Dragonballreader: Thanks, I'm glad to see you enjoyed the last chapter. Yeah, as bad as GT had treated Piccolo, I doubt many will disagree that Uub got it pretty bad too. I think his character arc with Majin Buu was wrapped up pretty nicely, though him being beaten down by Baby so easily won't be happening in this fic. Also, just for the record, I was never really fond of Majin Buu to begin with. Oh and yes, Ultimate Piccolo is something of my own creation, and it is going to be glorious when he goes all out. Yeah, as much as I want to include characters like Tien and Yamcha, the fact is that they're just not enough to make a difference in this story, so unfortunately I won't be including them. But yes, Super does treat the Z fighters much better than GT does, at least for the most part. As for Pan, I think the best way to summarize it is that she's at a disadvantage with poor writing and lack of development. It's too bad that story you mentioned was deleted, because it sounds really interesting.


Morning came, and the sun was shining over the snow covered mountains.

Piccolo gathered Pan and the others outside of the cave "To be completely realistic, even with all of us fighting together, our chances of actually being able to defeat Baby are still extremely slim to none. His power is far too great as long as he's in control of Vegeta's body, and he has Gohan and the others under his control, so we need to play this strategically. Before we even think about confronting Baby directly, we need to bring Gohan, Trunks and Goten back to our side."

"But how do we do that?" asked Pan "Grandpa Goku and I tried to snap them out of it, and all we got was a bunch of Ki blasts to the face, mostly me for that matter."

"Appealing to them directly like that won't work, which is why we need something critical kept up on the Lookout: the Sacred Water."

"Sacred Water, what's that?"

"It's a legendary liquid with enormous healing capabilities, when it makes contact with anyone it purifies and removes any toxins from within the body, and expunge any evil energy from within the user as well."

"So you're saying that if we get our hands on this Sacred Water…"

"Then we can use it on Gohan and the others and turn them back to our side."

"So how do we get it?" asked Uub "From what you tell us, Dende and Mr Popo are also being controlled by Baby, so he would surely notice if we try to storm the Lookout for the only thing that could stop him."

"I know, and that's why I'm going alone, seeing how I'm the only one of us with the ability to move between areas instantaneously, something that I inherited from my father. Huh, the ironic part is that he actually did give me something useful aside from his power. Anyway, all of you wait here, and I'll be right back." and so he promptly blitzed away using his Instantaneous Movement.

"You think he can do it?"

"I think if anyone could, it would have to be Piccolo in this case." Pan told him "He knows the Lookout like the back of his hand."


Meanwhile, up on the Lookout…

Piccolo materialized on the floor of the Lookout, and quickly hid behind a wall and made sure to suppress his Ki when he noticed Mr Popo was sweeping the grounds just a few short feet away from him 'Looks like I was right, Dende and Mr Popo are still being controlled by Baby. I can't let them discover me before I find the Sacred Water, so I'll need to be stealthy.' so with that in mind, he made his way inside the temple building.


Once he was inside, Piccolo quickly ducked behind a wall to avoid Dende spotting him, though it did prove to be a close call 'Sneaking around inside my own home like some kind of petty cat burglar? Well this is humiliating, but then again it still doesn't come even close to having to play volleyball with Gotenks. Even after all these years it just feels wrong.'


It took Piccolo only a matter of moments to reach the throne room, which was surrounded by various large jugs full of water, one of which he quickly moved out of the way to reveal another room full of large jugs of water 'Okay, Namekians needing only water is one thing, but looking back I have no idea why Dende keeps so many of these things up here. I mean if they were actually Sacred Water then that would be one thing, but even when I'm staying up here that would only make three people.'

"Why are you running around in here like some kind of petty cat burglar Piccolo?" a certain voice got his attention.

Piccolo slowly turned around to see Dende and Mr Popo standing in the doorway, both of them having glowing red eyes 'Yeah that figures, I guess his senses are sharper than I was expecting from him.'

"Surely you don't intend to use the Sacred Water against the wishes of Baby, do you? Because you should know all too well, those who try such foolish things will be met with a grim yet well deserved fate."

"I think you already know what the answe to that is Dende."

"Indeed I do. We were comrades once, but we cannot allow this to continue further. Prepare to defend yourself." and so Dende and Mr Popo promptly charged at him.

Piccolo wasted no time in retreating further back into the room "Dende we both know you're not a warrior, do you really believe that you can do anything to hurt me?"

"If I must in order to servce Lord Baby, then I will!"

'Dammit, that figures.' Piccolo retreated away from them until he eventually got to the very back of the room 'I've looked everywhere but these are all normal barrels of water. Dammit, where the hell did Kami keep the stuff?' he pressed his hand against the wall, only to find it resting on a small jug.

"It's over Piccolo, this is the end of the line." this was when Dende and Mr Popo caught up with him, the latter pouncing at him with the intent to kill.

"On that we can agree." Piccolo promptly splashed Mr Popo with the Sacred Water, causing him to cry out in pain as the evil energy was slowly expunged from his body.

"What's happening to you Popo? Come on Mr Popo, snap out of it!" and before he could realize it, Dende was promptly splashed as well, causing him to cry out in pain as the evil energy was purifieid from within him.

"Believe me when I say this you two, what I'm doing is for your own good."

Dende and Mr Popo eventually stopped writing in agony, and they blinked a few times "What… What happened?"

"Good, you're both back to normal now."

"Piccolo, what are you doing here? How did we get here?"

"I don't have enough time to explain everything to you guys right now, but I can tell you that we're going to need the Sacred Water later."

"Wait what?"

"Next up, get back to Pan and the others, and then we'll head to the Tuffle planet in order to find and free Gohan, Trunks and Goten." and so Piccolo blitzed away from the scene, taking the Sacred Water with him.

"...Hey Mr Popo, I don't suppose you have any idea what the heck is going on right now?" he received a simple headshake "Good, so I'm not the only one."


Piccolo blitzed onto the scene and found Uub and Pan meditating "Looks like you've both been busy since I was gone, that's good."

Pan's eyes snapped open "Did you get it?"

"I did." he held up the Sacred Water "I already cured Dende and Mr Popo, so that's a start. The next step in my plan is for us to head to Planet Tuffle and start breaking down Baby's army one by one, starting with Gohan, Trunks and Goten."

"But how do we do it?" asked Uub.

"Considering Baby has them with him at all times, it's going to be next to impossible to lure them away without him noticing, so there's only one thing we can do." Piccolo turned to face all of them (Uub, Pan, Mr Satan and Majin Buu) and his gaze hardened "The fact is that Goku is gone, so right now we're the only ones standing between the rest of the universe and domination by an alien parasite. Let's make no mistake here, without a doubt this is going to be the fight of our lives. We've taken down one foe to this world and the universe after another, and we will do it again. The plan is simple, but it won't be easy. First we have to head to the Tuffle Planet up in the solar system, and once we're there we need to locate Gohan, Trunks and Goten."

"And then use the Sacred Water to free them?" Pan guessed.

"We'll most likely have to defeat them in order to do that. The fact is that this is the fight of our lives, and we're going to win, and we'll do whatever it takes to make sure of that. Now come on, we have to get going."

"Right." so on that note, the four of them grabbed onto Piccolo, which prompted him to use his Instantaneous Movement to disappear in a flash.

The true battle was about to begin, and it would not be an easy fight.


The scene of Planet Plant was rather barren, albeit with some green here and there, though it was mostly a barren wasteland surrounded by abandoned buildings and a massive tower in the center for all of the planet to see.

Piccolo and the others materialized on the surface of the planet, and he quickly motioned for them to hide inside of a crevice in a canyon "We're here."

"So what next?" asked Pan.

"Next we need to track down your father and the others."

"There's no need for that, they're right up there." Uub pointed up above them at the front of the canyon.

"And so is Baby."

Sure enough, Baby stood above them at the foot of the massive tower, towering over about 99% of his subjects with Gohan and the others all by his side "Hear me my subjects, for today is a glorious day in the history of this universe! As of today, the long struggle between the people of the Tuffles and the wretched Saiyans has at last come to an end! I made a vow on the graves of my fallen Tuffle brethren! The road that lies ahead of us will be challenging, for decades of chaos and bloodshed led by the Saiyan scourge has left the universe scarred and divided! But I give my word to all of you, my loyal subjects, when I say that with my leadership, we will bring about a new era for the universe, one of unity and harmony, one that will show the universe why the Tuffles are the greatest species this universe has ever seen, or ever will see!" he was met with various cheers, but then he turned his gaze to a certain crevice in the canyon "Unfortunately my subjects, our uniting the universe will have to wait. We have unwanted visitors."

"...So he knows we're here." Piccolo turned to the others "There's only one thing we can do now, we take the fight to them directly and hope for the best. Pan, Uub, you're with me. Buu and Mr Satan, you two stay here for now." and so he calmly made his way out of the crevice and into the open canyon, with Pan and Uub slowly following his lead, only to be met with a massive uproar from the various brainwashed humans under Baby's control that barred their way.

"Silence!" Baby shut them up and floated down to ground level to meet them, with Gohan and the others following his lead "Step aside, let them pass." they stepped aside and made way for them, although the scowls they had still remained.

Piccolo stepped forward, but stopped Pan and Uub a short distance away "I take it you didn't expect to see any of us again, let alone me?"

"I will admit I am somewhat surprised you survived our last encounter, and you seem a great deal more powerful than before." the arrogant smirk on Baby's face grew wider "It seems like such a waste. After all, you could've been a part of a new era for this world, for this universe as a whole, and yet instead you made the choice to stand against me, against us, and for what? What could be worth standing against us? The legacy of some wretched Saiyans?"

"I could go on and give some big heroic speech about fighting for our freedom, for our friends that you enslaved and/or killed, but I already gave one of those speeches today and I have no intention of giving another. Instead of that, how about we just get this under way?"

"I suppose that would make the most sense, not that it will do you much good. You can fight as hard as you desire, but no matter how much you try the results will be the same. My power is absolute, and with the forces I have under my command, I am unstoppable!"

"I think we'll agree to disagree."

"Is that so? Well, I think we'll see about that. I have no need to waste any of my energy fighting you myself, especially when I have much better things to do. I think I'll let my heralds take care of you instead." so Baby leapt back atop the tower, looking down in amusement at the battle that was about to unfold.

Piccolo glanced back between Pan and Uub "It's time, are you two ready for this?"

"We wouldn't be here if we weren't." Pan pointed out.

"Good, now be sure to back up that talk. We've got company."

Sure enough, at that moment Gohan floated down in front of them, with Goten and Trunks right behind him, and Bulla right behind them, though he quickly lost the malicious look on his face when he looked eyes with Piccolo "I knew it. Even after Lord Baby said that he had finished you, I knew that you were still alive Piccolo."

"Spare me the pleasentries Gohan, we both know how this is going to go."

"I know. I just wish it didn't have to." Gohan breathed a sigh of what seemed like remorse, then turned to the others "I'm going to handle Piccolo myself, the rest of you take care of Pan and the others." he turned back to Piccolo "Come on, let's do this where we won't be interrupted."

"On that we can agree." Piccolo grabbed onto Gohan by the wrist, and the two of them vanished using his Instantaneous Movement.

Uub glanced between the three of them remaining 'Goten, Trunks and Bulla. From what I can sense, Bulla and Pan seem to be on the same level, so if she can take her then I should be free to take on Goten and Trunks myself. Pan, I want you to take on Bulla by yourself while I go ahead and take on Goten and Trunks."

"You going to be okay on your own?" asked Pan.

"I did spent a few years training with Goku, so it would be disrespectful to him to not put that time to good use."

"Fair enough I guess, but who am I going to deal with?"

"I think that would obvious dear daughter."

Pan looked ahead and her expression paled slightly "Bulla and… mom?"

Sure enough, Videl floated down towards her with a malicious grin plastered across her face and a wicked gleam in her eyes "Relax dear daughter, I'm sure you're safe now. You know all too well that while you may be stronger now, if Lord Baby thought it was worth wasting his time with you, it would be over in a matter of seconds. Listen to your mother dear, now if you behave like a good little girl then I'll do everything in my power to make sure he spares you. In fact, why don't you use your good manners and come with us to see him right now?"

"Mom… I'm sorry, but I doubt Baby would want to spare me, and even if he did there's no way I'm going anywhere with you while you're like this."

"I see. Well then I have no choice, if you will not obey Lord Baby then I have no other option but to end your time in this plain of existence! Goodbye dear daughter!" Videl was suddenly engulfed by a milky white aura as she charged forward and let a fist fly.

With her aura flaring, Pan caught Videl's hand with ease, and then dealt her a spin kick that sent her tumbling backwards "I'm not the same weak little girl I used to be, in body or in mind, and you can thank Piccolo for that."

"Don't you dare mock the Tuffles you wretched Saiyan scum!" Videl suddenly burst forward and launched a medium sized Ki blast at her.

Pan suddenly blitzed forward and spun herself upside down, allowing her to deflect the Ki blast with a single kick.

Videl barely managed to get out of the way of the Ki blast before it hit her 'That was way too close, how did she get so strong?'

"I know what you're thinking, how did I get so strong?" Pan suddenly blitzed in front of her too fast for her to follow "I could give a lot of answers ranging from having a great teacher in the form of Piccolo, or having stronger conviction, but the fact is that I put my damndest into training because I'm trying to save you from being a slave to a deranged monstrous lunatic like your so called lord!" and so Pan promptly dealt Videl a solid kick to the face that send her crashing into the cliffside of the canyon, the force knocking her out cold 'Oh I am so going to get grounded for that when this is over.'

Uub glanced over from where he had caught a fist from Trunks and threw him into Goten, the force sending both of them flying, and he gave a small smile 'You've grown strong Pan, truly strong. I just wish Goku were here to see how much you've grown. I guess now it's time for me to do my part.' and so he promptly blasted off after Trunks and Goten, intent on fulfilling his part of the plan.

Pan watched him soar off, and then looked down at Videl 'I'm sorry mom, I hope you'll understand why I did what I had to do to you today, but I can't dwell on any shame over my actions right now. My job isn't over yet.'

Sure enough, Bulla stepped forward dressed in what looked like a similar version of Saiyan battle armor "I think we both knew that this was going to come eventually Pan, the time for both of us to face off."

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's really powered up in the time I've been gone, but I didn't expect the battle armor."

"Being recruited by Lord Baby was a great incentive and really opened my eyes to how much potential I truly had as a warrior, and he's been personally training me for weeks now."

"I've been trained by Piccolo myself, so I guess we'll just have to see which one of them is the better teacher." Pan's aura spiked higher, only to be met with Bulla's doing the same 'I can sense it, her power is far higher than I was expecting her to be. Looks like this isn't going to be an easy fight after all. So this is it then is it Bulla, is this how far you've come in the time that you've been under Baby's control?"

"You prefer to call it control, I prefer to call it enlightenment, but yes, this is the power that I've gained because of him. He helped me to realize that there's a difference between those who aim for the top, and those who will settle. He thought that I was worth his time, so in gratitude for that, I will aim for the top, and I will start by ridding the world of the Saiyan scourge."

"We'll see about that. You're right about one thing though, Piccolo told me that I shouldn't settle for being better when I could be the best. From what I know Baby is the most powerful enemy that Grandpa or Piccolo and any of the others have ever faced, so we have to aim as high as we can if we want to surpass him, but even then the thought of facing him still somewhat scares me, but I feel okay knowing that I have Piccolo and others by my side. They're the ones pushing me to get stronger, to keep moving forward!" and so Pan charged forward, meeting Bulla in an explosive collision and elbowing her in the face.

Bulla dodged the next attack and began firing off a furious barrage of punches and kicks at full speed, resulting in the two of them trading even blows until their fists collided with a blinding flash, before they broke it off "Now let's see you handle this! Galick Gun… FIRE!" she fired off a medium sized Galick Gun.

Pan quickly dodged the Galick Gun and fired a barrage of Ki blasts at Bulla at full speed.

Bulla wasted no time or effort as she dodged, blocked and deflected every Ki blast being hurled at her with ease "Don't think that's all it's going to take for you to beat me!"

"I wouldn't dream of it!" Pan blitzed behind Bulla and dealt her a sharp kick to the face, the force sending her crashing into the wall of the canyon, and then she prepared to follow up with a quick Kamehameha.

Bulla rebounded just in time to fire a Galick Gun as she spiked her aura, which allowed her to overpower Pan's Kamehameha as a result.

Pan blitzed out of the path of the blast, blitzed down towards Bulla and dealt her a solid kick to the chest while she was still stuck in the position of firing the Galick Gun, and then she began quickly forcing her on the defensive with a swift barrage of punches and kicks.

With her aggravation growing, Bulla dealt Pan a heavy fist to the gut and followed up with a quick Galick Gun to the face, sending her tumbling backwards across the canyon.

Pan rebounded after a few seconds as the two of them both took to the skies, their auras blending together in the form of a double helix that lit up the skies across the entire planet.

Bulla took the opportunity to deal Pan a furious barrage of attacks, landing a series of repeated knees to the spine "Oh come on, I thought Saiyan scum didn't even know the meaning of holding back!" they started grappling in a fierce power struggle "Saiyan scum should know a lot better than to hold out on a superior opponent!" she grabbed Pan by the arm and hurled her even higher into the air, and she charged in to finish it as she did something that shocked her opponent: she powered up to Super Saiyan, with the blond hair and everything "I know you're still holding out on me, I want you to come at me with everything you've got!"

"You want to see my everything?! Well fine, but don't say I never warned you!" so Pan then shook off the shock, and with a mighty roar, her golden colored Super Saiyan form roared into life.

"I told you that want you to give me your everything, because that's exactly what I'm giving you right now!"

"And my everything is what you're about to get!" Pan charged downwards towards Bulla at full speed, resulting in a blinding clash as she dealt Bulla a full force fist to the gut.

Bulla slugged Pan in the gut in retaliation and dealt her a fist to the face "I want you to come at me already you little Saiyan bitch, give me every ounce of strength you have right here and right now! Do you hear me?! Everything!"

"Fine!" Pan flared her golden aura as high as she was able to, her body beginning to crackle with a small amount of electricity as a result "Alright Bulla, come at me so we can end this fight already!"

"I plan to!" pushing her own power to the absolute limit, Bulla charged towards Pan as high and as fast as she could, resulting in a blinding clash that lit up the skies across the planet, as well as shaking the surfac of the planet itself. When everything subsided, Bulla had lost her Super Saiyan aura, but she still whipped around and aimed one last fist at Pan, but she stopped just before she could make contact, and instead her body finally gave out and she began falling towards the ground at full speed.

Pan caught Bulla by the arm and gently lowered her to the ground near where Mr Satan was hiding out with Buu, and then she blitzed away and came back with Videl, and gently set both of them down on the ground "Alright Gramps, take care of them and make sure you give them the Sacred Water before they wake up."

"R-Right." so Mr Satan promptly gave both Videl and Bulla a small amount of the Sacred Water, causing them to groan in agony while they were unconscious as the evil red energy was released from their bodies "A-Are they okay?"

"Don't worry Gramps, according to Piccolo this is all part of the process of them being freed from Baby's control." Pan gave him a reassuring smile, but then she turned deadly serious once again "Be sure you and Buu take care of them Gramps, because this isn't over yet, not by a long shot."

"What are you gonna do now Pan?"

"All I can do now is see if Uub or Piccolo need any help in their fights, but if not… well then I guess all we can do is wait and see how this plays out. Grandpa isn't going to be coming to the rescue this time."


Son Pan, the granddaughter of Son Goku, and Bulla, the daughter of Prince Vegeta, descendents of a warrior race. The two of them have tested each other in the heat of the battlefield, and as a result the struggle against the remnants of the Tuffle race is now one step closer to its end. But the struggle is still far from over, as even though one of Baby's heralds has fallen, three more still remain, along with Baby himself. The battle continues next time on Dragon Ball GT: Piccolo's Counterattack!


And with this chapter, we get into the third chapter that fixes the best arc of GT, which doesn't sound very promising now that I think about it. Before I get into the notes, let me apologize for taking so long to get this chapter out. More than a full month is a long time to wait I know, but you guys know the state the world is in right now, and combine that with all of my work for college and my other stories, and I just found myself very behind on this. But trust me, I have no intention of losing interest in this story or abandoning it.

Okay, so now we're getting into the main action of this story, at least before Goku shows up and brings out Super Saiyan 4. I'll be honest with you, while I do prefer Super over GT a great deal, I won't deny that Super Saiyan 4 is a far better transformation than Super Saiyan Blue, even if it does have Blue Kaioken going for it. Still though, it's not enough to excuse the significant flaws GT has, which I'm mainly trying to correct with this fic.

A major missed opportunity, at least in my eyes, was something that I don't think many people have actually thought about, was the inclusion of Bulla. In all honestly, I've come to believe that she's a character that's been heavily glossed over. Keep in mind that she has Saiyan blood in her too, and I'm taking the opportunity to use that in this story. Plus I got to give a good fight between her and Pan, to showcase what both of them are capable of if they take it seriously.

All things considered though, the fight between Pan and Bulla was more of a last minute decision, and if anything it was meant to be more of a prelude to the real action that I'll be starting with in the next chapter. That one is going to be about how Uub will take on Trunks and Goten, and then we get into the real good stuff after that: the showdown between Piccolo and Gohan.