Train Me!

Disclaimer: Just some silly nonsense I thought up and is set between seasons 1 and 2.

"Chuck, the answer's no!"

"Oh come on! You know as well as I do that it would greatly benefit the team dynamics! Plus, I wouldn't have to stay in the car anymore! Well… Not that I do anyway but you get what I mean!" Chuck replied.

The lovely vision of Sarah Walker scowled at him as she was reminded of how often he didn't stay in the car much to her dislike! "You are just fine and good as you are right now, Chuck."

"Maybe, but fine and good won't keep me safe forever."

"Which is why you need to listen and Stay. In. The. Car!"

"And what good will that do me if someone decides to try something while I'm in the car?" He pointed out reasonably.

Earning him yet another scowl from the lovely woman. "Man, this is some great entertainment." Declared an amused Carina Miller as she munched on some popcorn from near by.

Casey rolled his eyes and grunted in annoyance, clearly having a very different opinion of the whole thing than her. "You do know I could just go and talk to Beckman about getting me trained, right? I'm sure I can convince her its for the best."

"You don't need training! And you are perfectly safe in the car!"

"Until I'm not, like I pointed out mere seconds ago, my dear Agent Walker."

Damnit, Chuck! If you get trained, you get pulled more into this world and I can't stand the thought of it changing you! Plus, I like protecting you, damnit!

Now she could say something along those lines out loud, but knowing him, her favorite Nerd would just point out that if Bryce hadn't done what he did, he'd have been in her world long before now. But would add that he appreciated the concern. "And you know, I could ask Casey or Carina if they would be willing to train me."

"They wouldn't dare because they know I wouldn't like that." Sarah told him while glaring at the other two.

And before Chuck could ask either one about that, Sarah quickly covered his mouth with her hand. Carina, seeing where this is going, smirked. "I'd love to show you some things, Chuckles."

"Kill me now." Muttered Casey.

"Ew! Did you just seriously lick my hand!?" Sarah asked as she pulled her hand away from Chuck's mouth and wiped her hand on her pants while all he did was just grin.

"Was it as good for you as it was for me?" He asked cheekily.

Getting a dropped jaw reaction from her while a certain Redheaded vision of beauty laughed. "This is another reason for why we aren't even cover dating anymore. You never listen." Fake lamented the good Nerd.

"I will hurt you in so many ways, Chuck."

"I'd listen, Chuckles!"

That got Carina a thumb's up from Chuck and a glare from a certain Blonde. "You know… Lou was a pretty good listener…"

"If anyone hears the sweet merciful sound of a gunshot through out the area, don't worry, its just me. Shooting myself to escape this Hell." Casey growled out before hauling ass.

"You know you love it, Casey!" Carina called out laughingly while Sarah thought up some horrible ways to ensure Lou wasn't anywhere near Chuck.

"I've got 99 well thought out reasons for why I should be trained but a Brunette isn't one of them. Although… There has been this one Brunette that's been hanging around the store recently. Morgan's convinced she's into me."

"Chuck…" Warned Sarah.

Naturally, he mocked her in return much to her dislike! "You're not getting trained and that's final, buster!"

"Well, I guess I'm off to see a Deli about a Lou!" Chuck fired back and stuck his tongue out at Sarah.

"Hey, I can put that tongue to better use!" Offered up Carina with a wink.

"Hmm…" Mused Chuck as he acted as if he was going to go towards Carina.

"I WILL KILL YOU, BARTOWSKI!" Yelled out Sarah as she jumped on his back.

Carina burst out laughing while various onlookers couldn't help but stare at the whole thing. "Yee-Haw! This ol' Horse has done found its rider!" And for good measure, Chuck made a terrible sounding Horse sound.

I'll get her to crack eventually where the training's concerned!

Author's Notes: Heh, that was fun! And I hope you're all staying safe while this whole COVID-19 crap is happening.