"This is Karrigan we've neutralized the Protoss, but there is a wave of zerg advancing on this position we need immediate evac," Sara says over the radio

"Belay that order," Arcturus says "we're moving out"

"What! You're not gonna leave 'em!" Jim says over the radio

"All ships. Prepare to move away from Tarsonis on my mark" Arcturus says.

"I'm going back for Sara!" Jim says headed back towards Tarsonis.

"JIM! I'm warning you, if you disobey my order you will be shot!" Arcturus says.

"If you guys aren't willing to save your own, I will!" Jim responds over radio turning his ship around. Flying towards Taronis.

"Jim, turn your ship around or be fired upon," Arcturus said.

"Make me!" Jim responded ignoring Arcturus.

"I'm giving you one last chance Jim," Arcturus says over the radio.

"You only care about yourself Arcturus" Jim responded, flying back towards the planet

"Shoot the traitor!" Arcturus says. Hitting Jim's ship.

"Uh, boys? How about that evac? " Sara said desperately.

"Uh, boys..."

Sara then looks around and sees a ship on fire as if it was hit.

"Sara they aren't coming back, I'm with you till the end, help me ..." Jim says over radio, cutting out on crash, though he ejected before it crashed. Sara with her little ammo left fights over to get to him before he lands and helps him out.

"Jim, you OK?" Sara asks.

"Just a little shaken up," Jim says taking out his gun, blasting a Zerg behind Sara.

"The boys are not coming back, I was shot at because I tried to give you that evac, being called a traitor by Arcturus. Though here we are stuck with no backup."

They hug, giving Sara ammo they keep fighting to the ship though knowing it is in vain as they will eventually run out of supplies.

"well at least you care about me," Sara says.

"We made that promise as ghosts that we would stand by each other until the end!" Jim said

"I know, though the others cared more about their own lives, and power they had in the government, then helping one of their comrades in battle," Sara said a little frustrated.

"It doesn't matter if they forget us, we will know that we went to our graves with honor," Jim responded. So with the little ammo they had they held back the Zerg as long as possible though they knew it was futile as when they ran out, it would all be over.

-a few hours later-

"Jim, I'm out," Sara said, Jim, showing her his gun is out as well.

"I guess this is the end," Jim said as a swarm of zerg surround them. Hugging one another and laying down their guns accepting their fate. As well as a tear from Sara's eye. They get swarmed by zerg and everything goes black for them.

"Good, you have the girl," the over-mind said in the Zerg language,

"We brought him as well," the Zerg said showing Jim.

"Why did you bring him, I said only the girl!"

"He could be an asset too" the primal zerg said "they seemed to have a connection,"

"Then Convert them both," the over-mind said.

"Over-mind" the Terrans have returned to this planet, a few have passed since Sara and Jim were betrayed by their once teammates.

"Defend the crystallizes at all cost," the over-mind said.

"JIM!" Sara screamed waking up. Though in the 'eggs' they had a psychic connection.

"Sara, I'm here but in a separate egg" Jim responded.

"where are we?"

"I remember us getting surrounded by Zerg, and then all went black." Sara.

"I did too, and now we are in these weird eggs, filled with a weird liquid," Jim said, realizing that they are communicating mentally.

"you're awake," a voice said.

"Who are you?" Jim asked.

"I am the over-mind," the over-mind said.

"what do you want with us" Sara demanded.

"For you to join us, we only wanted Sara, but seeing how you defended her Jim, you will be a valuable asset to us as well." the overmind said.

"We will never join you!" Sara screamed.

"oh, we'll see," it said leaving them. Upon leaving it began to show what conspired when Sara was betrayed.

flashback(After Jim was shot down)

"Jim and Sara were weak links anyway for the ghosts," Arcturus said.

"let's get going back and claim our reward for defeating the Protoss. We'll just say that Jim and Sara were traitors and deserve no credit."

"as with all other weak links they will be forgotten as well." another soldier said.

Flashback end

"How dare they!" Sara screamed. "We were the ones that beat the Protoss."

"I know Sara. Calm down, the more we get angry the more leverage the over-mind has over us. At least we are together, it doesn't matter what will happen, we are together " Jim said. "As I said before, we will go to our grave's with honor, joining them, will take away that honor"

"Thanks for coming back Jim," Sara said

"My pleasure, whatever happens to us we will go through it together" Jim responded, comforting Sara, and calming her down.

"Still haven't given in?" The over-mind returned saying.

"We will never join you!" Jim said.

"Why do you still fight for the Terrans, they betrayed you? They left you behind." The overmind said, "we will never abandon you."

"They are the reason you two are here, if they had given you the evac, and had not shot you, you wouldn't be here. In our hands. They don't deserve you, join us and we will get revenge." the primal zerg said

"Your right they don't deserve us," Sara said, starting to fall under the overmind's control. "Jim why should murderers deserve our help? The zerg fight for survival but the Terrans, they want power, they already have land, but all they want is more, which is why they sent us to fight the Protoss and left us behind as we are a threat to their power."

Jim starting to believe Sara and the overmind starts he stars to fall the control of the overmind as well.

"No! Sara, fight its control" Jim said.

"Why? I feel a connection with the Swarm, they will not abandon us as those Terrans did!" Sara responded, under the Over-mind's control. "They care about everyone and do fight till the end, unlike the ghosts!"

"Join us and we'll help you show the Terrans the mistake they made!"

"Join us, Jim!" Sara said, completely under the overmind's control. With influence coming both from the overmind, Jim tried to fight off the influence, but it was futile and Jim caved as well.

"Sara, you are right, we have been fighting for our enemies the whole time. The Zerg are our true friends." Jim said falling under the control of the overmind

"Join us, and we'll get revenge," The Over-mind said, completely taking control over them.

"Yes, father." Jim and Sara said, starting to turn into Zerg.

After a small fight with the Terrans, the crystallizes hatch, showing infested forms of Sara and Jim. They see each other and hug. Even though they are now Zerg, they still love each other.

"Arise, my children, arise Karrigan and Raynor," the over mind said.

"By your will father we live to serve," Karrigan said.

"Let all those who oppose the overmind feel the wrath of the swarm" Raynor said.

"What I have wrought today will be the Terrans undoing." The overmind says laughing. On an overhead cliff, Horner with a small army looks over and sees Jim and Sara.

"Oh my gosh, Jim and Sara, what have they done to you," Horner says. As he can see them with the Zerg from a cliff. So he continues to expand on the quest he as given, though he gets the attention of the Zerg and they begin to attack, so defending himself, he and his army fight back. thus bringing more Zerg.

"Jim and Sara, is that you?" Horner says as Raynor and Karrigan confronted him, as they are building on the planet.

"To an extent... we are far more than we once were, Horner you shouldn't have come," Karrigan says.

"But the dreams...I dreamt that you were alive...that you were talking to me" Horner said(he received the dreams now not Jim)

"I was... while we were in the crystallizes I instinctively reached out to you and Arcturus telepathically," Karrigan said.

"Arcturus sent Duke to reclaim us, to imprison us. So if he found us we wouldn't have gone with him. Through that was then Matt. We're now one with the zerg now. And we like what we are. You have no idea how this feels..." Raynor said

"They won't abandon us as you Terrans did," Karrigan said.

"So what? You're gonna kill me now old friends?" Horner said.

"It is certainly within our power. But as of right now you are not a threat to us. Be smart Matt. Leave here and never seek to confront the Zerg again!" Karrigan said.

"Well, you are traitors, and I will not listen to your threats, I came here to eradicate the Zerg and that is what we will do," Horner said.

"You will die then, Horner! You're just like them!" Raynor said.

"They said you were traitors, so they abandoned you, as a punishment," Horner said.

"They abandoned us?! Arcturus shot me down because I wanted to save Sara." Jim said.

"Join us, Matt, you don't have to become a Zerg but serve the overmind," Sara said.

"Sara and Jim fight the influence of the overmind, I was sent by Arcturus to reclaim you in hopes that you were still alive," Horner said,

"That is a lie, and you know it. You were sent by him to destroy the Zerg!" Raynor said

"Well, we are one with the Zerg, and we will defend them from monsters like you!" Sara said.

"Well, after the battle of new Gettysburg the Terrans that were left, died! You are no longer one of us, you are Zerg, and for that, you must die!" Horner said.

"Well if you didn't leave us, the Zerg wouldn't have infested us!" Raynor said

"You only spew lies monster! Jim and Sara died defending their lives, you are just shells of what they were!"

"They now see you as monsters!" The overmind said, gaining a bigger control over Raynor and Karrigan.

"The overmind gave us more and made us more than what we were," Karrigan said.

"If you want to live Horner, leave, and never return!" Raynor said.

"Enemies of the Terran will die!" Horner said, leading a battle against the Zerg, Karrigan, and Raynor ran alongside the Zerg in the pack. They defeat Hornor's army, and there were a few defectors to their side. "Hornor, you have one last chance, join us," Karrigan said calling out to Hornor as he boarded his ship.

"Never!" He yelled back as he boarded his ship.

"Knowing his stubbornness he'll return," Raynor said. So they infect the defectors, though they take on a more Zerg like appearance than a humanoid one like Karrigan and Raynor.

-many months later-

After a long battle on the planet Alus. The Terrans killed managed the overmind, thus breaking the hold over Raynor and Karrigan. Though they continued to lead their army and keep it under their control. Though the damage was already done from the influence of the overmind and they only cared about the survival of the Zerg. They would destroy anyone to protect the zerg. It didn't matter who.

Though a few cerebrates, managed to merge and began to grow into a new overmind and Karrigan and Raynor, once free, began to feel its influence and hunted it out to defend it as it took control over them again. This time truly becoming the King and queen of blades, the leaders of the zerg as the overmind split and merged with them becoming one with them and corrupting them even more, taking away more of their humanity.

On the planet char, after the Terrans setup a foothold, with the Xel'Naga artifact,

You've brought me the Xel'Naga artifact - It was good of you to save me the trouble of finding it for myself" Karrigan said after which Raynor and her sent a huge army of Zerg to try to capture the Artifact, though the Terrans activate it destroying most of their army.

"An impressive defense - but not nearly impressive enough. Our forces are without number, and yours are dwindling by the minute. This can only end one way." Raynor said as they prepared to send more Zerg out to capture the Artifact. Though with that artifact the Terrans were able to push them back to their cave and with the artifact they manage to de-infest Karrigan and Raynor, they were taking to a place where Arcturus couldn't find them, as he still wanted them dead. The facility they were hiding in got raided by one of Arcturus's armies. Karrigan and Raynor board a Zerg Leviathan and with the help of the Zerg, They managed to find the pool of the primal Zerg, they are reinfected becoming the primal queen and king of blades becoming even more powerful, though unknowingly Amon begins to manipulate them and they fall under Amon's control again.

They, with there new powers as primal Zerg lead battle after battle against their enemies and planets fall to the zerg. They began to forget their old life as Terrans as Amon, with his Xel'naga powers caused Karrigan and Raynor to completely forget their old lives as Terrans, including names of their old friends and all. Believing that they were always the Queen and King of Blades. Therefore becoming true shells of the heroes that they once were becoming what they once fought against, their appearance changed as well. They looked completely like zerg, though they kept their humanoid figures. With power from Amon, they lived through many wars between the Zerg and Terrans, as they managed to destroy the Protoss. Though came to the point where they were truly unrecognizable as 'ex-Terrans' as time went on they became feared beings for the Terrans and unknowing to them, were once Terrans themselves. They eventually lead the Zerg their-selves as Amon gave up his powers to them though causing himself to die. With that extra power, the Queen and King of blades won many battles pursuing the Terrans from planet to planet.