Phineas is working on a new portal.

Isabella curious as normal inquires 'whatcha doin?'

Phineas explains 'building a,portal into the world of the live action version of Charlotte's web from 2006'

Isabella asks 'is it dangerous? or are there gonna be any needed transformations?'

phineas replies 'the answer to both of those is no so I'm gonna let you come. '

the Charlotte's web 2006 narrator begins talking. 'there was nothing special about summerset county it waa a deeply ordinary place. the people were regular people and the animals they were regular animals. They didn't question the order of things. But one day, on a small farm, a little girl did something. Something that would change everything.'

phineas and Isabella spawn in a barn a few seconds before fern (voiced by Dakota fanning showed up). They hide behind a hay bale to not intervene until the right moment.

When Fern and Isabella see Mr arable with an axe in one hand and the young runty Wilbur in the other, they both use their pleading eyes at the same time to convince him to leave Wilbur in the care of them and phineas.

Phineas baffledly requests to know, 'I know we have to let the pig live and all, but i also sense you had an ulterior motive for that. What was it?'

Isabella snarks 'nothing gets past you, phineas, so I'll tell you. I thought that taking care of this little guy would be decent praise for when we have to take care of our future kids. The future cousins of Xavier, fred and Amanda. '

Phineas acknowledges the point , 'touche.'

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