"No... No, Lennie, don't go, please!" Scrappy tossed and turned with a whimper before screaming as he sat right up in his box before looking around. "Huh? What?" he muttered before seeing he was "back home". "I'm back... It was all a dream..." he said to himself before wandering out. "Well, I don't care what people think of me, I'm gonna try to stay brave and bold whether people like me or not!" he then proclaimed.

And so, the Great Dane puppy ventured out into a brand new day in Cartoon Network. A lot of the other Cartoon Cartoons looked at him and either just flat out ignored him or didn't see him. Scrappy felt a bit hurt as it was the same old same old. He tried to keep his head up, but it was hard with how everyone roughly looked down on him like he was a mistake and shouldn't even exist.

"Hi! I'm Scrappy-Doo!" A voice said which sounded like Scrappy's very own.

Scrappy looked hopeful and hoped that someone was maybe watching him on TV. However, once he turned to the corner, he saw that Mike Mazinsky was showing her computer to Lu and Og and playing a game on the official website called Scrappy Stinks! The Great Dane puppy sulked as that added more salt to the wound and it was a stinging pain that reached his eyes.

Scrappy understood what Lennie was trying to tell him, but it didn't seem to help or work this time. He felt his heart aching as nothing really seemed to change. He kept wandering around the streets as he tried to find something to do to keep his mind off of the depression of being a terrible character in the cartoon world.

"Dork!" Kevin called out as he rode by on his bike and threw a tomato at Scrappy.

Scrappy grunted before glaring as Kevin and Sarah laughed at the Great Dane puppy as well as a group of other one-note generic bullies. "Well, at least I'm not a universal jerk who just picks on others because he feels inferior and feels the need to show off all the time!" he then glared.

"At least my parents didn't abandon me!" Kevin retorted.

"Oooh!" The other bullies mocked.

Scrappy had to admit that hearing that hurt... The first time he heard it anyway. By now, he was more or less used to it... Then again, where were his parents? He hadn't seen his mother ever since she agreed to let her brother look after him for her. He just shrugged that off and kept going. The other bullies kept calling out for him to get his attention as they seemed to feed off just making him feel bad since they were, more or less, just one-dimensional assholes who came off as incredibly sadistic, especially for making fun of someone for having a dead family member or friend like it was the funniest thing they had ever heard. Bullies or not, it was just plain cruel and cold-blooded.

Scrappy did his best to tune out what was said about him, but it was hard sometimes. There were people who did like him, but you could probably count those people on one hand compared to the millions of swarms who considered him to be the worst. It felt like today was going to just be another day and it seemed to get worse as Kevin was shown again, but not to make fun of Scrappy himself that time. I guess at least there was that. He soon passed by Master Hamma's karate class building where Johnny Bravo went to most of the time, even though the classes were for small children and not adults like him.

"Time to come home, sweetie." A mother said as the current class walked out of their lessons for the day.

"Coming, Mom." One little girl smiled as she came over and her mother gave her a certain doll.

Scrappy hid away to avoid more insults that would be handed to him on a silver platter on a rather frequent basis. However, to his surprise, the mother gave her daughter what looked like a doll that resembled the Great Dane puppy. Scrappy couldn't believe his eyes, he expected the girl to take the doll and rip it up, but no. This girl was actually taking the doll and hugging it kindly and warmly which made Scrappy feel very good on the inside.

"Let's go home, Louise." The mother smiled warmly.

"Okay, Mom." The daughter smiled back.

However, before they could go, Kevin was soon coming back.

'Great,' Scrappy thought to himself in disgust. 'What does that big-headed punk want now?'

"Ew, what's that?" Kevin asked Louise.

"What?" Louise replied. "You mean my doll?"

"Yeah, what is that?"

"My Scrappy-Doo doll?"

"I thought so," Kevin scoffed. "You like Scrappy? What a loser! Only someone would be stupid and brain dead to even like that little piece of-"

Louise narrowed her eyes as she soon grabbed a hold of Kevin and judo threw him to the ground and began to pummel him. Scrappy leaned out a bit and covered his eyes some of the time. He felt horrified, but at the same time, he felt blessed to see someone fighting for him and standing up for him like that little girl was. It was so good to see that someone did indeed care about him after all.

"No one talks bad about Scrappy as long as I'm around." Louise said sharply before she stormed off away from the jerk jock.

Kevin just babbled in a bit of a daze as the girl soon went home with her mother. Scrappy smiled as he watched the car driving off. It looked like things were starting to look up for the most part. He just hoped that this wasn't a dream either.

Scrappy was still met with some criticism, but after his Wonderful Dream last night, he saw that it could always be worse. At least he wasn't Bubsy the Bobcat or Numbuh 13 from the Codename: Kids Next Door. He kept his head as high as he could as he walked around the streets, passing by some people on the way. There were still no Scrappy marathons in his future, though he had a game on the official Cartoon Network website which was more of a joke if anything.

"Scrappy, dear!" A female Great Dane smiled as she was shown.

"Mother!" Scrappy beamed once he saw the female Great Dane, showing to be Scooby's estranged sister, Ruby as he ran up to her and hugged her.

Ruby smiled as she soon hugged her son, making her first appearance since Scrappy's origin story in the episode called "Scrappy's Birthday". Scrappy had his fans here and there. After all, even the lowest of the low was able to scramble up some fans here and there. He just decided he didn't need to live on popularity or high status. Sure, he would like it better if he was treated best. There are also worse characters than Scrappy-Doo if anything, such as Tom and Jerry's Uncle Pecos or the two mentioned in the above paragraph. Scrappy just knew that as long as he remembered he saved his uncle's franchise which was still talked about and known today, he was going to have a wonderful life indeed.

The End

Dedicated to Lennie Weinrib

(April 29, 1935 – June 28, 2006)

Thank you for your many nice comments and reading!