Korina Kent was a freshman in high school. It was a bright, sunny day and she was starting her first day in the school where her older brother Jon, studied. "First day of high school! I'm so excited!" said Kori as she walked down to school with her brother. "Be sure to make good friends, and stay away from the bullies. And if someone corners you, just tell me and I'll take care of them" said Jon, being the usual over-protective brother. Kori laughed. "I'll be sure to call you, bro." "And remember, all that glitters is not gold" said Jon as a parting comment as he made his way to his first lecture in the lab. Kori made her way to the office to get her daily schedule, and seeing AP history as her first lecture, she walked towards classroom 8B.

When she entered the class, she found only one seat available which was next to her childhood friend Richard Grayson. He waved to her and Kori sat down beside him. She hadn't seen him face-to-face for an entire year because he had to go to Europe with his father for business trip. They chatted happily, oblivious to the jealous group sitting a few desks away.

The group's leader was Kitten Moth, the school's most snobbiest and spoiled student. The two girls with her were Mandy and Candice. Kitten had been trying to come up with a plan to subtly flirt with the popular Dick Grayson, son of billionaire Bruce Wayne. "That girl is sitting with MY Dickie-poo" seethed Kitten in a jealous rage. 'Actually Kitten, he is not YOURS, you are not dating him" pointed out Mandy. "Shut it! I don't need your smart alecks" said Kitten. Richard and Kori were oblivious to Kitten's jealous glare as they caught up on each other's life. Classes went on and soon it was lunch.

Kori and Richard sat together with their trays, complaining about bad cafeteria food. Jon came up and joined them. "Hey Dick, nice to see you. So when are you going to stop dancing around and ask my sister out on a date?" said Jon casually. Kori went bright red and Richard choked on his sip of soda. "Anyway, the try outs for the football team and the cheerleading team are after school, so you guys want to try out?" continued Jon, smirking at the embarrassed faces of the two teens. "Yeah, sure. Why not?" they both answered.

After school, on the football field, freshmen waited for the try outs. The boys were assessed first with most of the girls drooling over the boys. "The results will be put up on the notice board outside my office" said Coach Wilder, "Girls! Now it's your turn to show your skill at dancing or cheering or whatever it is that you do. Miss Moth, will you please do the honours." Kitten came up on the side stage constructed for the cheerleaders. "I already have selected the members for my squad. I need only three girls and they are Karen Beecher, Donna Troy and Barbara Gordon' announced Kitten. "You can't do that! You didn't even see anyone's try out!" yelled Kori. "Oh I can! I am the HBIC" said Kitten, smirking. Jon called to her. "I can vouch for Karen and Donna as I have seen them dance but I think you should consider Kori instead Barbara." All the boys murmured their agreement. "We live in a democratic society. So why don't we let the teams decide who's cherry on top" said Kori. "Challenge accepted" said Barbara and both girls climbed up to the stage.

Barbara had dated Dick once and had cheated on him the year before. Kori was not happy about their relationship but said nothing to Richard about her feelings. Only Jon and her best friends, Karen and Donna knew what pain Kori had gone through watching her crush go out with her biggest rival. Kitten took out her mp3 player and speaker. DJ Turn It Up by Yellow Claw played through the speaker. They had the dance battle, Kori slaying it with her moves. "All those for Babs?" asked Karen. Nobody said a word. "All those for Kori?" asked Donna. Everyone clapped and cheered, even Coach Wilder who thought cheerleading was a waste of time. Kori smiled and skipped off the stage and went to stand next to Richard, blushing when he put his arm around her and kissed her cheek. Barbara glowered and stalked off the field.

( watch?v=7mDc1RDWBrg)