Wading thru the brush Blackard reads the note his former informate gave him "Now according to my snitch the weapon is thru this damn jungle onto the tower along the north border"

Dick asks "Where did you get your information?

"From my informate who loved money more than he feared The Zeds, who heard the location from a man who got it from a woman who swears on the unknown island that it's genuine. I'd stake my name on that shit."

Dick rolls his eyes "black, your name is synonymous with weasel.

Blackard answers with a chuckle "Then how did I ever talk you into this?

Dick remains silent for 3 seconds "That is a mystery indeed"
"They've stashed raw mineral currency about under the trees, the ignorant pricks, take whatever you like"
"I'm no theif Blackard I look them up" "well they probably killed who ever owned it so it's no one's now."

"Well dick how are things with you and Barbara?"
"Ever work out those unspoken issues?"
"Fuck off Black, i'm not even in to her"
"What I would give to spend one more moment with my Harriet and Caralina"
"It goes by to damn fast, dick you need to talk to her"
"I was about to til I got your fucking letter so it's your fault"
"Then I should shut up"