Malkinson Residence- Evening. Sophie Gray, now Sophie Malkinson, is sitting at the dining room table, in front of her laptop, writing a script. She's on the second page and is already, experiencing Writer's Block.

Sophie (Reading over what she'd written so far): Lieutenant Covix gives the signal to attack the Gadorions. Then... What? (She taps her noggin) C'mon brain, you can do this!

Scott comes in with two bowls of Chicken Caesar salad.

Scott: Sophie, what's going on with you?

Sophie: Writer's Block, Scott. I'm writing a movie, and I'm pregnant.

Scott: Boy, you sound overworked.

Sophie: Yes. And stressed. And, ow! My back hurts.

Scott: Sitting in a wooden chair all day can't be good for your back. Would you like a back rub?

Sophie: That would be lovely.

Scott walks behind Sophie and stretches out his arms, putting his hands on her shoulders. He begins to rub, by moving his thumbs in little circles. Sophie begins moaning, feeling relaxed.

Sophie: You're very good with your hands Scott.

Scott: Thanks. Wendy says Stan has good hands. Remember when he fingered her when they were Toolshed and Call Girl?

Sophie: Yeah. I miss the Freedom Pals, Captain Diabetes.

Scott: Me too, Sergeant Diabetes. But, we still have that photograph of the team.

It cuts to a photograph of the Freedom Pals in their bedroom; Scott and Sophie are shown in it, as Captain and Sergeant Diabetes.

Sophie: Ow!

Scott: Was I too hard?

Sophie: No! The baby kicked.

Scott: Amazing.

The song 'You're My Best Friend' by Queen begins playing on the radio in the kitchen.

Sophie: Scott, you hear that? That's the song from our wedding.

Scott: Wanna dance?

Sophie: I'd love to.

Sophie stands up, and joins hands with Scott. They begin to rock, back and forth gently and tenderly. They then start swaying side to side. Towards the end of the song, Sophie is nuzzled up to Scott's chest and they have their arms around each other. The song ends, and they're still embracing. They sit next to each other on the couch.

Scott: How are you feeling now?

Sophie: No longer stressed.

Scott: I love you, Sophie.

Sophie: I know.

Turns on Amazon Prime.

Announcer: And now another episode of 'Star Trek: Picard'.