"What just happened?" Huntress says looking around as everything seemed bigger. Canary was absant mindedly sucking her thumb til she realized then she looked down "We've been regressed" Roulette began her tantrum "Megan you cheated me you bitch!" Black Canary spoke to huntress "This was Megan, the chick that age regressed the trio a year ago she told me about it" Roulett had stopped her tantrum and huntress looked at her "Well we maybe babies but we still have to arrest her" Rouelett tries to run but Huntress's tiny self jumps onto her back and puts her in the sleeper "Canary quick sing!" "What the fuck are you on?" "Babies sleep to lullibies just sing" Canary starts humming after about a minute Roulett to much protesting fell asleep. "Thanks" "Of Course" Canary burps and the impact knocks Huntress out of her diaper "Damn I still have my powers" "Evitdently" the now nude huntress says as she stands up. "Put your diaper back on Helena" Helena looked down "Why, i'm not a baby, we are both still mental adults, we don't need diap-" she then pissed the floor and it ran down her legs "Damn!, shit!" "Ug, I think it's piss Helena"Canary said with a bit of a chuckle "Oh yeah well what about you?" "its not that bad" Dinah then shited her diaper "well now we need changed"