Last chapter. All I can say here is enjoy the finale and watch through the words, as you see how much I love Randall and just how much lizard boy means to me and how far my love for him goes. RandallFan4Life!

Randall had never been this happy.

With the Scare Games completed and the OKs welcomed into the Scaring Program, Brandon found his lizard boyfriend smiling out of nothing. Maybe it was the fact that his best chum was back in class and they'd become closer than ever before, or perhaps it was the relationship further blossoming into something beautiful, as he almost always had a smile on his face.

For Brandon, he enjoyed seeing Randall being such a happy lizard. He had a cute face and when he smiled, it was just a heavenly treat to see a smile form on his face. The nutty Beast couldn't get enough of seeing his beloved boyfriend so happy.

"You know, Randy, if you're trying to kill me with your cuteness, you're doing a good job at it." whispered Brandon, cuddling up behind Randall from behind as he snakes his arms around the lizard's torso.

"Brandon, careful. I'm making cupcakes." remarked Randall, giggling as he blushes a little bit.

Randall's back to baking his cupcakes, making a couple more than normal. He just felt in such a good mood after completing the Scare Games and his friendship between him and Mike had just really flourished as they were even more like brothers now, usually hanging out whenever they weren't studying or in class.

Brandon's furry belly rumbled as he snuggled against Randall. He had to wonder if the lizard was spoiling him now, especially with all the treats. If he could bake half as good as Randall, then he'd whip up a dish to change his colors to match the rainbow.

"This one's for Mike, but I didn't forget about you." said Randall, turning around as he grabbed onto Brandon as he yelped and smirked at him.

Squealing and shooting confetti, Brandon opened his mouth and let his tongue hang out, as Randall leaned in and their lips connected. The kiss was soft and full of passion, Brandon sprouted multiple arms to wrap around his beloved reptilian lover and pull him deeper into the kiss, moaning softly and melting into the loving embrace of his one and only lizard love.

Purring, Randall deepened the kiss, closing his eyes and hugging his beastly lover warmly in the embrace. He was getting good at kissing, it felt like each time they connected, he could feel Brandon connecting with him more and more. He leaned into his furry body and let out a content sigh, as Brandon shot confetti and snuggled him close.

Breaking the kiss briefly, Brandon hugged Randall tightly, resting his furry head onto the lizard's. The glowing amber and shimmering emerald eyes were locked, their arms tangled around the other, as Randall let out a soft purr in response.

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Brandon." purred Randall, snuggling closer to his love.

"I'm happy with how things have turned out. Look at us, we're together. I mean, yeah, when I first saw you I was taken aback by how adorable you were and instantly got a crush on you. But I really and truly do love you more than anything, Randall. The glasses, the camouflage, the cupcakes. You really are just a bundle of adorableness. But I couldn't be happier. You really do mean everything to me, I love you with every fiber of my being and to the ends of Monstropolis and back for you. I'd dare even call you my best friend as well. And no matter what, always remember, I will love you always and the love of my life." whispered Brandon, leaning down and capturing him in another blissful kiss.

Randall's eyes misted over and tears of joy began to fall upon hearing that. Relaxing and purring into the kiss, he narrowed his eyes and squinted them through his glasses, running his fingers through his love's soft, thick beautiful fur.

If there was ever a moment of doubt that he and Brandon wouldn't remain together, it was washed away in that moment. Brandon Beast, his boyfriend and one of his best friends really meant every word and he loved him very much.

"At first, I wanted college to become a fresh start for me, make some friends, have some fun at the parties, and get to be with the cool kids. But then I met you. So innocent, adorable, and a little on the crazy side of things. You bonded with me even before we became friends, showed me compassion, sympathy, and love throughout our time here. Fixed my glasses and spent the whole night with me after my cupcakes were ruined. You loved me. Even when I thought myself a joke, you still loved me. When Johnny tried to hurt me, you came and defended me. You revealed all to me and stuck to me like glue, becoming something I never thought I'd ever have." whispered Randall, as he met his boyfriend's yellow eyes. "I was close to giving up on myself. You never left me, you stayed with me."

"Of course I did." smiled Brandon, taking Randall's hand and rubbing it as he held it.

"You love me for me. I don't have to be in with the cool kids or part of some group, you love me for who I am. The talks, the time spent together, and all the affection we share. I was worried that you were too good for the likes of me. I thought you could find someone better. Even when you revealed your secret and were worried that you'd lose me, I still had that bit of doubt and insecurity in my mind that you might break up with me." frowned Randall, as Brandon pulled him close.

"I never would leave you, Randall." whispered Brandon, planting a kiss on Randall's snout.

Randall's heart skipped a beat. He could just remain here, wrapped in Brandon's arms, listening to the Beast's heart beat and feeling that welcoming warmth from his fur slowly overtake and envelope him in an embrace of true love.

"Instead of feeling pity for me, you sympathized and understood me." smiled Randall, planting a kiss on Brandon's furry cheek.

Compassion, sympathy, and love were what Randall needed. Brandon might've been smitten at first sight, but a deep care within his heart also formed as he and the lizard had grown so close during their months here at MU, falling madly in love with each other, as neither one wanted to let go of the other.

"You're a great monster, Randall. Personality wise, your shyness and nervous behavior makes you insanely attractive and incredibly cute too!" grinned Brandon, snuggling as close as he could to Randall.

The boosts in confidence helped. The same went for whenever they held hands, it always just gave Randall a boost in confidence and not to be as jumpy as he was, especially when he's spooked and ends up disappearing.

"I don't know if I can thank you for what you've given me." replied Randall, as Brandon placed a finger on his lips.

"You don't need to thank me." giggled Brandon, kissing Randall's soft lips once more.

Breaking the embrace, Randall went to finish up on the cupcakes, before putting them in the oven and setting the timer. Brandon giggled and his eyes darted to where the couch in the living room was.

Randall knew full well what his beastly boyfriend's intentions were and to be honest, he was looking forward to some more affectionate contact.

"Come on, Randy, let's get us some snuggle action going! You know how much I love being snuggled!" squealed Brandon, shooting a blast of confetti from his head spout.

Laughing, Randall grabbed his boyfriend's hand and they headed into the living room, as Brandon plopped his rear down on the couch, patting a spot for Randall to cuddle up to him as he stuck his tongue out and snuggled as close as he could into the couch.

More than happy to oblige, Randall scurries up on the couch, getting comfortable as he snuggled up close to Brandon, sighing as he felt the Beast's arms wrapping around him, that soft fur he loves rubbing on his scales.

"You know, the way you skitter and scurry around is really cute." giggled Brandon, reaching down as he ran his fingers along that smooth, scaly back, smirking as Randall let out a soft purr in response.

"You steal a couple glances at me during the Scare Games?" purred Randall, his eyes half closed and sighing, as he relaxes, feeling Brandon's hands rubbing his arms, feeling him twitching as he relaxes, feeling the hands loosening any of his tight muscles.

Brandon didn't answer right away. Instead, he watched as Randall fully relaxed, as he rubbed more firmly and kneading the muscles in his arms. Working up his neck and back down to his arms and then to his back. He felt knots in his back begin to work them out, his eyes half open, as his tongue rolled out, letting out a soft and happy purr as he was engulfed by Brandon's gentle touches.

"You are a cute lizard, after all." smirked Brandon, as he just adored Randall's actions, finding his cute lizard monster was practically melting to his ministrations.

Stretching his furry body out like putty and sprouting multiple arms to keep the back rub going, Brandon stretched himself over to Randall's face, leaning forward and pressing his lips to his, before parting briefly.

"And wow, you sure are precious right here!" whistled Brandon, shooting a blast of confetti from his head spout as he sighed contently.

The color change was happening, as he purred softly and lapped at Brandon's lips, his scales turning bright pink as he felt the Beast's lips press back into his, feeling Brandon's arms on the back of his head, as they deepened the kiss and pulled away for a moment.

"How adorable do you think I am?" asked Randall, curious about Brandon's love for his appearance.

"I think the award for the most adorable monster in the universe would go to you." giggled Brandon, poking the bridge of his glasses and kissing him on the cheek. "Got such beautiful big green eyes, which you with the glasses on adds to that adorable factor, the way you rub your hands together, those small freckles on your handsome face, the way you smile and show those small sharp teeth, and of course, you're the perfect mix of adorable and dorky!"

Blinking a couple times as he heard those words. The blush on Randall grew even stronger, the heat was building, and his scales were the brightest shade of pink they'd ever been, he was pinker than ever before.

"And you look so cute pink!" giggled Brandon.

Not even giving Randall the chance to respond, Brandon grabbed his head and proceeds to kiss him allover his face, before crushing his lips against Randall's in such passionate and intense kiss of love, pulling away as he laps at his lips cutely. Shocked but also overwhelmed, Randall just starts giggling when it's all said and done.

"When I say you're the cutest monster around, there's nobody that even comes close to how cute you are." remarked Brandon, shooting another blast of confetti from his head spout as he squeals. "I think I'd explode from cuteness overload just looking at your face!"

The flattery and love never ended. Randall was just giggling at what he's hearing. Even if he's a cute monster, there's NO WAY he could be this cute, right? Maybe he was. And though he's not tough like some other monsters, he's become even softer and softer as he and Brandon love on one another.

"And I totally would if given the chance, spend the whole day snuggled up to you!" revealed Brandon, proud of what he revealed and giggling even further as he laughed and squealed.

Rising from the couch, Randall stopped his giggling and looked back at his beastly boyfriend, his emerald green eyes sparkling as he a huge grin spread across his face. He quickly grabbed hold of Brandon as he yelped and embraced him in such a tight and warming hug, wrapping all four of his arms, in addition to his tail around him.

"I hope you're happy, Brandon. You're just getting me all mushy now." remarked Randall, kissing Brandon on his furry head, as he heard the Beast giggling and snuggling closer into him.

"Oh, I am happy, Randy! Very happy!" giggled Brandon, snuggling into Randall's scaly chest and burying his face into those soft and warm scales, as he ran his hand up and down the scales, sighing happily.

Letting out a soft purr as he felt Brandon's hand moving along his chest, Randall looked back over at his beastly boyfriend, passion just built up and within seconds, they're attacking each other's lips wildly, kissing so intensely and making out like a couple of monstrous teenagers. Moaning loudly, Brandon pressed into his lizard, kissing him more wildly and sloppily.

Randall responded by kissing back just as wildly, but taking it a step further. He let his tongue slip out, teasingly lapping it at Brandon's lips, as the Beast squealed and shot confetti, grasping onto him for more, as Randall laughed and reached down, grasping Brandon's rear and giving it a playful squeeze as he yelped.

"I don't know if I can tell you just how much I love you, Brandon." giggled Randall, kissing Brandon once more, as he held him close. "You love a little dork like me above every other monster on campus. At first it was strange when you cuddled against me, but now, I don't ever want it to end. I love your soft fur so much."

"And you can love a big monster like me, with four rows of very sharp teeth." remarked Brandon, sticking his tongue out and laughing, as he reached up and stroked the lizard's fronds.

"If Mike wasn't my best chum, you'd take that spot, but you are a close second." smiled Randall, kissing Brandon again. "I've never had anybody show me the kind of care and love that you do. You're the first monster to show me this and I love you for it."

"I love you too, Randall." smiled Brandon, kissing Randall once more as he licks his lips.

"Come on, let's do this in your bed. It'll be way more comfortable." smiled Randall, reluctantly breaking the embrace and getting up from the couch, extending his hand out.

Brandon took it as he got off. Together, hand in hand, Randall and Brandon left the living room and headed up into their bedroom, happy that Mike wasn't there. Some real cute fun was about to transpire.

Randall got on the bed and laid down on his side, beckoning Brandon over. The invitation was accepted, with the giggling Beast climbing into the bed and quickly embracing Randall, his furry head just underneath his chin as he pressed himself into the lizard's body, wrapping both his arms and legs around him. Randall in return wrapped all four of his arms around him and curled his body around him too as he rested on the pillow, a warm smile on his face as Brandon cuddled into him, his eyes closed and smiling.

"I love you, Brandon. I love you with all my heart and soul. We might be young, but I know in my heart that you're the one for me. Your happy personality and childish nature always warms my heart, your constant care and affection towards me brings a smile to my face, and whenever we're together, I just feel beyond words and so happy that I almost want to cry that I've been gifted with such an amazing boyfriend. You made me feel proud of who I am. There's nobody around that I love more than you and I'll be with you always." promised Randall, shedding a couple tears as he held onto Brandon tightly.

Randall was Brandon's soulmate, he was certain of it. He was crying too, joyful tears leaking from his glowing yellow eyes, as he sniffled and cuddled into Randall's embrace, just so addicted to that beautiful love they share.

"All I want is to be with you, Randall. I love you more than anything, you are my soulmate." revealed Brandon, through teary eyes, as he sniffled.

"I love you too, Brandon. My heart will always belong to you." whispered Randall, running his hand through Brandon's soft and thick blue hair.

Tears shed and arms tangled around one another, all that mattered to Randall and Brandon now was each other and the love they have.

Randall never wanted to let go of Brandon in this moment, seeing the love of his life wrapped around him and snuggled into his chest was too much. He softened even more and kissed Brandon on his furry head, nuzzling it.

The sound of the timer going off ended the wholesome moment sadly, as Randall groaned and frowned. Dammit, the cupcakes! He totally forgot about them.

"Guess I'll need to grab the cupcakes." replied Randall, as Brandon looked at him and tightened the hug.

"Let Don or Sheri take care of it. They'll know to put em' out to cool." giggled Brandon, kissing Randall softly. "Besides, right now, all I want is for this moment to last a little longer."

Purring softly and kissing back, Randall gasped as Brandon grabbed his head and kissed him allover his face, before lapping at his lips. Blushing and turning bright pink, Randall just giggled and relaxed back into the embrace with his love.

The end.

And complete! I must say, it's been fun writing this little passion project of mine, putting my heart, soul, and emotions into this piece and showcasing my love for Randall in full force. I don't care if I'm weird for saying this, but I have a crush on lizard boy, not to mention, sleep with an MU plush of him (got another one coming in the mail), and really just imagining myself with him, wrapped in those loving arms of his. I hope you all enjoyed this little AU tale of mine and please be sure to review to my finale. I would like it very much. :) These past nine years have been awesome, thank you all for your support throughout the years and I hope my passion project brought smiles to your faces. But for now, this is goodbye. RandallBeast19, signing off!