this takes place 20 years in the good future from quantum boogaloo.

Doofenshmirtz's other dimensionator turns on.

2nd dimension doofenshmirtz emerges with a vengeful smirk on his face. 'finally after 20 years I'm back! now to get revenge on pointy and his darling'. He bumps into Xavier and Fred. 'Excuse me gentlemen, do you happen to know where a Mr. Phineas flynn and a Mrs. Isabella Garcia Shapiro live?' Xavier and Fred replied, not knowing doof is bad news. 'they moved in to the house where our mom and uncles used to live.'

meanwhile at that house, Phineas and Isabella have no idea things are going to go very wrong. Phineas states, 'Ok, Isabella, I'm going to work at my construction job, while I'm gone, you're in charge, my sweetheart"

Isabella responds sweetly 'will do, my little crumb cake '.

meanwhile doof is plotting how to get revenge. 'It's not enough to harm those 2 themselves... I need to take something they care about a lot'.

meanwhile, Abigail and Rachel flynn (Phineas and Isabella's daughters) are walking home.

they bump into doofenshmirtz.

doof inquires with intent as malicious as any daganaronpa execution. 'May i ask your names, girlies?'

Abigail Flynn naively answers 'I'm Abigail Flynn and this is my older sister Rachel '

Doof without saying anymore proceeds to knock them out and kidnap them.

Isabella receives a call on the flynn house landline. "hello? may i help you? '

doof evilly answers, 'you may not remember but you and your boyfriend thwarted an interdimensional scheme of mine 20 years ago involving an army of robots...'

Isabella proceeds to cut him off 'you! the alternate doofenshmirtz! you're not welcome on this line!'

doof prevents her from hanging up 'not so fast! I have your daughters Abigail and rachel. So you tell your boyfriend that he'd better give me that locket shaped key from 20 years ago or great harm shall befall them. ' 'make the right decision for your daughters' sakes.' doof hangs up

phineas comes home 'Izzy, I'm home!' (notices a sad look on her face) 'what's wrong darling?'

Isabella explains the situation in a sobbing voice, 'oh phineas, dear! it was awful! apparently the kids were walking home from school and doof from the alternate dimension told me that not only did he kidnap them, but also that unless you hand over the key from 20 years ago, great harm will befall them!' will phineas and Isabella agree to doof's demands or will they attempt a rescue mission find out in part 2