I could be wrong…but I think they found us!"

"Scatter!" Whenua shouted, causing the others to run for cover and hide. Even as they ran from their spot, some kind of war machine crashed into the ground, as if hurled from the other side of the city. Its components as well as rock from the ground exploded outward and over areas of safety. Nuju and Onewa pushed hard against a wall, avoiding the other debris that flew over its top.

When all was quiet again, Nuju, Onewa, Whenua, Vakama, and Norik came out of their hiding places to observe the crash site. Nuju shook his head, defeated. "No one could have lived through that."

"No one but us Toa-heroes!" Matau announced as he lifted what wreckage was on top of him. Nokama stood next to him, helping to lift the weight of the battle ram's remains. "A last-second spinner and just enough of an air cushion—"

"Plus landing on me…" the Toa of Water snuck in.

"—and here we are!" finished Matau, paying no attention to Nokama. Together, they threw their burden away and greeted the other Toa Hordika.

Nokama used her fin barbs to help lift her out of the crater behind Matau. She paused for a moment, looking down and shaking her left foot. Then she began to rub at it with her tool. "Too bad that one Visorak wasn't so lucky," she muttered. "I'll never get all of it scraped off my feet."

Matau shook his head when they were all gathered. "Things are getting much dark-worse in the city," he said seriously. "The Visorak are quick-speeding up their conquest, capturing beast-Rahi in their cocoons, and turning them into fear-monsters. Worse, when they run out of beast-Rahi…who's to hard-stop them from starting on the long-sleeping Matoran?"

"Us," Nuju reminded him.

Onewa jumped onto a jagged piece of pavement, a broken chute in the background. Beyond that, the dark and reddened skyline of Metru Nui shown dimly. He gripped his claw clubs tightly. "One quick, hard strike—hit them where they live. The Coliseum!"

Whenua put away his tools, taking in the sight of the Coliseum's spires against the sky. "Won't be easy getting in there. They will have every approach guarded, even underground."

"You need a diversion," Rahaga Norik suggested, speaking up. "Ages ago, when I was Toa Norik, we mounted a raid on a heavily guarded Brotherhood of Makuta fortress." Norik remembered the iconic dark green and purple colors of the castle he and the other Toa Hagah were attacking. "My job was to distract the Visorak guards on the south wall."

Norik smiled in remembrance. "I shouted boldly and out in the open: 'Do mighty hunters hide stone walls? You couldn't catch fireflyers in your web, Visorak!' They didn't understand the words, but they recognized the tone. More importantly, they reacted just the way I hoped. The majority of the defenders to rush at me…running right into our trap."

"What was the smart-trap?" Matau asked, intrigued.

"We set a large stone leaning on its edge, suspended by only a single cable," Norik answered. "As I ran past, I used a bolt of fire to burn through the rope. So intent were they on their pursuit, they never thought they might be the ones hunted today. And with finality, the stone came crashing down on them." Norik leaned on his staff and laughed, remembering the glory of being a Toa. "Ah, those were the days…"

Vakama brushed by him, physically shoving the Rahaga out of his way. "Thanks for the sleepy time tale," he chastised. "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's someone who does nothing but share stories all day long…"


On one of the many high platforms of the Coliseum, the rulers of the Visorak horde gazed out over their City of Shadows. "I dislike having the Toa loose out there. It's like having a disobedient Visorak I can't feed to the Zivon," Sidorak muttered in thought.

Roodaka stood sideways, peering into the mist over her shoulder. "Patience, my king. If I know the Toa, they are out there even now, planning and plotting…" Roodaka stepped forward, placing her claws on the railing and facing abreast now. "Long before they became Hordika, they were prisoners of their own natures—trapped by the role of 'hero'. They will come to use because they have no choice. Could they be Toa and do anything less?"

The viceroy turned to the king, and he to her. Her comforting words had brought some peace to him. They usually did. Roodaka met his expression for a moment before admiring their city again. "They will come to us," she said surely, "and we will destroy them."


"Amazing!" Takanuva burst out, causing several other members of the audience to visibly jump. Of them, Tahu shot a heated glare. "Sorry, I couldn't help it."

"And what is it that you find 'amazing' about that?" Onewa asked. "The stubbornness we displayed? We couldn't help it! Well, most of it..."

"I don't think that's what elicited such a cry," Nokama said, looking back to the Seventh Toa.

"Yes, it wasn't that, Turaga Onewa," Takanuva corrected. "It's just…" he took off his mask, which still glowed brightly in his hand. "There was such history behind this, and I never knew."

"There is much about the past that you would all be the better for," Whenua replied. "Perhaps your knowledge of the Avohkii's past was the most meaningful."

"The guarded mask was the ultimate tool against Makuta and his clan, and he knew it," Vakama said, gesturing to the Mask of Light as Takanuva returned it to his face, once again plunging to group into the darkened light of their dying fire. "The Toa Hagah passed it on to us, as we passed it on to the next one who was meant to find it."

Takanuva pulled his hands close to the smoldering warmth. "I'm glad Makuta's gone now… But what happened to the Rahaga? They didn't…I mean, they made it…right?"

"I think someone is getting speed-forward of the story," Matau chided.

"He's not the only one," Pohatu chimed in, patting his new brother Toa on the shoulder. "I'm curious, too. Some of these stories have only opened up more questions."

"Legends and secrets tend to do that," grumbled Tahu.


The Toa of Fire shrugged at Gali's harsh whisper, but when she nodded her head in the direction of the elders, he understood. Their expressions—especially Vakama's—were reserved, reluctant, angry, but mostly regretful. Closed eyes and downcast faces were the common features. Telling these stories was already hard on their minds and hearts, but would be all the more so if any of the Toa gave them reason to doubt their decision.

Unsure of how to ameliorate the situation, he simply remained silent. Finally, Onua spoke up. "Please continue, Turaga Vakama. If we're going to be ready for threats in Metru Nui, we need to know what happened to the Hordika, Sidorak, and Roodaka, and how the Matoran came to be here."

Vakama opened his eyes and stared at the fire for a moment. Onewa and Nuju were still sitting well away from him, but Nokama sat nearest, and she gave him a slow nod. Accepting what he had to do, Vakama took a deep breath to clear his emotions and resumed speaking…

To be continued in "Bionicle - Phase 04: Deliverance - Part V: Web of Shadows"...

(Glimmer to Glow was compiled from the book Adventures 9: Web of Shadows; the animations from Search for the Mask of Light; the guide book BIONICLE: Rahi Beasts; Comics 26-27: Hanging By a Thread, and Fractures; and a short scene written by me at the end)