Chapter 3

"So, where does the mirror says the gem is now?" Banjo wanted to know. Sonic took out the mirror.

"Let's see." After he asked where it was, Finn took it from him. "Hey! It was about to show me where the gem was."

"I think I better take it now." Finn said to him.

"Good thinking, Finn." Jake spoke to him. "We don't want another mistake."

"You will never let that go, will you?" The magic dog shook his head.

"No, you owe me big time." Sonic sighed.

"Well, joke's on you. I can run faster now like I was born to without fear of shattering it."

"That's considerate to think that." Banjo piped up. "But since it's an enchanted mirror, I don't know if it can break."

"Better not find out." Yooka stated.

"Enough stalling!" Kazooie whined. "Tell us where the gem is!"

"Okay. Sounds good by me." Finn agreed. The boy looked at the mirror. "It looks like, Bill is taking it to a mansion?"

"A mansion?" Laylee questioned.

"That's what the mirror shows me."

"Well, where is the mansion?" Kazooie wanted to know. Finn shrugged.

"The mirror only says where the gem is. It's not a map so it doesn't give us a specific location. It would makes things easier, I must admit."

"Maybe Dipper would know." Jake suggested. "We should call him." The others nodded in agreement as Yooka took out his phone.

"What is is it this time?" E. Gadd asked when he answered the phone. "Did you get it?"

"No. Is Dipper there," Yooka asked. "or one of the other Pines that know Gravity Falls?" He sighed.

"Sure. Hold on. I'm going to put you on hold again." And so, Yooka waited.

"Hello?" Dipper asked a couple minutes later. "You want to know a location?"

"Yes." Yooka replied. "Do you know any mansions in Gravity Falls? Apparently that is where Bill took the gem."

"Well, Pacifica's family own a mansion. It could be her's. But why would Bill take it there?"

"Don't know. Can you tell me where it is? I'll put you on speaker phone so you can tell all of us at the same time while we go there so we don't get lost."

"Okay. Sounds good to me."

In Princess Peach's castle, Mabel ran to her twin brother.

"Dipper!" Mabel said to him, all excited. "You got to see this! Tom Nook is making tools made out of pure gold!"

"Not now, Mabel." Dipper told her. "I'm giving Yooka and the gang directions to Pacifica's mansion."

"Well, you better hurry! Otherwise you'll miss it!" Mabel ran off. Dipper talked into the phone again, and gave Yooka directions.

"I see it!" Sonic said when they neared the Northwest mansion. "I'll meet you there."

"Okay," Dipper said on the other line. "Just watch out for..." The blue hedgehog sped off.

"He's gone." Jake said. Kazooie sighed.

"That hedgehog just never learns, does he?"

"Whatever you were about to tell him," Laylee said. "I bet he'll find out any second. He probably already did, and feels like a fool."

When they saw Sonic in front of the mansion, he was all wet.

"What happened?" Finn wanted to know.

"I did a nose dive into the fountain." Sonic answered. They all heard Dipper sigh over the phone.

"I tried to tell you." He said. "I figured that will happen."

"You can't go fast all the time, man." Finn informed Sonic. "Otherwise, you'll get hurt, and we'll have to ask Timmy to heal you with his fairies again."

"But I can't help it. It's who I am." He saw everyone's narrowed eyes at him, even Dipper on the phone, and sighed. "Okay. Duly noted. Let's just get into the mansion." They approached the doors.

"Hello?" Sonic said as they all went inside. There was an Mepad Expert with a microphone attached to it at the top in the corner of the room. Also in the corner of the room was a cage with the gem in it.

"The gem!" Kazooie said.

"Easy there, Kazooie." Banjo said to her. "It can't be that easy to get the gem. There's always an obstacle we must get through first." Kazooie was disappointed. .

"Aw, must there? Can't it be easy for us just once? One time, that's all I ask. It can be. Hard after that, or better yet, not at all." Laylee was confused about the Mepad.

"What is an Mepad Expert with a microphone attachment doing in the corner of the room?" The bat wanted to know. Sonic turned to her.

"It doesn't matter now." Sonic said to her. He looked forwards again. "Bill? We're here!"

"Show yourself!" Finn shouted. They all scanned the lobby.

"I don't see him." Banjo observed.

"The coward!" Kazooie said.

"Who are you calling coward?!" They all heard Bill demand to know. They turned, and he was behind them.

"How did you get behind all of us?" Finn questioned.

"He has creepy powers that can do that." Jake told him.

"Right." Bill agreed. He looked at the breegull. "As for you, birdie, I'm no coward." Baxpertnjo did a nervous grin

"Kazooie didn't mean it." He said, nudging hIs bird partner. "Did you Kazooie?"

"I most certainly did." Kazooie answered.

"I was going to say it." Laylee admitted. "But Kazooie beat me to the punch. That bird has guts."

"I most certainly do!" Kazooie agreed.

"Enough!" An angry Bill said, his one eye turning red. Everyone looked scared. He calmed himself down. "Anyways, before you get the gem, there are three challenges you must complete."

"But there are only two locks." Kazooie said. "So how can...?"

"What kind of challenges?" Jake wanted to know, ignoring Kazooie.

"You'll see!" He flew away.

"Where do we start?" Yooka questioned.

"Maybe that's part of the challenge." Finn suggested.

"That demon!" Jake said.

"I agree with you there, bud. He's a monster for not telling us." They noticed the screen on the Mepad opened a document. Laylee noticed this.

"Maybe the Mepad can tell us something." She suggested. Sonic nodded. All of the cartoons strolled over to the Mepad, and looked down at it. There were words on it, but it was all random numbers or letters.

"What does it say?" Kazooie asked. "I don't speak nonsense."

"I don't either." The blue hedgehog admitted. "It's like it's written in another language. You tell me." Everyone tried to make sense of it all. "Well it's not German, Spanish, or French. So Klaus, Hector, and Lumiere, won't be able to help."

"Not to mention our other friends who speak a second language." Jake added. "My Korean wife comes to mind."

"Oh yeah, your wife. I forgot about her."

"I didn't. If I forgot about her, she'll murder me."

"Then you better not forget about her." Kazooie put in. "Or face the consequences."

"I know, right?"

"But maybe Dipper can decipher it." Yooka continued. "This is his world after all."

"And he seems to know these kinds of things." Laylee added. "Our near future is in the hands of a 13-year-old kid." Yooka took out the phone and dialed. "Let's do it!"

"Boy!" Kazooie observed. "We already called three times, and it's only the third chapter. Those guys will become sick of us! We're going to get so much phone bills. Imagine if we didn't have a phone. We'll be so lost!"

"I don't want to picture it." Finn stated. "So don't tell me how all of your lives were without them, and other technology."

"Okay, I'll just say're lucky that you were born when you were."

"You again?" said into the phone after caller Id told him who was calling. "You just called. "You found the gem already? That was fast." He listened briefly, and frowned.

"I'll go get him." He walked off, putting Yooka once again on hold.

Yooka showed Dipper the Mepad screen after he asked what he wanted again.

"So?" Laylee wanted to know. "Can you decipher it? What does it say?"

"I think I can." Dipper replied. "I need a pencil and paper though. It'll take a while." Sonic sighed as the boy went off again.

"Of course." The hedgehog said.

"Dipper!" Mabel said as the boy was getting pencil and paper. "You have to see this! Now Tom Nook is..."

"Not now, Mabel." He said to her. "As much as I want to see Tom Nook's demos, I have to help Yooka and the gang decipher something."

"Sounds like Bill is making hard, complicated stuff for them." Dipper nodded.

"He is."

"Well, by helping them, you're helping us in the long run. Get to it! Don't let me stop you."

And so, Dipper got what he needed, and was off again.

"Okay, I think I got it." Dipper said when he was done solving the message.

"What?" Kazooie asked.

"It says the first challenge is a series of questions about the author's stories."

"Oh, glob!" Finn stated. "We won't get all of them. We'll need help. We may keep you on speaker for a while."

"A wise decision I'd say. I'll get everyone here. In the meantime, you get to the questions."

"You do that." Yooka agreed. He looked at his friends.

"You heard him." He said to them. "Let's see those questions." They all walked to the left side of the lobby where the Mepad was. Kazooie sighed.

"Great! If everything is in his nonsense language all the time, we'd be here forever."

"You have to decipher them, Kazooie." Banjo said to her. "That's why we got Dipper and our other friends." Kazooie rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, it'll still take forever."

Once Dipper gathered everyone that he could, he talked to Yooka again, and deciphered the first question.

"But before that," Dipper stated. "You probably want to know what the mic is for."

"Yes we do!" Laylee told him. "Or I do anyways. I don't know about the others."

"Well, you're supposed to speak the answers into it. When you answer all of the questions in this manner correctly into the mic, one lock of the cage will be unlocked bringing you one step closer to getting it and going on." Sonic nodded, and got closer to the mic.

"Okay." He began. "Ready." Readers, play along. Some of them will be spoilers.

"Who took SpongeBob on a journey of self discovery when he wished he was never born?" Dipper translated. He looked at SpongeBob. Patrick was confused. "SpongeBob?"

"Wow; that was years ago!" SpongeBob stated. "Let me think."

"Wait, my buddy wished he was never born?" Patrick asked. "I find that hard to believe."

"Wish that were true." Squidward muttered to himself.

"So do I." Mrs. Puff muttered as well. "Then I can't be arrested due to his reckless driving."

"I remember!" The sponge said. "It was the Flying Dutchman." Sonic said the answer into the mic.

"Okay, second question." Again Yooka read it, and Dipper translated.

"Why did Phineas and Ferb take Perry to the animal hospital shortly after they first met?"

"Well, Perry's poor tail was stuck under our school bus." Phineas responded. "So that's why we took him in. I'll always remember that. Gosh, just imagine Ferb, if Perry was the one who saved our bus from going over that ravine."

"That would be awesome." Ferb agreed.

"Yes, yes it would, Ferb. It's impossible, but we love our pet just the same." He petted Perry who just chattered. He was glad he saved them. He can't imagine life without his two loving owners. Again, Sonic spoke the answer into the mic.

"Third question. What was the name of the dangerous gang that Charmander joined that almost broke his friendship with Grimer?"

"I know this one." An embarrassed Charmander spoke. "It was the Blazin' Pyros, and I should never have joined."

"It's okay, Char." Grimer said to him. "It was a mistake. It tested our friendship, and our friendship proved to be too strong for it. Nothing on Earth could tear you away from me forever. Together forever, right?"

"Right. I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you." Grimer awwed at this.

"You're so right, buddy. I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you either. Come here!" And with that, the two hugged.

"After this, I'm going to the bathroom to clean myself up."

"You know it!" Seeing this, SpongeBob and Patrick hugged each other too. Lumiere hugged Cogsworth who wasn't so thrilled, but let it slide.

"Fourth question. What was the name of Poof's bully in preschool whose..?"

"Easy!" Cosmo said. "Foop." Poof sighed.

"I wasn't done with the question." Dipper said to him.

"Oh, sorry. Continue."

"...whose kindergarten class got transferred there due to his school being renovated?"

"Foop. Poof always had beef with Foop." Again. Poof sighed.

"No, Dad." He told him, annoyed. "It was Tony. Man, was he a creep. Next question, please." Dipper continued.

"Next question. What are Klaus' and Roger's fake detective names that they created to clear Stan's name in a murder that he didn't commit?"

"Fins and the Legman." Roger said. Klaus laughed. Roger looked at him."What's so funny?"

"Oh, I just remember you didn't want to," He began. "und you wanted the police to handle it."

"I don't remember that at all."

"Oh, that's funny because I clearly do." Roger sighed.

"Whatever. I'm not supposed to have a memory of a goldfish, you do."

"I don't. I have a memory of a German Olympic skier."


"Okay." Dipper continued. "Moving on. What were the Wonderbolts going to have done in the Ponyville Woods?"

"A sports arena." Rainbow Dash answered. She then smiled as she looked at Fluttershy. "But that was home to the animals. It would've been cool to have one but not if it means destroying animals' homes. We got to speak up for the ones who can't, right Fluttershy?"

"Right." The shy pony said. "I couldn't agree more. I thank you for you sacrifice, and so do the animals who call the woods home." Dipper continued with the next one.

"Where did Cinnamon Bun hide Peppermint Butler's body when he thought he murdered him?" Everyone looked at an embarrassed pastry.

"Must that be a question?" He asked. "Oh, glob! Princess Bubblegum's gym bag, okay? Next!"

"It's alright." Princess Bubblegum assured him. "We forgave you. It was all a misunderstanding. It was a long time ago. Now we can laugh about it." Bart was shocked.

"Cinnamon Bun thought he killed Peppermint Butler?" He questioned. "Whoa, I need to hear this story. I didn't know he had it in him."

"You can hear it later." Kazooie squawked to him from the other line. "Right now we need to finish the questions. Dipper, continue." And so, that is what the boy did.

"Why was Isabelle's house haunted when she first moved to Animalville?"

"Because two ghost children, Wisp's niece and nephew, were haunting it." The chipper dog answered.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you, sis." Digby apologized.

"That's okay." His twin said back. "Those ghosts turned out to be quite friendly." Dipper cleared his throat as he continued.

"Why did Luke despise John Kidd at first?"

"Because he hated children." Luke answered. "I'm glad I changed his mind. You have to be mindful of what you say otherwise you might offend someone."

"Wise words from someone like me. Anyways, why did Chip run away from the castle?"

"Because Bea...I mean Master was mad at me." Chip answered. "I didn't know what he'll do to me. Plus it was good for me to get out and see what a normal kid in France did."

"Must've been pretty boring." Timmy Turner stated. "Considering you lived in the 1700s, I still can't imagine living without video games."

"You and me both, kid." Finn said. "Sorry, continue, Dipper."

"I can answer this." Dipper said. "The question asks what happened when we got the notice that the Mystery Shack was going to close in favor of a mini mall? My sister, her friends, and Waddles, and Grenda's pet lizard went to find treasure and outsmart some crooks, thus saving the Mystery Shack."

"Thank goodness too." Mabel said. "That would be the worst summer ever if it closed."

"Right. What is Hector's brother's name?"

"Emilio." Hector answered. "Best brother in the world. He would've done great things if he wasn't killed in the Mexican Revolution. I would've too, if, you know."

"Last question."

"Finally!" Kazooie said. "I thought these questions would never end." Banjo shushed her as he ushered Dipper to continue.

"What was the name of the medical person that Laurel and Barley met in the elevator of the hospital they visited before Wilden's death?"

"Visal." Barley answered. "I remembered that he was kind, comforted me when I got scared from seeing Dad the way he was in, and when he showed me those cool sea monsters. He and other medical staff are heroes, saving or trying to save people's lives. I can never forget someone like him.

"I remember you telling me this." Ian responded. "Gosh, it must've been hard on you and Mom."

"It was." Barley stated. He then gave his brother a noogie. "But then you came along to make everything better." Ian laughed at this. Laurel smiled.

"And we couldn't ask for anything more." She put in.

"He's right you know guys." Zoidberg told his crew. "It's time you show me a bit more respect, don't you think? I could save your life you know." Bender shot a look at the lobster.

"Shut up, Zoidberg!" He said.

"And we can't forget what you did to our friends on that cruise ship two years ago." Pepper Clark, the skunk, added. Zoidberg lowered his head in shame.

"Can't you give a lobster a break? I'm only...well...a lobster."

"I'll give you a break." Klaus spoke to him. Zoidberg smiled at him.

"Thanks, you just made my day, German fish." Klaus smiled back.

"Bitte schon. Us misfits have to stick together."

"You're so right on that!"

"Does that mean I'll get more respect?" Doofensmirtz questioned, hoping. Monogram looked at him.

"You're not a medical doctor." He said to him. Dr. D was furious at this.

"So? I still deserve respect like everyone else!" Monogram sighed.

"You're right. Everyone deserves respect." Dr. D smiled.


"So what's the next challenge?" Laylee asked. "Bill said there are three challenges in all to get the gem."

"Oh yeah!" Kazooie said, remembering. "I forgot. Bummer. That blasted, no good Bill!"

"You better keep them on Faceclock." Banjo told Yooka. "Who knows when we may need them again." Yooka nodded, He was about to talk to Dipper when Dipper responded.

"We hear you." He said. "And we aren't going anywhere."

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Patrick wanted to know. Dipper sighed and nodded.

"Thanks." The sea star was about to take off his shorts, Everyone was disgusted by this. "In the bathroom!"

"Oh, right. Sorry. He ran off.

"I better go with him." Peach offered. "This is a big castle. He could get lost, and he's never been here."

"A wise decision, Princess." Mario stated.

"Hurry up then." Dipper stated. Peach nodded and went off.

"Remember when Toad got lost?" Luigi asked. "Poor guy. And he lives here."

"That was one time." Toad stated. "Or was it two, three?" He shrugged. "Eh, it doesn't matter. Who's keeping count?"

"Say if we're done," Kazooie began. "Why didn't the first lock unlock?" She realized something. "We're not done, are we? Hello! Is no one listening to me?"

"I am!" Laylee responded. "Even if no one else is." Kazooie rolled her eyes.

"Gee, thanks, Laylee Wish more people were more like you."

"Okay, Bill!" Finn shouted. "We're done with your stupid quiz. What's the next challenge?" Bill then appeared before them. They all screamed as they weren't expecting it.

"Did you scroll to the next page?" He asked.

"Next page?" Sonic questioned. Yooka scrolled down to the next page.

"He's right." The chameleon informed them. "There is indeed a bonus question." They all groaned.

"I tried to warn you." Kazooie said. "Yet no one listened, except for you Laylee. Thank you again for that, but no one else!" Bill laughed.

"Whoopsie!" He taunted. "Didn't school teach you anything? Always check to see if there's no more work to be done."

"Well at least it's only one question." Jake said. "Go ahead. Show Dipper the nonsense."

"This is actually written in plain English." Yooka told the dog.

"I forgot to code it." Bill admitted. "But this is good for you, so, you're welcome!" Yooka looked at the note.

"It says, 'What is the name of the Yoshi that helped the agent cartoons find their love ones?"

"Mac." Skipper replied. The penguins were shocked by this.

"Wow, Skipper!" Private said to him. "That's amazing. How did you come up with that so fast?" Skipper looked at him.

"Because young Private, you never forget someone who helped you accomplish your mission."

"Plus, I'm right here." Mac spoke up. "I got invited too, along with my friends and the OCs." Private brightened up as he looked at him.

"Mac, it's been a long time since we've seen you!" The British penguin said to him. "How have you been?"

"Good. I've been good."

"That's great!"

Sonic spoke the answer to the bonus question into the mic, and one out of two locks to the caged gem unlocked.

"It worked!" Laylee observed out loud. "We're one step closer! Only two more to go!"

"Okay Bill." Kazooie said as Bill flew to them. "We aced you quiz, including the bonus question. What's the next challenge?" Bill flew to something covered up with a piece of cloth in the other corner of the room.

"This!" He announced, taking off the cloth, revealing an arcade machine. "You must win a game of Fight Fighters." The good cartoons approached the machine and looked inside. The screen showed Rumble on the left and .GIFfany on the right.

"Didn't Dipper say those two were dating?" Jake questioned. "So why are they are about to go head to head combat against each other?"

"Correction!" Bill said to the dog. "They were dating! Rumble broke up with her last year. And as Soos would tell you, she doesn't take kindly to breakups. This is their one year breakup anniversary, and the two agreed that on this day, they would fight."

"Who celebrates the anniversary of when they breakup?" Laylee questioned.

"I guess some sad, lonely, messed up people." Kazooie replied to her. "That's who."

"So who is going to play the game as the rest of us watches?" Banjo wanted to know.

"I got this!" A confident Sonic declared. "A video game character playing a video game, plus I was in Smash. I got this in the bag."

"Kazooie and I were in Smash too." Banjo reminded him, "Granted we only joined last fall, but we had a share of baddies that we have defeated in the past."

"So, are we going to duke it out to see who gets dibs to duke it out?" Kazooie asked.

"And what about us?" Yooka questioned. "We're video game characters too. Do we have to fight as well?

"Don't drag us into this, Yooka." Laylee spoke to him. "We don't have to be the heroes every day. Let's just be glad that we get the opportunity to sit down for once and watch the action unfold."

"We don't have time to watch a real life fight." Finn said to everyone. "Now, I'll do this video game fight and win so we're one step closer in getting the gem and get to wherever we need to go next."

"Are you sure you got this?" Yooka asked. Finn glared at the chameleon.

"You just asked the wrong question." Jake stated. "Next to going on super awesome adventures, and other stuff, video games are how Finn and I live." Finn cracked his knuckles.

"That's right." The boy agreed. "So step back and watch how a master show you how it's done." Jake frowned.

"Um, buddy? They are all literal video game characters. I think they're all masters at what they do."

"That's right!" Laylee agreed. "Listen to your magical dog, kid. He knows where's it at."

"ENOUGH!" Bill shouted again. They all looked at him as he took a deep breath to calm down. "Who's playing the video game?"

"I am!" Finn stated. Bill turned to the others.

"Any one else?" There was silence. "Good." Bill turned back to Finn. "You may begin losing, kid."

"Only I won't. I came to win, and I plan on that." Bill groaned.

"Whatever. Just play, kid!"

"Okay." So Finn went to the machine and began playing. Bill flew to watch the fight with the others looking stressed out. Kazooie noticed this.

"Sick of everyone's incompetence?" She asked. "Well, too bad! You're the bad guy. You deserve it." Bill groaned. Kazooie watched as the countdown on the arcade screen began. "Ooh! The fight is about to begin! Where is the popcorn because this is about to be a real showdown for the ages!"

"Yeah!" Punchy the cat put in. "Popcorn! Good call, Kazooie! Everything is better with popcorn! Any snack in general in fact: that's what I say."

Finn made Rumble punch .GIFfany into the face. .GIFfany tried to kick Rumble, but Finn made Rumble dodge. Rumble then jumped into the air, and kicked .GIFfany. .GIFfany got up from the ground, and punched Rumble in the jaw. She then swished her hair into his face, and kicked him to the ground.

"Get him back up!" Huey urged Finn.

"I will." Finn said, making Rumble get back up before .GIFfany could kick him back down.

"Do a sneak attack!"

Finn made Rumble go around .GIFfany and tap her on the shoulder. Once .GIFfany turned to him, he punched her to the ground again. Before he could slam down onto her, she rolled away, and picked up a nearby rock, and slammed it onto his head. He shook off the hurt, and threw a big boulder at her. She dodged it, and jammed her fingers in his eyes. He screamed, and .GIFfany kicked him again.

"Get him up; get him up!" Huey shouted again.

"I am!" Finn told him back. He got Rumble back up and kicked her to the ground. She was about to get up when he body slammed her and slammed her face into the ground over and over. Finn laughed crazily.

"How you like that, huh?" He questioned out loud.

"Whoa, chill, dude!" Jake said to his brother. "It's just an arcade game, remember?"

"Oh yeah." Finn remembered. He made Rumble slam her face into the ground one last time. Then the countdown counted to three, and then the referee came and declared Rumble the winner. Everyone cheered. The second lock unlocked the cage to the gem.

"Hey!" Kazooie observed. "What if Bill forgot that third lock? The gem is right there for us to grab."

"Easy, Kazooie." Banjo said to his feathered partner. "You don't know. There could be something more to it then we realize." Kazooie looked irritated.

"You are such a buzzkill, Banjo." Banjo shrugged.

"I'm just stating facts in case you get your hopes up."

Just then an exhausted Patrick ran back onto the lobby of Peach's castle. Peach was behind him. "I'm back!" He announced. "And I'm ready to see a brawl, so let 'er rip!"

"Uh, Patrick?" SpongeBob told him. "You missed it. The fight is over." Patrick was disappointed.

"Aw, tarter sauce! My bladder ruins things again." He looked at the sponge. "Who won?

"Rumble, er I mean, Finn." Patrick frowned again as he looked forwards again.

"Aw, I wished I would've seen it. I bet it was great." Sonic raced to the gem. He ran back to his friends to present it to them.

"Got the gem!" He announced. "Now let's go and..." Just then a combination of a hawk and a octopus, a hawkapus swooped down and grabbed the gem in its talons. "Hey, what the...?" He looked and watched as the hawkapus drop the gem in Bill's hand. He petted the hawkapus.

"That's a good hawkapus." He stopped and looked at the good cartoons. "Did you really think I would forget about your third and final challenge?"

"We were hoping to." Yooka said out loud. Bill laughed at that.

"I bet you did."

"See?" Banjo told Kazooie. "I told you there may be something more." Kazooie was irritated again.

"I hate it when you're right." She said and sighed. "Knew it was too good to be true."

"What is our final challenge?" Finn asked. "Whatever it is, we'll come out on top!"

"All you have to do is get it." Bill placed the gem on top of the staircase. Everyone was confused.

"That's it?"

"That is. Go on. I won't stop you."

"This could be a trap." Banjo spoke up.

"It could be." Sonic stated. "Then again, it could not be. I'll get the gem, lickitly split." Before he could speed up the stairs, Bill clapped, and suddenly the whole mansion shook as the floor opened up as lava. Sonic slipped down the stairs and yelled in pain as the lava burned his behind. He jumped and ran back to the safe carpeting again. Banjo sighed.

"Knew it was a trap."

"What's the problem?" Bill teased, "Scared by some lava?"

"I got this." Jake volunteered. "Making this too easy for me." He was about to stretch his body to reach the gem when Bill snapped his fingers, and evil gnomes attacked him, and tied him up with rope. "Hey!" He shrugged to get free but couldn't. "You doing me really dirty, Bill."

"I can't let you get the gem like that." The evil triangle said. "That's cheating, and I know how you good cartoons are about cheating. You have to count on one of your friends to do it, and no, I know what you're thinking." Gnomes tackled Kazooie and Yooka to the floor and tied them with ropes too. They did their cries too. "No flying allowed. Now, who will be brave enough to get the gem?" The remaining good cartoons looked at Bill. A determined Yooka stepped up.

"I will." He stated.

"You will?" Bill asked and laughed. "Even without your bat friend?"

"Yes. Even without Laylee. I was without Laylee before. I can do it again."

"And I went on an adventure without Kazooie." Banjo added. "So if I can do it, he can too."

"So you see, Bill, just because we're not with our partners, that doesn't make us powerless."

"Okay, then." Bill said. He laid his hands behind his head, looking relaxed. "Go for it then. Show me what you got."

"Ok." The chameleon then bounced on his tail to where the stairs were, and began climbing. Laylee cheered.

"Forgot that Yooka is a chameleon and his capabilities, huh, Bill?" Laylee asked him. He cheered on the reptile. "WHOO-HOO! You go, Yooka! YEAH!"

Once Yooka climbed all the way up to the stairs, he landed onto the floor. '

"Impressive " Bill said to him. Yooka looked at him.

"Thanks. Now hand me the gem." Bill gave him a wicked grin.

"Oh, I'm afraid it's not that easy. I knew this might be easy for you. However, you're not done. Now to make this interesting." He flew into Sonic's body. Everyone gasped.

"Holy glob!" Finn cried out. "You can do that?! Will your madness never end?" Bill laughed in Sonic's body.

"Nope! And I would normally not be able to do this without permission from whoever I'm possessing, but since Anti Cosmo gave back my life, I'm new and improved." Finn was confused.

"Who would want to get possessed?" Bill shrugged.

"You'd be surprised. Now..." He jumped high and landed in front of Yooka. "Let's do this thing."

"First a video game fight and now a real fight between friends?" Timmy Turner observed from Peach's castle eating popcorn. "Awesome!"

"And it's even more awesome that we're eating snacks in between!" Punchy added.

"Whatever you say, Punchy. You're one weird cat."

"And that's why I'm so adored by people on Anitopia and Bellpinch!"

"Again, whatever!"

"We still have the phone on?" Finn wanted to know.

"You bet! This is tens, no thousands times better then watching that raccoon make crafts out of tools!" Timmy Nookling looked at him.

"He's right you know." Tommy looked at him too.

"Right you know." Tom Nook glared at the kits, mad.

"No!" He said. "He's wron..." He then sighed in defeat, "He's right."

"Bladder." Patrick said to his crotch. "Don't make me want to go during this. Keep it in!"

"You're one weird sea star." Poof said to him.

"I know!" SpongeBob agreed. "That's what makes him my bff in the whole wide ocean!" Squidward sighed.

"They're both weired." He told the fairy baby "Just be lucky that you aren't neighbors with them, kid. When you grow up, make sure all your neighbors are sane."

"In other words, not my dad." Poof stated. "Got it! Thanks for the tip."

First, Sonic did a spin dash. Yooka was about to double jump out of the way but Sonic was too fast for him and tackled him to the floor.

"Get up, Yooka!" Laylee urged. The chameleon got to his feet, but Sonic did another spin dash, knocking him down yet again. "Don't give up, Yooka! You can do it!" Yooka got up again.

"Face it!" Sonic said to Yooka in Bill's voice. "I'm too fast now. You might as well give up now."

"I'll never do that." Yooka responded.

"Okay. Suit yourself." Sonic did it again and again. No matter what Yooka tried, Sonic was just too fast and tackled him each time.

"Come on, Yooka!" Laylee shouted at him. "You have to land an attack; you're making this fight boring!"

"I'm trying!" Yooka yelled back. "It's not as easy as it looks!"

"Well you need to think of something!"

When Yooka was knocked down again, he quickly did a slurp shot on Sonic's hand.

"What the...?!" Sonic questioned. He tried to shake Yooka's tongue off of his hand, but it stayed stuck on his hand. "Get off of me!" He kept trying. Yooka took this opportunity and whacked him in the face with his tail. He then kicked him, and tackled him to the floor. Sonic tried getting up but couldn't. Everyone cheered.

"Whoo!" Laylee cheered. "You got him, Yooka! Don't let him land another attack!"

"You may think you have the upper hand now." Sonic said to Yooka. "But you won't for long; I'll think of something!" Yooka knew that he was right. He knew he couldn't do this forever. He had to do something before Sonic or Bill could. He saw the lava below and came up with an idea.

"Sorry, Sonic." He said.

"What?" Sonic asked. He poked Sonic in the eyes. Sonic screamed as he stood up. Yooka then pushed him. The hedgehog tried to maintain his balance. Yooka pushed him again and Sonic screamed as he fell down below. Yooka knew he had no time to waste so he quickly ran to grab the gem. Everyone cheered. Yooka had done it! He beat Bill, or the possessed Sonic.

However the hawkapus squawked loudly and tried to snatch it from Yooka. Yooka grabbed it, and the bird lifted him holding onto the gem. Everyone gasped and saw the sight, completely ignoring Sonic, who jumped out of the lava in pain, and collapsed onto the floor after Bill left his body. Bill looked up at the bird and cheered him on as the bird tried desperately to shake Yooka off of him.

Yooka then climbed up and poked the bird in the eyes, The bird screamed as he lost his grip on the gem, forcing him and Yooka to fall to the lava down below. Everyone gasped again.

"I can't look!" Patrick stated. He shielded his eyes with his hands and shut his eyes tight. "Tell me when it's all over!"

"Oooohhhh!" Bart cried out. "Suspense; niccceeeee!" Bill flew in to snatch the gem back. Kazooie pecked at Laylee's ropes. They broke, letting the bat go free.

"I'm free!" She cheered. "I'm free as a bird, except not, so free as a...

"GO SAVE YOUR FRIEND!" Kazooie yelled at her.

"Oh, right." She shouted to the still falling Yooka. "Coming, Yooka!" The bat flew towards Yooka. Kazooie looked towards Bill.

"Oh no you don't!" The breegull then opened her beak, and rapidly shot out blue eggs. Bill saw the eggs coming and screamed as they hit him. He, too fell to the lava down blow as Laylee caught Yooka. Everyone cheered. The hawkapus wasn't so lucky and burned to death in the lava.

"I got you, Yooka! Now, I'm coming in for a landing!" She flew the chameleon to the carpet where they made their landing. This is when Sonic regained consciousness and stood back up.

"What happened?" The hedgehog wanted to know.

"You got possessed, man, err, hedgehog." Finn began. "By Bill."

"But then Yooka defeated you, err, Bill." Jake added. "Now you're all safe again, and we got the gem. Now we can kiss Gravity Falls goodbye and go to wherever we go to next."

"But we should do it quick before the crazed triangle schemes up something else." Laylee put in. They were unaware that Bill was rising above the lava. Sonic was confused.

"Wait, Bill possessed me? But I thought..."

"Never mind what you thought. That may have been true in the past but not anymore. This is the new and improved Bill."

"That's right." Bill began. They all looked at him. "I'm new and improved, baby. Anyways, you may have won this round, but you won't get the next gem or the next after that." He then put his hands over his chest, looking away. "Because I'm not going to tell you."

"You don't have to." Finn said to him, taking out the Enchanted mirror. "We have our own ways of figuring it out." He asked the mirror and his face frowned. Bill loved this.

"What is it, buddy?" A concerned Jake asked. Finn showed him their next destination: Bikini Bottom. "We have to go under the sea. I don't know how we can do this, do you? We need air to breathe, well at least, I do."

"And Laylee and I can have a bubble surround us." Yooka stated. "But not for long."

"Exactly. We can't breathe for long. We need air helmets like Sandy has." Kazooie was about to say something when she was ignored yet again when he looked at Timmy Turner on the phone. "Timmy?"

"Already on it." The ten-year-old stated. He wished for air helmets on the heros They poofed on their heads.

"Can you als heal me?" Sonic also wished for Sonic to be healed from his burns. "Thanks."

"Oh, and before I forget," E. Gadd stated. "That phone isn't water proof. You guys are on your own for this one. That okay?"

"Sure." Sonic assured him. "And if not, I'm sure we'll find a way." E. Gadd smiled.

"I know you guys will. Good luck!"

"And I'll wish you to where you need to be." Timmy said. "Don't you worry." They all thanked him, said goodbye, Finn turned off the phone, and put it in his backpack. Yooka also gave Finn the gem, who put it it his backpack also.

"Now we wait for Timmy to make his wish." He told his friends.

Seconds later, as Timmy promised, with a poof, they were down below the sea, in Bikini Bottom.