"New Modern Life"
In the city of San Francisco in an abandoned warehouse a young man who looks around 12 or 13 is sitting alone on his chair working on his computer. As he sits alone he looks at his necklace with a blue ruby on it. 'Mom, I miss you so much.' He thought to himself.
Over a thousand years ago...
Bai Tsa the Water Demon sits on her throne as she sees her son Cole who is now around 12-13 and is practicing himself with his sword.
As she sits on her throne one of her servants brings her a message. As she opens it sees that the rest of her siblings have been banished and their kingdoms have destroyed and the rest of the servants have been freed. Cole swims up to her. "Mother, is there a problem?" He asked.
Bai Tsa hides the message from him. "Nothing you should know my son." She said. "Go explore the ocean for me."
He nods and swims off. He always enjoyed the entire ocean and enjoyed the whole ocean life and the entire beings that lived in it. As he swims for over a few hours he goes back to his mother's kingdom.
As he sees goes home he sees the servants leaving and goes back to the palace. He saw his mother battling the immortal Cao Guojiu. As his mother was battling the wizard he holds a gourd and chants a spell and aims the gourd at her and a portal opens up from behind her and she is banished to the Netherworld. Cole watches his own mother being banished and gets tears. "M-mother? NO!" He shouts and swims away.
As he goes around the world he heard that Shendu was turned into a stachu and the rest of his demon uncles and aunt were banished.
He Sworn one day he'll see his mother again and gets revenge on the humans that took the demon world. He took some of the books from his uncle Shendu's palace and read some spells in order to make him immortal so he'll never age or die to be reunited with his family.
Back to present-day life...
Cole is now wandering around San Francisco and mostly spends most of his time alone now. He mostly works odd jobs to get modern-day money in order to support himself and eat too.
Lately, now he's been spying on a family called the Chans, and their adventures. Mostly he was interested in the Chans finding the 12 Talismans, and seeing his uncle Shendu battling them back in Hong Kong, only for getting turn back into a statue and getting destroyed by a little girl.
Even though Cole is now immortal he wanted to find a way to bring his mother back from the Netherworld, but couldn't find any spell to bring her and the rest of the demons back. Even though he was close to his mother mostly and his Uncle Hsi Wu, he mostly got along with the rest of his uncles and aunt... most of the time.
Cole sometimes also went back down to the button of the ocean to visit the lost city of Atlantis. Even though it's in ruins he still found it beautiful even it is destroyed.
He looks at a little necklace he has around his neck that his mother gave him on one of his birthdays. 'Mother... oh mother.' He thought and sight. 'I wish I can see you again.'
Meanwhile, in the Netherworld Bai Tsa is wondering around and kept on wondering for all over the years and years went by she wonders how her son was and wonders if he learned any spells along the way too. 'Cole, my darling son. Once I see you again you and I will be reunited. I miss you, my son.' She thought.
End of chapter 2, anyway I can probably take some requests, just leave them in the reviews or write me a PM. Until then please read and review, please.