Hey-o! This chapter's quite a bit lighter than the last one, though that's not exactly hard. I wanted to focus more on the familial aspect of Peni's odd mish-mash of a family unit. Don't worry we should have more drama by the next chapter.

Peni sunk into the tub and closed her eyes, letting the warmth of the heated water calm her. Auntie Felicia took her back to the Black Cat without anyone seeing her. She knew as much about the back alleys as her dad did and they managed to avoid the police and anyone else. After that she sent her to the bathroom and told her to clean up while she called Auntie Mary Jane to tell her she was safe.

She was so calm during all of it, all her words clear and without any hint of hesitation of fear. Peni felt jealous of her. As much as she wanted to grow up fast she knew just how much of a kid she really was. If it hadn't been for Auntie Felicia she still would've been in that restaurant where the police (or worse) would've gotten her.

She splashed water against her face to wash away the tears that threatened to spill out. It wasn't her fault, she knew that. That man - monster - would've caught her and taken her to Spider only knew where if she didn't...didn't...

Peni looked down at her hands. She still felt the blood on them-

'Calm' She almost screamed at Spider's sudden call. Her best friend climbed up to the side of the tub, completely ignoring his one broken leg. She pressed her lips into a thin, wobbly line and grabbed him in-between her water soaked hands. Spider was always so sure of himself. Even now she knew the only reason she hadn't broken down completely was because Spider shared his control with her.

"...Spider?" she said, so rattled she forgot to ask it in her head.


"How are you so okay? This is..." The first time she'd ever killed anyone. She knew her dad killed, that Auntie Felicia and even Auntie Mary Jane had killed, but doing it herself was a different thing entirely. They tried to hide it from her, but she always knew. Her dad killed to protect her and other people and if he'd been there with her tonight he would've killed that man without hesitating.

So why did she still...

'Killed before.' She saw brief flashes of distorted images. Not enough to see everything, but enough to understand. Her dad had nightmares sometimes. A lot of the time it was about how mom died. Even now he refused to tell her, always said she was too young, but Spider didn't think so. He told her about that man Osborn sending his men to take Spider and the rest of his family and how when they broke out one of them bit her dad.

It was why Spider went to her above everyone else. She was special because her dad was.

'No.' She smiled slightly. Sometimes Spider told her that it wasn't just because of that, that it was because she was smart and a good host all by herself. Peni wasn't really sure if she believed him about that.

She put Spider on top of her head and sunk low until she was up to her nose in hot water. If nothing else she was glad Spider was here. Even before tonight he'd always watched out for her. She couldn't count just how many times he'd saved her when she went down the wrong alley or made the wrong person mad. Spider always got annoyed and said that he should have picked a more cautious host but he was always there by her side through it all.

A sudden knock at the door made her jolt up, "Peni?" Auntie Felicia's voice came from the other side of the door, "When you're done with your bath just come to the bedroom, okay? I'll leave clothes here."

Peni didn't reply and just closed her eyes. It wasn't her fault, she said again. It made her feel a bit better.

Eventually she pulled herself up and dried herself off. She cleaned up Spider too, gently rubbing at him with the hand towel while he clicked his mandibles in annoyance. Spider never liked taking baths. He said he cleaned himself just fine with his mouth but she always thought that was gross. He ate flies and crawled around everywhere! No way was she gonna let him climb all over her if he didn't wash.

She put him atop her head again while she changed into the white dress Auntie Felicia got her, "How's your leg?" she asked softly.


Meaning it really wasn't. Peni sighed and cupped him between her palms again. His second left leg was still bent at an awkward angle. She gently touched it and shrunk back when Spider hissed, "S-Sorry." She pressed him softly against her chest and slowly walked back to the bedroom. She'd slept over sometimes before, usually when her dad was on a case and he needed to be sure she was safe. He was always protective of her.

Auntie Felicia was there when she arrived. She looked up from her seat on the table, face still hidden from behind her white mask. As far as Peni remembered she'd never seen what she looked like without it. Her dad said she didn't wear a mask around her when she was still a baby and only started when she started talking. Auntie Felicia said it'd scare her if she saw what was underneath and no amount of begging could get her to take the mask off.

"You were in there a while." She crossed her right leg over her left and gestured to the cup on the other side of the small table, "Got you some hot chocolate. Your favorite."

"Th-Thank you." She sat on the chair across and carefully took the mug in her hand. Peni took a few tentative sips while Auntie Felicia just watched her. She tried not to think about how creepy it looked because of the mask.

"I told Mary Jane about what happened." She tapped her finger on the table, voice even, "She wasn't happy, as you could expect. Apparently Leah just ran in there screaming that a big, scary man was chasing after you. If I hadn't told her she'd still be out there looking for you." Peni winced, "Don't blame yourself. Both of us know it wasn't your fault."

Then why did she still see his screaming, bloody face?

"I...I killed that man..." she said softly. That other man, the one who was watching over the restaurant. It was because she ran there instead of-

Auntie Felicia suddenly flicked her forehead. Peni was so surprised she almost dropped her cup, "Stop thinking about." Auntie Felicia sighed.

"I wasn't-"

"Don't even try. I've known Spid- Peter for over 10 years now and you both have that same look on your face when you put the weight of the world on your shoulders. You did what you had to do, Peni. That's all."

"...I didn't want to kill him," she said eventually. Peni looked down at the murky, brown drink and refused to look her aunt in the eyes.

"But he would've killed you. Or taken you God only knows where." She sighed again, "You shouldn't feel guilty for defending yourself, little spider. If Peter or Mary Jane or I'd been there we wouldn't have made it quick." Peni shivered at the harshness in the older woman's voice, "And that other man who died isn't on your shoulders either. That big galute was the one to kill him, not you."

"But he wouldn't have gotten killed if I didn't-"

"Were you just supposed to let yourself get taken?" Auntie Felicia interrupted. Peni didn't answer, "No, you wouldn't. Do you have any idea what that would've done to us? It wasn't your fault. That trenchcoated mook killed him and that's the end of it."

"...Did you talk to daddy?" she asked, mostly to change the subject.

"Tried to, but it's kind of hard to get in touch with him on short notice. We'll try again later." She tapped her finger on the table again, "Either way I expect he'll come rushing back here, S.H.I.E.L.D be damned. He only left to protect you so I imagine you being put in danger changes things."

"B-But what will the man with the eyepatch do if dad comes back?" Peni asked in a panic. She already got her dad in trouble once cause she wasn't careful. She didn't want do it again.

"I don't know, but I can't imagine he'll be happy. Or that Peter will care what he thinks." She laughed under her breath, "Either way it's not your problem. Don't worry, we'll take care of-"

"N-No!" She slammed the cup down and stood up. It was embarrassing just how little difference in height it added, "That man was after me! You have to tell me what he wanted or...or something! I can't just..." She couldn't just let them do everything for her again.


"You can't always protect me! What if something happens to me or...or even Leah while you aren't around?! I should be able to-"

"Peni!" Her aunt's scream was enough to make her quiet again, "You think I like the idea of you being defenseless? Because I don't. But what other choice do we have? I saw how you reacted when I got there. When you killed that man." Peni flinched like she'd been hit, "Do you think you can do that again? Cause I don't think you can, and none of us want you to. You're just a kid. You shouldn't have to make that choice..."

"But what if I have to..." Peni mumbled as she sat back down. Even the thought of it scared her, but she couldn't just ignore. Auntie Felicia was right; if she hadn't killed that man he would've killed or taken her too.

"We're going to make sure that doesn't happen." She leaned forward and held Peni's right hand in a tight grip.

"...Could you at least tell me who that was and what he wanted?"

"I did some searching around. His name is - was - Aleksei Sytsevich, a Russian goon who'll take any job regardless of what it is. As for why he tried to take you, that's still up in the air. Do you remember he anything?"

"N-No. All he said was that...that he was supposed to take me alive." She bit her lower lip, "...Do...Do you think it's because of what I did a few days ago?"

"One would think, but it's quite possible it's one of Peter's old enemies holding a grudge. They might think cause they haven't seen him around you're free game." She crossed her arms stiffly, "Right now we can't be sure. All we can be sure of now is that you're in danger and for the time being you'll be staying here. If Systsevich could find you we can't ignore that someone else might."

"What about Auntie Mary Jane and Leah? Are they-"

You're the one they want, but I understand. I sent a few men who owe me some favors to watch over them. Don't worry, if anyone tries anything they won't have long to regret." Meaning they would kill them, "Right now all you need to concern yourself with is getting some sleep. It's...been a long day. I'll be right next door if you need anything."

Auntie Felicia made her way out. Peni almost begged her to stay, to tell her that she didn't want to be alone with just Spider, but the words wouldn't come. Instead the door closed gently and it was just the two of them.


"R-Right..." She nodded meekly and made her way to the bed. She set her best friend down on the bedside cabinet and crawled into the covers till nothing but the top of her head stuck out. The last time she'd slept over she was so excited. The bed was bigger and more comfy than the one back home and Auntie Felicia's cats always wandered in whenever they got bored. Percival - a big, fluffy Parisian that always sat on her face - was her favorite even though Spider hated him.

And then the nightmares started.

Peni tossed and turned on her bed. She saw the Russian man's face grinning and covered in blood, heard the way he laughed while his fingers wrapped around her neck. She tried to scream, to beg him to let her go, but he just laughed and laughed till she finally grabbed the knife and cut his face open and spiders spilled out of the gaping wound and ate her.

She woke up with a scream. Her body was covered in sweat and she'd tossed the blanket clear off the bed, "S-Spider..." She groped around blindly for her best friend when the door slammed open. She looked up and almost screamed again when she saw who entered. It was Auntie Felicia storming in with her gun raised...and she didn't have her mask on.

Peni bit her tongue to keep from shouting. Her entire face was covered in deep, ugly scars from forehead all the way down to her mouth. The skin was light and discolored and both her upper and lower lip had deep gouges on the sides and center.

But it was nothing compared to her nose. Most of it was gone, leaving nothing but a single hole surrounded by scar tissue. Years ago, so long ago that she barely remembered, she heard her dad say Auntie Felicia was lucky to be alive. She only realized now how true that was.

Felicia stopped when she saw her. The two of them stared at one another, frozen in shock, till her aunt suddenly turned around and covered her face with her face with her free hand, "I...I heard you screaming," she said softly.

"I had a nightmare..." She stood up and shivered at the cold night air that slipped in through the windows. Auntie Felicia still stubbornly faced away, "Auntie Felicia-"

"You're scared. I should go and-"

"Please wait!" She charged and practically tackled her aunt's back when she hugged her. Auntie Felicia's entire body stiffened and she looked like she wanted to push her away, "I'm not scared! Not because of you!" She hugged her tighter and pressed her face against her back, "Please don't go..."

"Peni..." Auntie Felicia grabbed the doorframe, hand shaky, "You don't have to lie. I know it's scary-"

"It's scarier being alone!" she had to stop herself from sobbing, "Please don't go..." She couldn't deal with this with just Spider. Even if he was her best friend there were things he didn't understand. To him killing people wasn't something you should ever make a big deal of. He was a born hunter, that's what he always said. To him killing to survive was something you did as soon as you could.

"...Promise I won't scare you?"

"I promise!"

Auntie Felicia took a deep breath and slowly turned around. Peni stepped back and looked her in the eyes. Despite everything that happened her eyes didn't have a scratch. Peni remembered before when Auntie Felicia joked that she was a pair of eyes without a face and her dad and Auntie Mary Jane got mad.

Peni stood on her tiptoes and touched her face. Auntie Felicia flinched but knelt down so she could do it easier. Neither of them said anything and Peni traced her fingertips across the scars, "Does it hurt...?"

"Not for years, little spider." She smiled. It was small, but it made Peni feel better.

Without a word they both lay down on the bed and Auntie Felicia hugged her close again. Peni hugged her back and snuggled close. As far as she remembered Auntie Felicia didn't like to get too close to her. Her dad told her it wasn't cause she didn't care, but that she 'kept people at arm's length' after what happened to her. The hug a few hours ago was the last time she'd held her in years.

Spider jumped from the cabinet and snuggled up to her cheek. Peni found her eyes drifting close and for the rest of the night she didn't have another nightmare.

This ended up focusing a bit more on Felicia than I intended but I figured we needed a bit more of fluff after Peni being forced to commit her first kill. Next Peni chapter we'll go back to the plot and the next villain our plucky heroine will have to deal with.

Speaking of, a question:

1. I'm considering a temporary ally before Noir returns so I currently have a list: Punisher, Moon Knight or Daredevil. All of them are anti-heroes but they each focus on different aspects - Moon Knight on mysticism and the magical spiders, Punisher on killing their way through the opposition and Daredevil on trying to unravel Octavius' web of corruption.

Which of the three would you prefer?