Chapter 5 Pep Talk

After Peach had introduced her to a few more guests, Rosalina was finally starting to have enough. She asked the princess if she had a room prepared for her, and Peach smiled in response.

"Of course I do. Would you like to see it?"

Rosalina nodded furiously. The princess looked at her in concern, but did not ask her if there was anything wrong. This was most likely due to the reason that she could physically see that Rose needed time to herself. So, Peach led Rosalina and Polari out of the throne room and into the hallways.

As the three of them walked across the luscious red carpet, they did not exchange any words for a while. However, Rosalina could see that there were all sorts of beautiful paintings all over the walls. She admired them, allowing herself to get sucked into the art. For a moment, just a miniscule moment, Rosalina forgot entirely about her anxiety. That is until she heard Peach's voice.

"We're here."

She opened the pink painted door for Rosalina, and Rosalina was in awe. The walls were a midnight blue and had glowing star stickers decorating it. The rug and bedspreads were a beautiful teal, and there was a glowing, soft light hanging from the ceiling, creating a very calming, soothing atmosphere. Peach beamed at the Lady of the Shooting Stars.

"So, what do you think?" she asked.

Rosalina slowly stepped into the room. Even the temperature reminded her of the warmth of the observatory.

"I...I don't know what to say," she said.

Polari approached Rosalina, all the while with a humorous look being displayed in his eyes.

"How about a thank you?" he said with a drop of sarcasm.

Rosalina chuckled.

"Right. Thank you, Peach."

"You are most welcome, my friend," Peach said. Her cerulean eyes were sparkling. What they were sparkling with Rosalina could not tell, but there was definitely a light in them. "Now, dinner is in about an hour or so."

Rosalina smiled nervously, remembering the disaster of a Thanksgiving that she had hosted.

"That's okay."

"Are you sure? I mean, the chefs are preparing a really good meal."

"Peach, really, it's okay. I'm not that hungry."

Peach looked at Rosalina in concern. Then she nodded.

"Alright. So I suppose you are going to want to stay here for the rest of the evening?"

"If that is possible, yes."

Peach looked thoughtfully at the princess. Rosalina supposed that it should be a good idea on some level to talk about her anxiety with the Princess. After all, they were good friends, weren't they? However, Rosalina ultimately decided against it. Peach was anticipating this event too much; she was counting on Rosalina. If Rosalina showed she was worried, then Peach would inevitably get worried. And considering that she was the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, the place where literally everybody who was attending the event was coming from, Rosalina did not want that.

"Alright. See you tomorrow, Rose."

Peach slowly closed the door. Once she was sure that the princess was far away, Rosalina sighed.

"Yeah. Tomorrow."

Rosalina sat down on her bed. Not only were the blankets extremely beautiful, but they were also extremely soft. Rosalina felt like curling up in a little ball and going to sleep right here and now.

"Oh man," Rose heard Polari said as he floated to the other side of the room. "I get a doggie bed?"

Rosalina sat up and saw that there was indeed a doggie bed in the corner. She giggled as Polari scowled.

"Well, it's better than nothing," she said.

Polari huffed.

"Easy for you to say. You're Not the one who has a boatload of dignity to lose."

Rosalina directed her gaze toward the floor.

"Because I lost it at the Thanksgiving last year."

Polari glanced up at the Lady of the Shooting Stars.

"Is that why you're worried? The stupid Thanksgiving party?" He floated up and sat in Rosalina's lap. His body felt very warm against Rosalina's skin. "Rose, that was just one event."

"There was also that Christmas."

Polari shrugged.

"Well, yeah, I suppose. But Rose, you are the protector and guardian of the cosmos. You managed to help Mario and Luigi save the universe, put on a circus, and save my life without breaking a sweat. Rose, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. You are one of the most talented people I know when it comes to performance art."

Rosalina looked into Polari's icy blue eyes. There was not a drop of sarcasm in them; Polari was being entirely earnest. Rosalina smiled at him.

"Is that really how you see me?"

"Well, yeah," Polari said. "I don't admit it very often, but I do legitimately think you are wonderful, Rose. I mean, like I said, you saved my life. You can't do that to a person and not expect them to like you on some level."

Rosalina felt her cheeks grow warm, and the blush that she showed was so hot that Polari giggled. He then floated up so that he was staring directly into her eyes.

"Rose, look. I know that you can do this. I have lived for over a thousand years, and I have never been so certain of a fact as I am of this one. Believe me. You. Can. Do. This. You don't have to be afraid."

Rosalina smiled warmly at her friend.

"Thanks, Polari."

Polari smiled with his eyes and wrapped Rosalina in a hug.

"Hey, it's what I am here for," he said.