Disclaimer: I recently got obsessed with Game of Thrones, but doesn't mean I own it!
Story: They say when Sansa Stark was born, she'd been touched by fire. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't, but fire and ice seem to be in her blood. Maybe that's why her soul is damaged so much that she needed three Soulmates to hold her together? Depending on who's asked, Soulmates weren't the happily ever after of the stories Sansa hoped for, not with the men she's apparently bound to. In any case, for the rest of the world, they hope the three chosen could keep her from either burning the world down or icing it into a living level of the Seven Hells.
Set as a gigantic canon AU with divergence as a side dish.
Spoilers: Yeeeessss. Yes, yes, yes. Beware?
Warnings: It's GoT, what do you think? And Ramsay is His Own Warning. (Hell, the Boltons are their own warning XD)
Pairings: (Main) Roosa (Roose /Sansa), Stansa (Stannis/Sansa), and Tysan (Tywin/Sansa). (Side) Probably a lot of Others/Sansa (mostly one-sided though), with a focus on Jaime, Petyr, Oberyn, and Sandor. Arya/Gendry (or Jaqen H'gar…or both of them). I'm leaning towards Daenerys/Jon, but probably going to be strong hints of one-sided Dany/Sansa though.

Her Song of Fire and Ice
Chapter Seven: My Kingdom Come

It was just all a fucking disaster. Robert hated this fucking life, he hated his fucking wife, he hated his son, he fucking hated being a fucking king.

"Get me more wine, boy!" he snapped at the blond shit that was serving as his squire. Another Lannister. This place was fucking filled with Lannisters.

"Y-yes, Your Grace!"

Robert watched his squire scurry off irritably before turning to his guard. Barristan Selmy was a man he could count on.

"If you were to apologize and make a girl happy, what would you gift her?" he asked shortly, still irritable.

Ser Barristan looked uncertain, a quick grimace appearing on his face.

"It's not like that!" he snapped at him, becoming more irritable. "My soon to be good-daughter," because he wasn't giving up on that, "is upset. Joffrey decided to…upset her. So I need to find something to give to her to make sure she's not unhappy." Of course he'll make sure to pretend it's from Joffrey, so the two would reconcile soon.

"Well…I hear young girls like pretty trinkets," Ser Barristan suggested unsurely. "I suppose it also depends what was the grievance was as well."

Robert also blanched at that. A lot of things went wrong. But…

"He hit her and the whole thing ended up with her pet wolf running away and barely escaping execution."

"…Pet wolf?"

"It's a long story," he grunted, though he watched his guard's jaw clenched. Ah, he wouldn't be happy about Joffrey's actions either.

"I suggest something more than a pretty trinket then, Your Grace," Ser Barristan said with calm and politeness.

Robert inwardly snorted. Ser Barristan's face was entirely blank, which he knew meant he wasn't happy at all.

"To hell with it," he muttered to himself. "I'll apologize to her." Someone in his godsdamned family has to.

Shit, if she wouldn't marry Joffrey, there was Tommen? Too fucking young, but still.

…There was Renly. Or Stannis.

Someone in his fucking family was going to marry Sansa and make her a Baratheon or when he died, he was going to come back from the grave and fucking haunt every single one of them!

"Ned's never going to let her marry Joffrey at this rate," he bemoaned. He'd already screamed the hell out of his son's ears already and for once Cersei hadn't opposed him. Still, he doubted it'll work.

He had suspicions about Renly. He didn't want Sansa stuck in that kind of marriage. He didn't want to stick her with Stannis either, that was just cruel. Plus, his brother was married!

Speaking of Stannis…

"He should be arriving today," Robert mumbled to himself. "Stannis is always prompt and I sent out those ravens from Winterfell as soon as Ned agreed to be Hand…The tourney should be starting in a week after all."

"About that, Your Grace —" Ser Barristan started, but they were interrupted by knocking.

Ned was announced and the man came striding in, looking too contrite for Robert's tastes.

"Robert, what's this about a tournament?" Ned's face looked even more aggrieved.

Robert huffed. "You're going to be my new Hand! And your family has come with you; well, two of your children —one of which will be my good-daughter. Or my good-something. Ned, don't rule out a marriage to my family! My family will be good to Sansa and she'll be a bloody good Baratheon."

Ned gave him a strange look, but Robert was set on this. He'll make it happen somehow.

"We don't need a tournament though; nor can we afford one," Ned grimaced. "I just met with your Small Council and did you know the Crown is in debt?!"

Robert scowled. "Littlefucker is charge of that. He should have things handled."

"But —"

"Don't worry about it," Robert insisted. "The tournament has already been announced and ravens sent weeks ago. I was still in Winterfell even! There's no use backing out now, especially since preparations have already begun. Right, Selmy?"

Ser Barristan glanced between him and Ned, giving Ned a nod (that Robert pretended wasn't resigned, and ignored the apologetic look).

"His Grace is correct, Lord Hand," Ser Barristan said. "We have been preparing since before your arrival."

Ned sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Then is there any way we can cut costs?"

"I will see to it, if we can, Lord Hand," Ser Barristan offered.

"I want to hold a meeting with you and the Small Council," Robert turned serious, catching the other two off guard. "When Stannis arrives today, I will want to talk about what to do with those dragonspawn across the sea."

"Of course, Your Grace," Ned said formally. "I'll inform the others."

"Have your daughter attend," Robert added, almost forgetting. That made Ned stop short, looking at him in surprise. "She did make very valid points and I would like to have more input regarding them, and explaining away things to the others. It'll be good practice for her when she's Queen."

Not that Queens usually did much in these matters or attended these meetings…but Sansa wasn't Cersei and she was very intelligent for her age.

"The betrothal —" Ned brought up and Robert interrupted quickly.

"Yes, I know. Broken," Robert grumbled. "For now. But she's still the best candidate to be Joffrey's Queen, so it wouldn't hurt for her to learn the ins and out of politicking in this hell hole, eh? I certainly hate it. Just…don't tell her or anyone yet about the broken betrothal. I've not informed Cersei or Joffrey yet, and I think it's best to…wait."

Gods, the fit Cersei would throw. And Joffrey's incessant whining…

And though he loved Myrcella and Tommen, they were already excited about Sansa joining the family and had attached themselves to her from the start, leaving them to be heartbroken if they heard of their brother's idiocy and that it had caused the betrothal to be broken.

"Let me handle things first," Robert said vaguely, waving a hand dismissively.

Ned looked skeptical, but he was just going to have to damn deal with it.

"Milady," Ros spoke up. "Perhaps we should let your hair be braided and hung over one side of your shoulder?"

"My shoulder?" Sansa asked.

"I've only just recently learned a few of the simpler Southron hairstyles on the journey here, but I promise I'll learn more while we're in King's Landing," Ros said before hesitating. "And it will cover your Mark easier."

Sansa's hand flew to her neck as she looked at Ros and stared at her handmaiden in shock and horror. She couldn't believe herself! She'd been so careless in what she thought was the privacy of her room and had forgotten all about what it would mean to have a handmaiden there with her. It was lucky that she had yet to receive the other handmaidens that were to be appointed to her!

"Don't worry, Lady Sansa," Ros held up her hands. "I serve you. Your lord father brought me to serve you. I'm here for you and to keep your secrets."

Sansa still watched her, wary but also in wonderment. She didn't know why Ros was being so loyal, but she could tell the other was actually sincere.

When she nodded, Ros began to deftly braid her hair. "Later, once I've retrieved what I need, I'll mix a palette of paints to match your skin, so you can hide it without needing to rely on your hair or the high collar of one of your dresses."

"Thank you," Sansa whispered and Ros just smiled at her through the reflection of the looking glass.

"What are you planning to do today?" she asked her.

"Besides avoiding the Crown Prince?" Sansa said dryly. "I'll take Rickon and have him get used to the keep, perhaps explore around the courtyard. I believe I saw some children there earlier? Maybe he'd like to have some playmates for the day."

"Let me find you a fitting dress then," Ros said, first placing the wreath of Winter Roses on top of Sansa's head, finding hairpins to secure it into her hair. "How about Stark gray to match the blue of your eyes and the roses, and not push too much of the blue on you?"

"Oh, that sounds lovely," Sansa said, agreeing again once Ros retrieved a suiting dress of the color.

She finished getting ready and then headed out to find her brother, Ros following behind with a bag of things they might need.

After finding her brother and taking him with her, they made it to the courtyard, where there were indeed plenty of children around.

"Oh, oh, Sansa! Can I go play with them?" Rickon asked excitedly.

She smiled fondly at him, brushing back his hair. He leaned into her touch and her smile widened.

"Go on then. Have fun," she let him go, following sedately behind him.

She looked around, frowning as she saw all of the children that were there. There was quite a few and they were also poorly dressed and dirty. One of them ran into her, apologizing profusely after.

"It's okay," she smiled kindly at him. "What's your name, sweetling? Mine's Sansa."

She felt so sad about the state of the children, reminded of her own little brothers. If they had ever suffered like this and had no one to take care of them…

"I'm Arthur," he smiled back at her. "You just came, right? You look so pretty!"

She giggled and blushed. "Why thank you, good Ser!" she winked at him.

Arthur bowed before running off and Sansa's smile faltered.

"It's good to see such kindness, my Lady," someone said and she turned to face the speaker, feeling Ros shuffle closer to her.

"He's just a child," Sansa noted sadly. "There's so many of them here! Are there not any orphanages to house and take care of them?"

"Unfortunately, my Lady, there is only the one and it is overcrowded as is," he bowed. "Forgive me, my Lady, for not introducing myself. I am Lord Varys, Master of Whispers of the Small Council."

"Oh!" Sansa hadn't expected that. "I'm Sansa of House Stark, daughter to Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn Stark," she formally introduced herself, curtsying. Ros followed her example, but seem to stick even closer to her side.

"Ah, the new Lord Hand's daughter," Lord Varys respectfully nodded.

"If there's such shortage of space for the children and only one orphanage, perhaps I could bring it up to the King? It's such a shame to have them just suffer out in the streets. They're just children!" At that, Sansa became filled with determination. If it had been Bran or Rickon, she would want some way for them to be taken cared of, if the Gods should decide the rest of the family be incapable of doing so. "Yes, I will make sure to bring it up to him and see if there's anything I can do!"

Lord Varys looked surprised before he seemed delighted at her declaration. "Well then, I must offer my services, Lady Sansa. If anything can be done, please count on me as an ally in your endeavor! It is quite a worthy one and I support it fully."

Sansa practically beamed at him, so pleased with this encounter and the goal she'd found for herself. She would also be far away from Joffrey, who she doubted would want anything to do with this.

"Lady Sansa, there you are!"

She turned away from Lord Varys, to meet someone new but who she could spot and distinguish a mile away. None other than Ser Barristan Selmy came striding towards her and bowed, which she reciprocated with a curtsy.

"Ser Barristan! What can I do for you?" she asked, obviously catching him off guard.

"His Grace has asked me to watch over you for the time being, and of now, if you were inclined, to escort you around the market," he said politely.

She was surprised by the offer and thought she should thank King Robert later. Though he was certainly not the king she expected, not from her father's stories of the man, he was still kind and good to her.

"That would be lovely!" she smiled widely at him. "Lord Varys, would you like to accompany us?"

"Certainly," he smiled, though it seemed a strange smile. "I would love to accompany you."

Sansa was quite pleased with acquainting herself to two new friends and went to retrieve her little brother, thinking he'd like to see more of their new home.

Varys, as soon as she appeared, already knew who she was the moment she appeared in the courtyard. With her hair as bright as the sun, it was impossible to miss the newly arrived Lady Sansa.

Then he saw her communicating with one of his birds and he was oh so intrigued! He couldn't help himself in coming over and talking with her, and found himself very, very intrigued then. And more so, curiously pleased with her and allowing himself to enjoy in her sweet nature.

Hearing her come up with her little project was an acute pleasure and more over a surprise. A delightful surprise that he wanted to help with —not only given it would impact his little birds, but also because of the surprising, selfless gesture from her. Kindness and selflessness were rare things indeed, in King's Landing.

As they traversed the market, his eyes lingered on the wreath of Winter Roses around her head, uneasily remembering the last time he'd seen a wreath of those roses on a pretty young woman's head.

Lyanna Stark, depending on who was asked, was an enchanting beauty, wild and untamed.

And who had ensnared Prince Rhaegar to the point a war was started on her behalf.

Yet, here now was another Stark beauty —undeniably beautiful —and who could ensnare who she wanted and he feared for a war starting on her behalf. Varys already knew something was brewing in the horizon, but he could not have another Robert's Rebellion on his hands.

"Oh! Lord Varys! Look at that lovely harp! I loved learning it in Winterfell —my lord father found someone who played it and was visiting us at the time, and I learned to play it then," Lady Sansa said and the merchant heard her, brandishing the elegant harp for her.

"My Lady! Would you care to play it?" the merchant held the medium-sized harp out and Varys watched her eagerly accept it, settling herself down on the edges of a fountain.

And then she played and Varys was struck by another, different comparison.

Though she wore Winter Roses like a crown, she played and captured her audience like a young man he once knew —a young man he swore would have been a great King and a beloved ruler, before he foolishly threw it all away for a young woman.

Rhaegar Targaryen once roamed these streets and played for the common folk, and it was like seeing him again as he watched Lady Sansa play beautifully for these very same people. Some of which had lived then and remembered the Silver Prince.

He played and made them cry with the beauty of his sorrow, but she played and made those around cry with the beauty of her spirit.

And Varys remembered that he served the good of the people and that he always would.

Barristan stood by his King silently, doing his duty as was bestowed to him a long time ago, faithful to it no matter the King. As King Robert drank and commiserated over a piece of paper, he stood there on watch and contemplated the recent happenings.

Why on earth would the King want a young girl to attend the Small Council meeting? What would her opinion matter in such things?

And that King Robert would be so adamant in actually apologizing to her? Never something he'd seen from him!

And what was this about the betrothal between the Crown Prince and Lady Sansa being broken?! The betrothal was just announced! What on earth had happened on the way here? It must've been very recent, if time to disperse new ravens to announce the broken betrothal wasn't enough.

"Selmy," King Robert said loudly. "I want you to find Lady Sansa! You're to watch over her today and see if she wants to go out of the palace and have a look around her new home. If she wants something, get it for her," he was ordered.

Barristan blinked, staring at his King. Was he serious?

Frowning, he bowed and went to follow his new orders, finding the young woman outside with Lord Varys. He stopped short, watching her and freezing at the sight of the Winter Roses crowning her head.

Gods, those blasted roses. Blue as frost, pretty in their coldness, and once gracing the head of another Stark beauty.

Clenching his jaw, he strode forward and interrupted them, only surprised when she seemed to already know who he was. Wondering at that, he stood there uncomfortably, staring into her eyes and reminded of another young woman —just not the one he thought he'd be reminded of.

Lady Sansa's eyes were as blue as the Winter Roses gracing her head, but instead of the usual grim look of the Starks or even the mischievous ones of Lady Lyanna's. No…for some reason, with the light in her eyes, the happy emotion, and yet the haunted edges…

Why were they reminding him of his beloved Ashara, instead of the late Lyanna Stark?

They did not have the same color at all, but they were laughing in joy and sweet with emotion. It made him shiver and he was quick to focus on leading them towards the market.

And then yet another ghost was visited upon him and he watched Lady Sansa charm the people with the harp, just like a young man he used to watch over.

Prince Rhaegar always did love his harp more than the sword.

"Are you alright, Ser Barristan? You look quite pale," Lord Varys noted quietly.

"I'm fine," he said, taking a deep breath. "Too many ghosts have been appearing."

"Yes. I see what you mean."

He looked to Lord Varys immediately, but the man was watching Lady Sansa solemnly.

Gods knew what was going on, but something in him said something was going to happen and change things.

Barristan couldn't say if that change would be a good thing.

They were heading back when her father found them, glancing curiously at the two men at her side. Rickon had run forward and happily hugged his father's legs, while Sansa waited patiently. When Ned reached to her, she grasped his hand and held tight, enjoying the small smile he gave her and returning it with a wide one of her own.

"I see you two have been enjoying King's Landing. Thank you for accompanying them, Ser Barristan, Lord Varys," he spoke to the two men slightly behind her after addressing her and Rickon.

"It is no problem, Lord Hand," Lord Varys bowed. "I was just acquainting myself with your delightful children. Please excuse me, however; there are certainly things I must do." He bowed again and left them, leaving just the knight and Sansa's family there.

"His Grace asked that I watch over his daughter and to show her around the market today," Ser Barristan informed Sansa's father.

Her father looked startled but said nothing on that. "Well, I thank you again, Ser Barristan, and relieve you of duty. I can take over from here."

Ser Barristan hesitated before shaking his head. "Forgive me, Lord Hand, but I would rather not. King Robert was adamant I watch over your daughter and so I will continue to do so."

"Very well," Ned was uncertain but again said nothing. He turned to Jory behind him and patted Rickon's head. "Will you watch over him? I will be accompanying Sansa to someone I'd like her to meet."

Curious about what her father was talking about, she watched as Jory took Rickon away, before her father began to take her in hand somewhere. Ros and Ser Barristan trailed behind them.

As they walked through the courtyard, Sansa noticed a man watching them. Dressed in dark, fine clothes, the man smiled curiously at her, nodding a hello. He had hair graying at his temples and from where she was, she noticed his eyes were light-colored.

Uncertainly smiling back, she followed after her father and stopped paying the other any more mind.

"I found you a water dance teacher," Ned announced and she looked up at him eagerly.

"Oh, oh! A dance teacher, Father? I love dancing! I can't believe you remembered that. What do you mean water dance? Will I be dancing in water?"

Her father strangely froze. "Oh, uh…something…like that," he faltered. "Uh, it's more like…the dance was meant for…dancers to…dance… by a water's surface and yet be so gifted in balance, speed, and grace that they do not disturb the water," Ned finished in a rush.

"I know you've always been naturally graceful and have grown more so with age, and that your work with the quarterstaff has apparently made you very quick and balanced with it, so I thought you might enjoy this," he continued on more confidently.

She noted Ser Barristan's strange look directed towards her father and Ros' lost look, and wondered at that. But she inwardly shrugged and brushed it off, too excited about dance lessons.

"Then please, Father! Lead the way," she let him see just how happy she was, especially to know he was thinking about her.

She knew it was harder for him to connect to her and think about what she cared or liked, but she did know he tried and that he was always looking over her and worried endlessly (sometimes too much!). That he'd remember this and think to do something for her, much less something she'd like to do, made her extremely pleased and happy with her father.

Her father continued to lead the way, into a fairly large room with an open terrace from one end of the room to the other. By it, a man stood with a straight black and a friendly smile.

"Sansa, this will be your water dance teacher, Syrio," Ned said, eyes darting to the man.

Syrio bowed extravagantly. "Welcome, Lady Sansa! I look forward to teaching you."

"Yes, it'll be quite the dance lessons," her father said with emphasis and still staring down the man.

Ser Barristan coughed from behind them.

Syrio shifted, looking from her father to her and then back. "Right. Yes. Dance lessons."

"Is the dance common around here? Will I be able to use it in time for the tournament? I would very much like to learn whatever dances I can," Sansa's excitement was just growing.

Ned gave her an awkward grin. "Y-yes. Anything for you, Firebright. Dance to your heart's content, alright?"

"Thank you so much, Father!"

She missed him and Syrio exchanging meaningful looks.

Sansa sighed to herself, looking out the window and smoothed her finger over her embroidery. After her first lesson, she felt exhausted and thought to retire to the palace's library and rest, dismissing Ros to learn about the palace and whatever she'd like.

She missed her brothers and sister, and even her mother. She even missed Theon. She was still worried about Bran, even if she was happy to hear that he was awake now, the raven fast reaching them just after their arrival to King's Landing.

She had Rickon and Father with her, but she was still feeling lonely in this city already. For so long, she'd wanted to come here and see how different it was from the North, but now that she was here, she was scarcely able to enjoy herself.

When she thought about him…Joffrey, her betrothed, was…spoiled. He was spoiled and he had a mean streak that gave her a bad feeling, and she had half a mind to go to her father to ask him to break the betrothal. But then she'd glance at her wrist and wince to herself.

She was confused and feeling lost. Why was she given three Soul Marks? Why was she connected to those men? She didn't understand at all and she almost wished she had been given no Soul Marks at all, than to be stuck in her current situation.

And, more to it, according to the Faith, polygamy was illegal. There was no way her having more than one Soulmate would be accepted after all, and she didn't think the men that were her Soulmates were the type to share or even remotely get along with each other.

Was she meant to choose? Or was she really supposed to have all three of them? Not that they would have her. She would be just a child, compared to them. They'd be dismayed or even disgusted at having to be tied to the likes of her.

"Now if that isn't a pretty maiden lost in thoughts, then I'll be blind!"

Sansa blinked and turned to the interloper to her thoughts. By description of him and recognizing the Baratheon resemblance to King Robert, she could already tell who it was.

She stood up and curtsied. "Lord Renly!"

"Oh! You recognize me, do you? I'm quite pleased." He came closer and took her hand, grazing his lips against it. "Lady Sansa, is it? Your own looks are just as recognizable, I'd say!"

Sansa blushed. "Thank you, my Lord. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Lord Renly gestured to the chairs next to her. "May I?"

"Of course!" she said, trying not to be flustered. Then again, with how handsome Lord Renly turned out to be, it was a little hard not to be.

He smiled pleasantly at her. "It would actually be very nice to get to know you, my Lady."

She reciprocated both smile and words back to him, thinking it would be nice to get to know one of her Soulmates' brother.

Renly had entered the library to pick up a book, not expecting to see anyone else in there. But there was and, even though he had not seen her before, she was already instantly recognizable. Word spreads fast in King's Landing, and around the castle, there was plenty of gossip about the new Hand and his children, and definitely plenty about the beauty of his daughter.

Renly had been pretty sure that, while truth could be woven in, that it certainly would've been sorely exaggerated. It was a shock then, to see for his own eyes that she was very much a beautiful maiden whose beauty was indeed worth the talk.

Curious about her and knowing that, if Ned Stark was going to be Hand and stay there, his daughter would be as well.

"Lady Sansa, yes?" he smiled congenially at her, patting the seat directly by her and sitting down once she indicated he could sit by her. "How do you like King's Landing so far?"

"It's large and loud," she said honestly. "I haven't been here long, but…it's a bit overwhelming."

He laughed. "Oh yes, I can see that. It's also crowded and I'm sure it stinks, right?"

She gave him a sheepish look, smile shy and rather endearing. "In the North, the air is ice-cold…but it is much cleaner than the air around here."

"The weather's not bad around here, so there's that," he mused. "But I might endure the cold if it meant cleaner air. What is it are you working on there?" he changed subjects.

She held up her embroidery. "I've been working on a handkerchief, since there's going to be a tournament. I'm only assuming, but Ser Jaime probably will be in it, and I'd like to give him a token. We've become good friends, you see?"

Renly was surprised by that. She made friends with a Lannister? And the Kingslayer at that?

"Well, you know," he started playfully, "I'm going to enter it as well. Might I ask for a token from a lovely lady?"

She blushed, looking a bit flustered. He laughed a little and reached out to lightly pat her hand.

"It's quite alright! I don't mean to fluster you, my Lady."

"I wouldn't mind!" she said then, smile turning shier. "Do you a particular fabric or color you'd like?"

He blinked and thought about it, and once he mentioned the types he liked, somehow or other, the two of them began talking about fabrics, which led to fashions, and oddly enough, he began to enjoy himself. It was such a candid, casual and pleasant conversation, and it's been so long since he remembered having one. Even the talks with Loras were not always so peaceful and without gossip or bias.

It felt a bit strange having such a sincere, ordinary talk with someone, especially without the hidden barbs and insults he was used to in this place.

"You know, you must certainly come to me if you need anything around here," he told her, already feeling fond and attached to this girl. "Think of me as your older brother here in the capital!"

She was startled before a wonderfully, beautiful look of happiness was directed at him.

Indeed, if he was not so inclined towards men…

Dazed, he offered his own tremulous smile back, feeling as if something momentous in his life had just happened.

"Thank you," she said sincerely. "I have my brother and father here, but I miss my other siblings —I was very close to them and I wish I could see them terribly. I know it hasn't been too long since I left my home, but it feels like it, being separated from them like this."

"I wish I had a bond with my brothers like you do with yours," he found himself admitting to her, taken aback by the honesty he was sharing with virtually a stranger. But part of him felt like this was okay and that it also knew she wouldn't use it against him or try to hurt him.

"We hardly get along," Renly continued. "You know the King. Gods, Robert can't control himself, even if his life depends on it. Ever since…" he glanced at her, remembering who she was related to. "Well, losing your aunt was like it killed Robert years and years ago and all that's left is that drunkard. Not that he'd ever been the best to me or even Stannis when we were younger. He preferred your father once they'd met and fostered together at the Vale. After our parents' death, that's probably what really made him and Stannis probably break apart and become soulless assholes," he said bitterly.

"I was too young to remember it, but I do know that Robert paid little attention to me and Stannis. He was already foolhardy and prideful, and it wasn't until your aunt that he found any sense. And then she was gone and he fell apart even more. And Stannis? He may have watched over and taken care of me when I was young, but he's always been strict and harsh, and he criticized everything I said or did."

He couldn't understand it, why he said so much to her, but he did know it felt right and it was like a huge burden came off of him to say all this —and not just complain about things. To just really say what he was actually feeling

Suddenly, Renly felt a small hand creep into his, holding it gently. He looked up to see Lady Sansa smile solemnly.

"When I was much younger, I fought endlessly with my sister. We did not get along and we had so many things different, that we ended up clashing and disagreeing most of the time. Then I saw my sister cry and feel horrible after a lecture from our septa, and I decided, this is my sister. I was older than her and it is my duty as her older sister to always love and care for her, no matter what. Even one of my older brothers, because he was a bastard, I treated distantly until I realized, above all else, he was still my brother."

She squeezed his hand. "Sometimes, most times…family is family, and it is our job to learn to communicate and compromise. Sometimes we don't understand and think things that aren't true; maybe I criticized my sister too much and still sometimes do, but I only want the best for her and am trying to help her do better. Maybe Lord Stannis doesn't mean to be so harsh, maybe it's just in his nature. I don't know him, nor can I tell what is in his head, but I do know that I've been similar to him in regards to my siblings. But it doesn't mean I don't love them any less. My siblings and I still fight, and it's normal, but we also know that we love each other. I won't say or assume our families are the same, Lord Renly, but sometimes just talking gets a point across and learn the truth of things."

He blinked several times at her, grudgingly thinking it over and wondering about his own brothers. He also felt slightly in awe at the wisdom this young girl already had and the love she had for her family (and what he can assume was very much reciprocated).

"There is a saying in my family," she started. "One we know we always end up saying a lot."

"What? 'Winter is coming?'" he teased.

She rolled her eyes and playfully swatted his arm. "No! Well, that too. But no, not the one I'm talking about."

Lady Sansa gave him a mock glare that he chuckled at.

"No, what we do like to say often as well, is that 'The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.'"

He couldn't help the scrutinizing look he gave her then, before his lips twitched up bittersweetly.

"What a lovely saying, my Lady," he murmured, looking at her fondly then. "I would also say I would be most honored if you would consider adding me to your pack."

Renly could see he'd shocked her, but he had been honest. And then he again received one of those enchanting smiles of hers.

"But of course, Lord Renly! We'll be family soon too, after all."

And then Renly was reminded of Robert's utterly stupid idea to wed his little shit of a son to this sweet girl.

Fuck that.

Stannis hated this infernal city, but he'd had to be there for the celebration in order of the new Hand. His lips made a sneer —of course, another slight by Robert. All he'd done for his brother for naught. Passed over by a man that Robert considered more of a brother than his own blood.

He did not actually dislike Eddard Stark. He knew the man to be honorable and not at fault for Robert and Stannis' rift.

No, the day their parents had died was the day the three Baratheon brothers had stopped functioning as brothers.

"Father, thank you for taking me with you," he heard Shireen say and he looked down at his side to see his daughter smile sweetly at him.

He nodded. "Of course. I thought you would like a change of scenery," he said stiffly. 'And a respite from your mother,' he added in his mind. Still, he gave an affectionate squeeze of her shoulder, knowing he wasn't the easiest man to be with either and was rewarded with a happy look from her.

"I'll have you settled in your rooms first," he told her. "And then apparently I must go see your uncle."

"Of course, Father."

He did just that, making sure Shireen was settled in and needed nothing else, and reminded her if she needed something, to ask one of their guards. Then he left and headed straight to the King's solar, though he felt doubtful he'd find Robert there.

However, to his shock, Robert was indeed there, piles of crumpled parchment beside him.

"I have no idea what he's doing, but the amount of paper by him is worrying," he heard his other brother and saw Renly coming up beside him.

Renly nodded to him. "Stannis."

Stannis scowled. "Renly."

"About time you two showed the fuck up! Come in here already," Robert yelled at them, sounding agitated.

They exchanged looks, but then stepped further into the room and headed over to Robert's desk. They noted the absence of any guards and wondered at that.

"Brother, I thought you'd have at least one guard here —Where is Ser Barristan?" Renly asked.

Robert waved him off. "I sent him to watch over Lady Sansa today. He should be with her."

"I was just with her," Renly said then. "He wasn't there. Well, I'm not sure. I wasn't exactly paying attention. I was more focused on talking to Lady Sansa than really taking in my surroundings."

Robert stopped what he was doing, looking at Renly in consternation.

"You were speaking to her?" his tone was oddly short.

Stannis mentally raised his eyebrows. What was up with Robert?

Renly frowned back. "Yes. I ran across her and we had a nice chat. She's quite lovely."

Robert grunted, scratching something out on the current parchment in front of him.

"And too lovely for your son," Renly suddenly said, catching them by surprise.

Robert's face clouded over and Stannis stayed silent, not sure what he'd just walked right into. Having just arrived into the city, he admitted he was already lost on what was happening and not happy about that.

"Joffrey's a spoiled little brat," Renly pushed on. "And you know it, Robert. You really want her to marry your son? That's careless, even for you."

"I keep telling everyone I'll work on Joffrey!" Robert burst out irritatedly. "Gods, I've already broken the betrothal for Ned —he was fucking adamant after my shit of a son hit her the other day on the journey back to this hell hole. You think I don't know my son? I'll set him straight —I swear I will and then I can fix this whole betrothal mess," he muttered, crumpling up the parchment and then reaching for another one.

Stannis was bemused, while Renly was wide-eyed.

Robert threw down his quill onto his desk, before glaring at them. "The betrothal is broken, but don't you two say a damn word, you hear me? I'm fixing this mess."

And then Robert poured wine into a goblet before he gulped it all down, and then repeated it a second time.

While, as usual, Stannis couldn't help scowling at his brother's antics, he also actually admitted he was a bit worried.

Robert slumped back in his chair. "She's going to be a Baratheon, I swear," he slurred a little. "Lyanna might never have gotten to be a wonderful Queen and a beautiful Baratheon bride, but her lovely niece will be."

Okay, so yes, as disdainful as he usually was over Robert, this was worrying. Robert never talked to them about Lyanna (to anyone really) and him commiserating like this, even drunk, was not only not like him but not something he was prone to doing ever. Especially to his estranged brothers.

"I could marry her," Renly declared. "If she's going to marry into our family and gain our name, it doesn't have to be Joffrey. I could do it."

Stannis and Robert stared at him then, but he looked resolute.

"I know your type," Robert muttered. "That's not fair to the Deerling."


"We are already friends," Renly insisted. "Even upon just our first meeting. We get along quite well and I can be good to her —I would be much kinder to her than Joff and you know it."

"If the rumors are true, you wouldn't be able to sleep with her," Robert said crudely, alluding to the rumors about Renly again.

"It wouldn't be a hassle to sleep with her," Renly threw them off with that, not expecting him to say such a thing. "She's pretty and the most loveliest of people, and someone who I have become very fond of already. Our marriage could be made of great friendship."

"I thought you were looking at a betrothal to Lady Margaery," Robert brought up, becoming more serious the longer this discussion continued.

"I'm not close to or as familiar with her, as much as her brother is good friends with me. Lady Sansa, however, is a young, pretty lady I have already grown close to."

"Tch, good friends with her brother," Robert sneered and Stannis saw Renly flinched.

Stannis had nothing to say of his brother's choices either, but Renly was still their brother, so he reached over and clasped his shoulder briefly. Renly gave him a surprised look he ignored, but he was curious at the considering look Renly gave him after.

"Lady Margaery is pretty as well," Robert said.

"I'm still not good friends or have bonded to her as I have Lady Sansa," Renly said firmly.

For a few moments, all Robert did was stare at them heavily, causing even Stannis to tense in that time. This was all really strange of Robert after all…

"I'll think on it," Robert grumbled. "If I can't work things out with those two and Ned stubbornly refuses…"

Then Robert was suddenly staring at Stannis intently instead.

"It's good you came early, instead of coming just in time for the tournament or canceling last minute," Robert said and Stannis didn't know whether he was being insulted or actually genuinely shown gratefulness. Therefore, he just nodded.

"We'll talk more at the Small Council, but as my Master of Ships and one of the best military commanders I know and can trust, I need you to look over our fleet and start working on bolstering it and then looking at our overall defenses on the capital —you can work with Selmy on that probably need more recruits and you could also prepare the capital if there was to be a future invasion."

He didn't know what he looked like, but he knew that Renly was looking dumbly at Robert. Who was this person and why was he suddenly acting responsible and care what happened to the capital?

"Of course, Robert. I'll have it done while I'm here," he said.

Robert took another gulp of his wine. "Mind you, I'll need you to work on this long term, so you should probably look forward to staying here awhile."

"I'll get things started during the tournament and return to Dragonstone to settle my affairs. I'll come back after," Stannis agreed and Robert then began to be distracted by his letter again.

He and Renly looked at each other, before leaving their brother behind.

Sansa was pleased with her finished piece, a gorgeous shade of crimson cloth that had two lions on their hind legs, reared up and facing each other in equal roars, all embroidered in golden thread. On the edges, she made a pretty but small pattern of cute tiny cubs following after a larger lion, and the Lannister words embroidered under the two large lions.

Setting it aside, she began working on a handkerchief for Lord Renly, giggling quietly to herself as she remembered their meeting earlier. He was quite kind and very handsome! And from him, she managed to even learn a little about her Southron Soulmate (for though she'd considered him one before, Lord Lannister was actually a Westernman).

Idly, in her amusement, she wondered if having a Soulmate from the South, the West, and the North was saying something. What about the East?

She laughed aloud again, drawing a small smile from her quiet bodyguard, Ser Barristan having sat in a chair in the far corner, able to see her and keep watch while keeping a quiet presence. Lord Renly probably hadn't even noticed him either!

She was almost done with Lord Renly's token, when the door opened and let in a quiet, young girl who looked several years younger than Sansa. Maybe even around Arya's age? Or more Rickon's…

But the closer she got, Sansa's breath hitched —she recognized the greyscale going down the girl's face and knew of only one case of where a young girl survived it.

This had to be her Soulmate's daughter, Shireen Baratheon.

"Oh! Hello," she said shyly to Sansa, looking nervous. She gave a sweet smile to Sansa that made her melt. "I'm Shireen. It's nice to meet you…?"

"I'm Sansa," she said, almost hushed. Her Soulmate's daughter was here. That meant that her Soulmate was here.

Her Soulmate was here.

Sansa gave a breathless smile to Shireen. "Would you like to sit with me? We could move to the couches and embroider together?"

"I don't actually know how to," she said bashfully.

Gods, she was so cute!

Sansa gave a kind look, reaching out a hand. "I wouldn't mind teaching you, if you'd like?"

And Sansa was happy to have Shireen eagerly accept her hand and agree to it.

Stannis, after that strange meeting with Robert, immediately split ways from Renly and decided to look for his daughter. After asking the guards around his chambers, he learned where she had headed off to and went that way himself.

Shaking his head, he continued his walk to where he knew his daughter had been hiding, not wanting to deal with the other ladies of the court (or other people in general). He sympathized, not one to deal with them either, though he knew Shireen did so out of not wanting to hear the whispers or outright insults regarding her greyscaled-scarred face.

"…and I hold firm here?" he heard Shireen's voice say shyly and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes. Hold firm there and turn your wrist, so that you can use the needle to thread through here," another, soft and sweet, voice replied to his daughter and he stiffened up.

Quickening his steps, he came closer and saw his daughter looking focused as she carefully used needle and thread on a cloth, while an older girl sat next to her with her own embroidery and patiently instructed Stannis' daughter.

He could not contain his surprised pleasure at the scene, relieved to find his daughter not being harassed but even treated kindly. Shireen had never learned to embroider before, with Selyse not having the patience nor desire to teach her, and Stannis had been negligent…and too uneasy to let someone near his daughter to teach her.

But now, it looked to have been that Shireen had stumbled across a sweet, pretty girl, who seemed to be patiently instructing his daughter on embroidery and was actually rather talented at it, if her own work in her hand was any indication.

And…she was not without beauty herself. Whoever she was, she must certainly be inundated with many admiring gazes for her bright auburn hair, her comely face, and soft features…

Stannis shook his head at himself and the strange turn his thoughts had taken. He had to remember himself —he already had a wife, even if they were far from happy and content with each other. He had made his vows. He wasn't Robert.

"Shireen, I've been looking for you," he called out softly, so as to not scare the girls. Though still startled, they did not jump out of their skins at his appearance.

"Father!" Shireen beamed at him and stood up quickly to come to him, embracing him lightly. He stiffened slightly but managed to quickly raise his arms and circle her a moment and then dropping them quickly. She took a step back from him, still smiling. "This is Lady Sansa. She's been kindly teaching me how to embroider."

Sansa (an elegant name) stood gracefully and curtsied to him.

"Stannis Baratheon, my Lady. Thank you for your kindness," he said stiffly.

She paused slightly at his name before she nodded and turn a smile to his daughter. "It was my pleasure, Lord Stannis. Lady Shireen has been an excellent learner and has been kind enough to share the solitude of the library with me in the first place."

He looked around discreetly with his eyes, noting the surrounding books. This place did afford the quiet and privacy that could be afforded, but he hadn't thought that a young, pretty girl as the one in front of him would want to be in here and not giggle with the other ladies of the court in the gardens or be off watching the training knights.

But there was a strange haunted air around the girl that put an unease in him and made him want to reassure her. It made him inwardly blanch and mentally shake his head.

"Don't mind my presence then. Continue on," he told them indifferently, moving away from them and heading towards a spot by the window to the side of their chosen area. He sat down and was pleased to see the cyvasse board placed on the table by his chair. He could spend the time playing against himself.

After a while, he looked to see how the girls were doing, only to inwardly sigh. His daughter had fallen asleep, resting against Sansa without a care. The poor girl didn't look bothered though —continuing to stitch her embroidery in peace while careful not to jostle Stannis' daughter. He strode over immediately.

"I apologize for her," he said, going to reach for Shireen. "She should not have fallen asleep on you."

Sansa smiled brightly at him, making his breath hitch and his movements to halt. "It's quite alright. I don't mind at all and she could stay here for the moment and rest. I'm merely finishing this handkerchief I wish to gift her with —ah, but don't tell her! It's a surprise."

His lips twitched up without his permission, but he still reached for Shireen. "I'm sure you would be more comfortable and can embroider better if I at least move her out of your way."

"I'm almost done," she promised. "May I ask what you were doing by the window?"

He was surprised that she was asking about him and it made strange feelings erupt in his stomach. He lightly cleared his throat.

"I was playing cyvasse by myself," he said. Then he hesitated before asking. "Do you know how to play?"

She shook her head and he found himself asking before thinking, "Would you like to learn?"

Inwardly, he was balking at himself. What was he doing? He should be cutting his interaction with the girl short. He didn't like talking with others more than he had to, and now he was willingly engaging her.

"I'd like that very much, Lord Stannis," her smile turned shy and he felt his stomach flip.

She put her embroidery down and headed his way and he felt himself tense. Keeping his face neutral, he turned and headed back towards his seat, mindful of her following him.

When he sat down, he saw her sit opposite from him and he made himself take a deep breath, wiping his hands on his pants and trying to compose himself.

"Let me start with the rules…" he murmured.

And as she listened to him, he found himself wondering if she wasn't minding his presence and spending this time with him…

It hadn't been long with their impromptu cyvasse lesson when he heard a cleared throat and saw that Ser Barristan was there. Not sure when the man had come, he looked to the knight and raised an eyebrow.

"Lord Stannis, Lady Sansa, there is a Small Council meeting in ten minutes hence," he informed them.

"I'll be there," he said, reluctantly standing up, having actually enjoyed himself for once.

"Oh, well, thank you for your time, Lord Stannis," Lady Sansa said, watching him closely as she gave him a sweet (if strangely longing?) smile.

"You're mistaken, Lady Sansa. If you weren't informed yet, and it is also my mistake for not informing you as well, but His Grace requested that you attend this meeting," Ser Barristan informed her and Stannis saw her sit up in surprise.

The day seemed full of surprise.

After having made those two go on and only now vaguely realizing this was that Lady Sansa that Renly and Robert had been talking about earlier, he grabbed his daughter and carried her back to her chambers, laying her on her bed and then ordering their guards to keep watch outside. Then he walked to the Small Council Chamber and entered to everyone there and getting settled. Lady Sansa was standing up, since a chair hadn't yet been placed there for her, and he was about to offer his own when Ned stood up and let his daughter take his place at the table.

"Alright, where are we on this tournament business?" Robert barked out.

While Stannis listened in, devoted to do his duty despite the current issue not being of importance to him, he also thought on Robert's oddly responsible behavior. Had something happened with his brother in the time since he'd last seen him?

"On the issue of those Targaryen welps across the sea," he heard Robert start on and Stannis focused on his brother. "I've thought on this and Lady Sansa has mentioned that perhaps it would do some good to reach out to them…good-naturedly. I don't know if they'll give a shit, but at least people who matter will know and care that I didn't go and off the bast —children. Dragon children," Robert gave a strange cough and glanced at the only lady at the table.

"So…Your Grace, would you wish for me to write and have our contact stop the —" Lord Varys was cut off with a look from Robert, who again glanced at Lady Sansa.

"Yes," Robert said in a gruff tone. "Cancel it."

He cleared his throat. "In the meantime, I'll be writing that letter. Lady Sansa, as it was your idea, would you help with it? I also think you could include your own letter. Maybe you could charm them dragons, eh?"

Lady Sansa nodded, smiling politely even as he saw shock and uncertainty in her eyes. Stannis was sure that the others, as well as he, were astonished by this turn of events and Robert's unusual decision towards a more diplomatic approach. It was unlike him.

And that it came from this young girl? That Robert actually listened to her? What in the Seven Hells was going on?

"She did also add that, while reaching out probably won't work, in the meantime King's Landing must be prepared. Hence her very good advice in bolstering our forces, mainly our fleet as those Targaryens will be coming towards us on water."

Stannis took that moment to scrutinize the young lady more —he again noted her stunning beauty (something undeniable and something he couldn't not note), but now he also took in consideration of, aside from her apparent kindness and sweet demeanor, she also seemed rather logical and a person with perhaps a good head for politics and ruling a kingdom. If anyone but Joffrey was in line to be King, she would be easily married off to a Crown Prince and rule as a good Queen.

Her head wasn't in the clouds, like most girls her age, and she wasn't just some chittering, gossiping woman like most ladies of the court seem to be. She did not flinch away or disparage Stannis' daughter, a thing he would be most grateful for, and she seemed intelligent —if the quick way she managed to grasp cyvasse within the short time they'd had.

It also seemed clear to him that aside from her capability, Robert liked the idea of her being married to Joffrey and becoming Queen, and was already preparing her for such heavy decisions that no doubt Joffrey would be incapable or uncaring to deal with (and of which she seemed quite able to do so herself).

Only he decided he was with Renly and it was too stupid a decision to tie her with Joffrey.

"Alright! That's all I cared about —the rest of you can deal with whatever's needed. Lady Sansa, have you seen the gardens? I know you love flowers. I'm sure you'll enjoy them here! Let's see if Myrcella is available to join us, hm?"

Then Robert swept her away and left the small group almost a little in shock.

Started 4/1/20 – Completed 4/7/20

Cyvasse scene 1k-ish words 11/23/19-11/28/19

Sansa/Renly scene 12/7/19-4/7/20

A/n:My attitude right now is Robert's. This chapter was a nightmare to edit ;-; I hope you all enjoyed the source of my pain and agony XD

Quick Points:

1. Barristan wasn't supposed to have such a huge presence until later. But somehow he demanded his way into getting earlier screentime. Same with Stannis. His debut was the cyvasse scene and instead he demanded showing his arrival. What is with these characters and demanding from me? (Going crazy and acting as if characters are real people…)

2. Syrio: Haha, who thought Ned was taking Sansa to meet Stannis? Anyway, I thought I was going to have Sansa literally have water dance lessons until I saw there was no such thing and then decided I'll use my misconception as an actual misconception in the fic because I decided I wanted to see this miscommunication and Ned being awkward and doing a fail (takes deep breath). Poor guy, girls are tough, aren't they? This and when reading up on water dance actually lining up with Sansa's style with her quarterstaff and partly herself (speed, grace, balance?), so it fit *shrugs*.

3. Current GoT Fics: Her Song of Fire and Ice (SansaxRoose/Stannis/Tywin), A Red King Bowed (Roose/Sansa), and March to My Heartbeat (Stannis/Sansa). Also The (Im)Perfect VERSE, including Deck the Halls and now Count Me Down to Midnight, Be Still, Heart and now Drinks on Me, Beads on You.

Anon Reviews:

1. Sansa sucks all chapter 1 . Mar 26

Sansa is the worst. Fuck you for writing a story devoted to her and all the other evil horrible characters. I hope she gets raped to death

Bwahahaha! You're such a loser XD I can't believe there are people like you. Hate on, troll~