I'm sick and bored as heck remaining in bed, so I figured I'd just write another Mike and Randall story. Showing more sympathy towards Randall and of course uniting these two old chums together once more. I'm hoping for Randall to get a redemption story in the upcoming TV show.

~Trapped Together~

Soon, he'll be the monster on top. The one to finally be able to out-scare the likes of the great James P. Sullivan, not only by taking the scare record, but also by making history and even having the so-called best working under him. The winds of changes were blowing in his favor.

After scoring another successful scare on a child, Randall retired himself to the washrooms. Working on the project and his rivalry with Sullivan were pretty taxing, it often left him with little energy and he'd usually collapse whenever he reached his apartment. But it would all be worth it when he revolutionizes the industry and puts a stop to the energy crisis.

"That dumb idiot better have me a new door ready, or I'll really put him through the shredder." Randall said to himself, walking over to the sink and looking at himself in the mirror, frowning a bit.

His reflection and his narrow, squinted green eyes painted an ugly picture of what he had become. Tired. Evil. Cold. Bitter. Angry. Sad. Sullivan and Wazowski were responsible for this change, he hated himself for becoming like this, pretty much alone and left with nobody who loved or cared about him. But he was hopeful that with his invention, he'd be able to connect with other monsters again.

He was one full of regrets. His time at Monsters University had been a far cry from what he envisioned. Losing his best friend, having his life ruined and humiliated by his rival, and on top of that, it was as if a part of him had died when he lost the Scare Games.

Splashing himself with the water, Randall looked at his pained reflection and it just made him frown. He sighed and rubbed the cool water on his scales, enjoying the feel and finding a little bit of relief in his privacy, as he grabbed a towel and began to dab his face dry.

"Oh no. Even the restrooms have become a home for the creeps." came Mike's voice, as he entered the washrooms, letting the door shut behind him, unaware that there was something wrong with the door.

Frowning and hissing under his breath, Randall's eyes narrowed and he turned to face the annoying and egocentric little cretin that he once called his best chum enter the facilities.

"Wazowski, what a pleasant surprise." sarcastically remarked Randall, as he finishes drying himself off. "Do me a favor and go drown yourself in the toilet already."

"How about you do everyone a favor and just disappear? That's the nicest thing you could go." spat Mike, narrowing his eye and glaring at the lizard monster.

Mike's words hurt. As cold as Randall seemed, he still did have feelings and the insults and contempt others had towards him didn't help and just upset him. He shot an equally fierce glare back at the smaller green monster.

"Jerk." spat Randall, crossing his arms.

"Creep." responded Mike, heading into one of the stalls with a newspaper. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." He added, closing the door behind him.

Oh, how tempting it would be to scare the annoying little beach ball and deliver some watery payback onto the smaller monster. A sinister smirk spread across his face at the thought of humiliating him.

Turning invisible, Randall quietly scurries over towards the stall Mike's in. Swinging his arm forward, Randall pushed the door open and startled the green monster, before appearing right in front of him, letting out a roar and causing Mike to scream, as he fell into the toilet, as the lizard monster just busted out laughing seeing the beach ball panting and wet.

"Serves you right for calling me a creep, Wazowski." darkly chuckled Randall, a satisfied smirk on his face. This was too good, if only he had a camera with him.

Feeling wet and likely got wet toilet paper stuck to him, Mike's fear was replaced by anger. He wanted to jump at Randall and beat the scales off him for scaring him and humiliating him.

"I hate you so much..." growled Mike, as Randall just looked on with an amused look to his face.

"Hate you too, cretin." replied Randall, laughing as he threw Mike a roll of toilet paper. "Clean yourself up. I'm gonna have some fun taking that record for myself."

Laughing as he walks over towards the door, Randall tried to push it open to no avail. Pushing harder and with all four of his arms, the door refused to give. Growling and cursing to himself, he tried with all his might to push the door open.

Mike got himself up as he dried off as best he could, though his feet were wet and one had a stubborn piece of toilet paper stuck to it. He went over to wash his hands, spotting the lizard monster over by the door.

"What's the matter, lizard boy? The door giving you trouble now?" jokingly remarked Mike, as Randall growled and turned to face him.

"The door's stuck, you idiot! We're trapped in here!" growled Randall, slamming his fist against the door in anger.

The door had a tendency to get stuck whenever it was closed, thus it remained opened. Waternoose had never bothered to have the door replaced, more focused with other things. Randall's eyes widened as he realized Mike was the one who inadvertently shut the door.

"It's your fault we're trapped in here! Your brain dead ass just had the shut the door!" growled Randall, not happy about this one bit. "For all those smarts, you're such an idiot, Wazowski!"

"Great. Just what I wanted to be trapped in the same room with such a creepy jerk." sarcastically remarked Mike, shooting a glare back at Randall. "And how do we know you didn't do it on purpose just to torment me?" He came, pointing an accusing finger at the angry lizard monster.

Was Mike really that stupid to think he'd trap himself with one of the most infuriating monsters alive? Randall could hardly believe he called this beach ball once his best chum.

"Just shut up and leave me alone." growled Randall, looking around the bathroom for any escape, but he found none.

Giving up and deciding to just wait until somebody opens the door, Randall ran around on the floor and sat down. It was bad enough that Sullivan was likely gonna get an edge over him, but of all the monsters to be trapped with, why did it have to be Mike Wazowski?

For Mike, the experience wasn't something he was fond of either. He attempted to kick the stuck piece of toilet paper off his foot to no avail, hearing an amused chuckle come from the lizard monster as he groaned in frustration. Giving up, Mike wadded his arm up in toilet paper and pulled the stubborn piece off his foot, groaning in disgust as he tosses the gross paper into the trash.

"You know, you're still as big as jerk as you were back in college." remarked Mike, washing his hands as he faced Randall. "Still haven't forgotten about the little prank of yours during the party."

Randall frowned at hearing the prank. He thought back to when he pulled the rope and seeing Mike alongside his fraternity get drenched in paint and pelted with stuffed animals. Johnny said it was part of his initiation, but the paint wasn't supposed be apart of it. He was horrified to see the fraternity's spirits broke and seeing such a heartbreaking and pained look of betrayal present on Mike's face, he looked like he was going to cry.

"You know, I was never told about the paint and on top of that, I didn't have my glasses with me so I couldn't see the true nature of it until it was too late." revealed Randall, his head hung low as he sounded a little guilty.

Mike just scoffed at that. Did this jealous psychopath really think he'd fall for something like that? All Randall cared about was wearing that red jacket and being with the 'cool' kids, that's all he ever wanted and he didn't care a bit about their prior friendship.

"Yeah, right, lizard boy." scoffed Mike in disbelief.

"It's true, Mike. I even came by later that night to apologize, but Scott's mother said you weren't there." revealed Randall, as Mike's eye widened when he heard that. It can't be.

"She mentioned something to me about that when I got back. That was you, Randall?" questioned Mike, blinking a few times as if to hear it correctly.

Randall only gave a simple nod. Mike noticed a change in the lizard monster's eyes, they were different from the eyes he'd normally see, his eyes almost seemed oddly familiar to him now.

Memories flooded through the cyclops's mind. Good ones of the short friendship he shared with Randall Boggs, the study sessions, the nights they spent together either watching television or playing a game, having a cupcake on occasion. As much as he hated to admit it, it was one of the best parts about his college experience.

Something else came to Mike's mind, it was the supposed betrayal of his former best friend. Sully getting kicked from Roar Omega Roar and Randall taking that spot, becoming a jerk and developing a deep hatred and jealousy towards the both of them.

"Why?" asked Mike.

"Why what?" questioned Randall, turning back to look at Mike.

"If you felt bad about the prank, then how come you became such a jerk and why do you hate me and Sully so much?" demanded Mike, wanting to know Randall's reasoning for it all. "We could've been friends again if you were sorry about it all."

Randall froze when he heard such a thing be uttered. Be friends again with Mike? Yet he also felt a little angry at Mike accusing him of being a jerk, even if he could be one and wasn't too pleasant to be around.

"Simple. Sullivan ruining my chance at the Scare Games, along with everything that happened afterward." commented Randall, before looking back at Mike, their eyes meeting. "But my hatred towards him runs much deeper than any jealousy, it's because he took someone from me."

Took someone from him? What was Randall even talking about? Did Sully murder his parents or something? No, it couldn't be that, the larger blue mess of fur might be fearsome, but he's a gentle monster.

"Who did Sully take from you?" asked Mike, curious.

"You..." whispered Randall.

Mike's single eye widened as heard such a revelation. He could hardly believe it, the lizard's hatred towards Sullivan was because of him? Stuff like the scare record and not being in Sully's shadow seemed minor, but this, Randall, still had some form of attachment towards him? Randall still cared about him and valued their friendship?

"You can't be serious. You mean to tell me, that our friendship is what led you on this path." scoffed Mike, as Randall growled and snarled under his breath. "If you really cared about me, then why didn't you ever come and talk to me? Why didn't you reach out to me? If you wanted to be friends with me again why didn't you ever try to make amends? A simple I'm sorry? Nothing!"

Growling, Randall narrowed his eyes and squinted them at Mike, letting out a hiss. "The reason was because I couldn't!" yelled Randall. "You saw me, but I never said anything and was pretty much just like a statue when I joined those assholes! Johnny was like a dictator, only Chet got to talk because he just worshiped the ground that elitist jerk stood on! I couldn't speak out against him without the fear of being beat! I wanted to stop the prank, I never wanted it to happen! Do you realize how much it hurt seeing someone who was my friend and helped with my confidence get humiliated like that? I was never truly a member, I was just brought in because of my speed and camouflage." He added, sadly looking back at Mike.

No point in stopping here, Mike might as well hear the rest of it. "When I lost at the Scare Games, I was kicked out and do you know what that jerk did not even after your team had won?" growled Randall, rubbing his hands together and feeling tears forming in his eyes. "He tried to get Sullivan back! Your team might've won, but I lost more than any other monster on campus that night."

Mike could hardly believe this, Randall's opening up to him. "He tried to get Sully back?" He questioned, looking at the tears threatening to fall from the lizard's eyes. Randall's on the verge of crying!

But something else came up, what did Randall mean by losing more than any other monster on campus?

"What all did you lose besides your membership?" gulped Mike, unsure if he even wanted to know the answer.

"I found out that idiot Sullivan rigged the results to give your team victory because you weren't scary. I felt a bit of happiness knowing that jerk would be expelled, but what killed me inside was knowing what you did." said Randall, as Mike began to walk towards the lizard.

"When I went into the human world to scare a child." replied Mike, taking a seat beside Randall, who seemed to welcome the company.

They had never been this close, without being hostile towards each other. It felt strange and awkward, but also he felt a familiar warm feeling in his chest when he got close to the lizard monster.

"That was perhaps the stupidest thing you ever did, Mike. Going into the human world, risking your life in an attempt to be something you're not, only to have Sullivan came to the rescue and get you out of there before you got yourself killed. Adding insult to injury, the Dean kicked you both out and I was left all alone." frowned Randall, more tears forming as he wipes them away.

"Did you really miss me that badly, Randall?" commented Mike, before chuckling. "Gee, it makes me wonder if you wanted a hug too."

Randall was annoyed, but calmed down as he rolled his eyes. "Mike, you don't understand what it was like for me. I never had friends, spent most of my time alone, and the isolation and loneliness was unbearable! You were my first and only friend I ever had! But did you care about me? No! You were too caught up with yourself to think of anyone else but yourself!" snapped Randall, his anger beginning to rise as he went further. "I stood by your side through everything! I took everything you said to heart! And after all that time, you chose him over me! The same monster that insulted, berated, and picked on you! The same arrogant jerk who got you both kicked from the Scare Program in the first place!"

He was an emotional wreck, years of sadness and anger. Mike almost didn't know what to think of the lizard monster, though he felt bad hearing how Johnny treated him and how under that cold, bitter shell, Randall still had a heart.

"You remember when you and Sullivan ruined my cupcakes? I wanted you to go with me to the party, if things didn't work out, I'd at least have my best friend with me. I wanted to spend time with you, enjoy the party with you, and just have a good night, but nope, you choose to study over me and even better, let that idiot trash our dorm and make me a laughing stock at the party all because he stole Fear Tech's stupid mascot!" yelled Randall, memories of that faithful night flooding through his head.

"Randall..." Mike whispered, his voice filling with sympathy towards the lizard monster. "You wanted me to go with you?"

"I just wanted to spend time with my best friend. What did I do so wrong to make you hate me?" whispered Randall, his voice breaking, alerting Mike as Randall began crying.

The shock of a lifetime came when Randall started crying. Tears pouring from his eyes, running down his face and landing on the tiled floor below. He was speechless, utterly speechless.

"But how was I supposed to think of you as a friend after the prank and all our hostilities? Answer me, Randall." said Mike, needing to know for himself.

"Because I felt like it was too late, Mike! I saw you and Sullivan, I could see how close you two were! I hated that idiot because he took the one bright spot I've had in a long time away from me, he took you away! I lost my one and only friend to him! You don't understand how much I missed you when you were expelled! When I found out you were working at Monsters Inc., I was happy for you, I wished you the best! I was hoping that perhaps I could be your partner when I came to the company, as a way for us to reconnect and rekindle, but no, you and Sullivan were already partners and got stuck with a clumsy idiot!" screamed Randall, his voice pained as he sniffled as he cried.

Mike was speechless. Randall's hatred for Sullivan stems from the fact that he feels like Mike replaced him with Sullivan as his best friend. The hurt and pain was strong, Randall was saddened by it.

Things like this were hard, Mike and Randall had never opened up to each other like this, nor on such an emotional level.

"Let me ask you this, why didn't you give up on me? Like just quit, move out of the city, and try to rebuild and have a brand new life?" questioned Mike, surely the lizard could've left this behind and started anew.

Randall hesitated and paused. It wasn't easy for him to answer, especially in front of Mike.

"Because I don't want to leave the one bright spot and forget the memories of the one monster who believed in me. I hated everything that happened after you got kicked out of the program, Mike." revealed Randall, with Mike's eye widening he wasn't used to Randall addressing him by his first name. The lizard turned away as he continued.

"... And I miss everything before that point. I miss not being feared. I miss not being a joke. I miss my innocence, but most of all..." Randall trained off, sniffling.

He was hesitating more. Mike didn't want to push him too hard, but he reached out and placed a hand on Randall's, unsure if he was doing the right thing, he gave his hand a gentle squeeze, one that was reciprocated.

Finding the courage to finally let it out, Randall finished. "I missed having a friend. I missed you, Mike."

Hearing this, Mike scooted closer and not seeing the lizard move away, he took his chance. Pressing himself against Randall, Mike reached out and put an arm around Randall's torso and pulled him in, letting the lizard monster lean on him for support.

Years of bitterness and hate seemed like it was melting away. This was the first time they'd gotten affectionate towards each other and for Randall, it was a welcome relief.

For years, Mike had assumed Randall was just a jerk and somebody consumed by jealously, never did he think that Randall was in truth a very sad and hurt monster that's suffered way too many times to count. He was content letting Randall lean on him, seeing this soft side to the monster.

"Randy..." whispered Mike, as Randall winced at his old nickname. "Did you really consider us friends?"

Randall glanced back at Mike again. His look wasn't cold nor angry this time, it was actually pretty sad and heartbreaking, no thanks to the lizard beginning to cry again. Seeing the lizard monster crying just upset the smaller monster for some reason.

Mike pulled Randall closer and this time, brought his other hand up and held onto the lizard monster's hand. Neither said nothing, only gazing at each other.

"Do you want us to be best chums again, Randy?" asked Mike, seeing a mix of disbelief and hope in Randall's eyes.

Nothing would make him happier to have Mike back, the first and only monster to ever believe in him, the only one who ever truly cared about him. Tears still fell from Randall's eyes, as he felt a strange warm feeling in his chest.

"Do you still hate me and what about Sullivan?" questioned Randall. He wasn't too keen on sharing Mike with that big blue idiot, but the thought of being eternally lonely was too unbearable, he needed a connection.

Mike didn't answer right away. He paused as he thought back to everything they went through and how he made mistakes, he followed through with an unrealistic goal beyond his reach and his own stupidity got him expelled when he should've looked at the real priority at hand, his friendship with Randall.

Years of bitterness and anger existed between them, but he missed having that shy and nerdy lizard monster around. He missed seeing those big shimmering green eyes through those large, rounded glasses, that cute little smile present on his face, and overall how happy he was when he and Randall were roommates and best friends. He thought back to the pair of glasses he kept as a memento of their good times together.

"No, I don't. To tell you the truth, lizard boy, I miss our friendship too." answered Mike, looking back at Randall and placing his hand tenderly on the lizard's cheek. "Sure, Sully's a great friend and all, but I missed having you as a friend. You were my first best friend, my old chum. And I'm sorry for everything."

Touched, Randall threw all four of his arms around the surprised cyclops in a tight yet warm hug, curling himself affectionately around Mike. The smaller green monster while surprised, smiled into the hug and threw his arms tightly around Randall's torso, hugging him back.

Tightening the hug and choking back a sob, Randall held Mike close in their hug. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this, Mike." breathed Randall, too happy to have his best chum back. "Thank you."

"Hey, what are friends for?" Mike replied with a smile.

The years of hatred just disappeared and the warmth and bond of their previous friendship just came back alive, stronger than ever. Friends? The word itself just filled Randall's heart with a kind of happiness he'd hadn't known in years.

Mike and Randall remained in the hug, as Randall pulled the smaller green monster in, letting him lean on him, as he their arms remained entangled around one another. They weren't letting go of each other, the tears in their eyes as Mike noticed a change in Randall's eyes.

"Randy, your eyes..." whispered Mike, as if he's seeing something that was once lost being brought back to him.

On Randall's face, there's a large, beaming smile across his face, almost uncharacteristically excited. His green eyes were large and bright and they appeared almost the same as they looked back in college.

"Randy's back, Mike. He's back." sniffled Randall, tightening the hug and wrapping his tail around Mike's left leg, all too happy to care about how soft he's getting.

"Welcome back, Randy." smiled Mike, giving Randall another tight and endearing hug of friendship.

Strangely, both monsters felt complete now. Even if they weren't trapped in the bathroom, neither of them wanted to break the hug, to end this wholesome moment. They wanted it to last forever, if possible.

"I suppose you'll want your glasses back then." nervously chuckled Mike, not really wanting to lose a treasured item.

"Wait, you have my old glasses?" questioned Randall. Mike had told him to ditch em' when they were in college, though he always wondered what happened to them.

"Yeah. I kept them as a token of the good times we had and to remember our friendship." revealed Mike, laughing as Randall's expression softened even more.

The smile never left Randall's face, he was shedding tears but of joy. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been this happy before, this touched by something. His glasses, the very thing that he discarded so casually back in college were important to his best friend.

"Well, I'll need em' to see again." remarked Randall, laughing as Mike joined in.

Who knows how long they'll be stuck in here, but they didn't care. A long broken bond had been healed and mended, Mike and Randall were friends again. And once he's got his glasses again, Randall will truly be Randy again, this time, permanently.

"Fine. You can have your glasses back, lizard boy." laughed Mike, rolling his eye.

The end.

My love and sympathy for Randall runs deep. What I wouldn't give for Mike and Randall to forgive each other and become friends again, for them to finally be reunited not as enemies but as friends. I think for Randy's college experience, his friendship with Mike was the one bright spot of it all. Johnny can burn in hell for what he did to Randall! All I can do is hope Randall wasn't beaten to death with a shovel and he can return redeemed one day. Hope you all enjoyed this little story of mine, and don't forget to review, favorite, and follow! Feedback is welcome! RandallBeast19, taking flight!