Disclaimer: The following you see here is parody. Any names or affiliation you may notice in this genre is completely coincidental. A.K.A I used a random name generator and didn't name anyone after anyone, M'kay?

Also disclaimer for the word 'hell' and maybe other slight words said every now and then.

Obviously, I don't own Kirby, I only own the original characters I use and they aren't even that great of a thing to own.

Also this will deviate from main series A LOT, so don't expect typical Kirby shenanigans like 'Kirb eat bad guy the end'. No anime characters, I personally don't like the Kirby anime, so nothing involving it will be included.

Tldr – Make good reviews.


January, ?

The dull gray colors of the ship exterior bore her yet again. She and her mother would be arriving soon and she simply couldn't wait. At least that's how she was supposed to feel. She sighed and looked out the window.

The strangely star shaped planet drew nearer as she knew the Autopilot would begin to make landing maneuvers in an hour. Why would a planet be star shaped in the first place? I mean shouldn't it be a sphere, all the other planets are spheres, why is this one different? It really doesn't make sense if you think about i-

Then she felt someone approach from behind. They did a sharp one-eighty degree turn and un-loosened her shoulders. "Greetings, Ms. B… mother." She said.

"How's it going Madison?" Her mom's eyes shined, glaring at her, but in a sort of caring way. "Are you ready to come with me to tell the others about the planet?" She nodded. "Alright," Her mother laughed. "Well, do you remember the training in how to act around others…correct?"

"Of course, of course I do." Madison replied, her gaze turning towards the window.

"Wonderful, lets begin." Her mother looked out towards the window. "Wonderful, go unlock the pad door."

Madison nodded, then they pulled a note out of their pocket. It was the passcode. They had remembered it already. They walked into a long hallway that led to a singular door. They typed in the passcode.


The door opened. They took a look at the various transporters on the left. They buzzed with seeming anticipation. Madison looked to the right. The transport pods. One of them was permanently off limits. Then, their mother walked in and cut on a panel in the middle of the room.

[The time is 14:24 on January 8th.]

"Hello." Her mother said to the screen. She then looked over at Madison. "Act professional, alrighty?"

[Greetings Bridgette! How can I be of assistance today? ^_^] The robot beeped, using her mom's real name.

Bridgette cleared her throat. "Initiate maneuver 'It's time'." The screen shook, and the technological voice was replaced by a deep pre-recorded message.

[Are you sure you wish to continue with the "It's time" initiative, if so, enter the 18-digit passcode followed by a retina scan]

"Maddie, back up." Madison backed away from the screen as told and entered a long password. Then a retinal scanner appeared from the back of the panel. After the scan the panel began to flicker and two people came on screen. The were both in chairs, and looked like they had been up all night.

There was a lady with dark purple hair tied into a ponytail. They had on a professional suit, but weren't looking quite professional at the moment. "What happened to the broadcast?" They asked, both standing up.

"Wait a minute, is that one of the exploration ships?!" Said a bald man with a blonde goatee. Bridgette waved and smiled slightly.

"Wait, what are you implying?" The purple haired lady questioned. "Frank, I suggest you explain the situation."

"If I may interject," Bridgette started. "We're ready for receiving the package." Madison was confused at what the package was but didn't say anything.

"Did you hear that Katrina?" Frank said.

"Wait, does this mean…" Then Katrina was interrupted.

"You bet it does!" Proclaimed 'Frank' as the other called him said getting up from the folding chair. "Ill gather everyone in about a quarter hour to make the announcement, you get the data!"

He went out the room proudly marching away. Meanwhile 'Katrina' was looking down at a tablet typing something. "Aren't you going to hang up?" Bridgette asked.

"Okay, you're on ship XPT-97 with..." Katrina looked confused at the screen. "That's quite something."

"Something wrong?" Madison's mom asked tapping her fingers together.

"Oh, nothing." They swiped on the screen. "With only one other on the ship, correct?"

Then Bridgette's voice went a bit lower. "Precisely, and to whom am I addressing?" They coughed. "Your position?"

"Katrina, Vice President of PCoEA." Madison understood what that meant. She had to remember it, of course. "The Planet Colonization Effort Association" was founded way back in 2145 by a group of countries know as the 'United Nations' saw their planet, it's name unknown by now, wasn't going to last very long. They decided to make a space colony plan and it set out in 2245. Though, she was never told the founders names they saw a pict-

Then out of the blue, a voice said. "Madison, dear there's a person speaking to you." Madison snapped out of their train of thought and looked at the screen.

"Ah, why of course mother, I will…" Madison trailed off. "I shall speak to this individual, to whomst I am to know as…" Madison's eyes trailed off again. "Ka…" She couldn't quite remember. "Um…"

The lady on screen interjected. "Its Katrina, and we have to get preparations ready for the transportation." They looked at Madison for a second. "Technicalities, how strange." She said, then she clapped twice and the screen shut off.

"Pushy, pushy, pushy." Bridgette muttered. They then turned to Madison. "Don't tell them a thing, do you understand?" With her mother staring daggers at her, she could really only say,

"Yes ma'am."

To be continued…

Kirby yawned. He had been pretty tired of the whole Smash thing, but he kept getting requested for battles ever since the new patch. He looked over and saw Bandanna Waddle Dee talking with Adeline about something."Poyo!" He said putting on a smile, greeting them both. Adeline glanced at him and smiled back.

"Hi Kirby, how are you doing?" She asked while Bandana Dee looked towards the king's door.

"Poyo poyo, poyo… poyo poyo!" Kirby replied stoutly. That meaning 'I'm doing… pretty alright!'.

"Kirby's here?" Ribbon yelled from a distance. Kirby winced and prepared for impact as the fairy zipped around the corner like a lightning bolt.

Then, Kirby thought, 'Ribbon, how wonderful…', "Poyo!" He said as ribbon hugged him.

"How was it?" She asked holding his stubby hand.

'Oh, it was real nice getting punched to death by a Noodle-Armed Lunatic' Kirby wanted to say. "Poyo." He said blankly.

"Sounds nice." Ribbon replied as someone would talking to a dog. Kirby glanced over at the door to the throne room hoping Dedede would interject. But the sound of running water was in the distance.

"Did you like the item I sent you?" Ribbon asked.

"Poyo poyo poyo, pi." Kirby said to her, describing a very nice Maxim Tomato that fell out of his hand and went into the other guys direction…

"Sounds like awfully bad luck." A voice said from the window. Meta Knight then stepped forwards. "But never mind those games, I have an important mission for you all."

"What sounds like bad luck?" Adeline asked, just noticing the Knight.

"You wouldn't get it, you're not in the tourney." Meta Knight said profusely. "Anyways, there's something I need to show you all that's very crucial." He beckoned towards a window. "Come."

"I'll just stay here, I'm sure whatever it is you need Kirby can handle it." Bandanna Waddle Dee replied while looking towards the window, seeing the Halberd. "Seems too strenuous."

"Suit yourself." Meta Knight murmured. "Anyone else missing out?" He called to the four others in the room, slightly glaring at the Waddle Dee.

"I'm going with Kirby, but what about you Adeline?" Ribbon asked smirking.

"I'll just stick around here, you know just chill." Adeline responded looking around the room.

"Oh, and why is that?" Ribbon said in a singsongy voice.

Adeline stuck her tongue out at Ribbon. "Shut up, I'm sure you and Kirby have got it covered." Meta Knight cleared his throat. "And you, yeah." Adeline added.

"You sureee that's it?" Ribbon teased, stretching out sure. "No other reasons?"

Then Meta Knight interrupted, "Fairy, are you coming, or not?"

"Ill see you later Addie!" Ribbon said, then flying out the window.

"There they go, probably saving the world again." Bandanna Dee sighed. Adeline looked over at him.

"How about we do something then?" Adeline suggested. Bandanna Dee was a bit confused, to which she continued, "I mean, do you do anything outside of work?". She tapped her foot while they both were thinking.

"Is training still working?" He wondered aloud.

"I wouldn't know anything about that, how about you try drawing?" Bandanna Dee nodded, then watched as Adeline summoned up a canvas and thrust the brush into his hands.

"Alright, I've seen you do it, It looks simple."

"It's a very delicate process." Adeline told him. "Maybe I should help you?" She said reaching towards the brush's handle.

He drew a single vertical line. "I got this, it should be easy." She withdrew her hand and muttered something. Next, he drew a line going upwards and right from the top of the first line, after which drawing a shorter line going upwards and left. Then he did the same on the other side of the line and, "Done."

"Oh, that's supposed to be… uh your uh… is that a spear?" Adeline asked, with her hand on her chin.

"Yep!" Bandanna Waddle Dee told her quite proudly.

She took a look at the picture. "Well, you went very basic with your approach, and only used one color, by it looks about right.."

"Lets be honest, it's trash. I haven't drawn once in my life." He admitted.

"If you haven't drew once and this your first try maybe you're not trash, and you're just learning." Adeline suggested. "Because this is definitely not trash." She looked at it again. "Fridge material, I'd say."

Bandanna Dee laughed. "Sure, and how about you try to use a spear-"


The ground shook and Adeline fell on top of Bandanna Dee, almost knocking them both out. There was a stream from the throne room and then the man of the hour came bursting out in nothing but a towel. "WHO DARES DISTURBS THE GREAT KINGS BUBBLE BATH?"

"What happened?" Adeline asked. Then she looked up at the king. "Uh…"

"THERE WAS SOME KIND OF CRASH, I SAY." Dedede put on his robe which was on a hangar. "We all know Crashes are banned during MY BUBBLE BATHS!" Adeline got up and Bandanna Waddle Dee scratched his head.

Then another crash was heard, and a squeaky voice declared sorry.

"HM, THAT CRASH IS ALRIGHT, MY BATH IS OVER!" Dedede dededeclared.

"Yep, that's uh… rule 38 of the Dededoctrine of rules." Bandanna Dee looked out the window. "I think it fell around the Cookie Country area."

Adeline looked up out the window. She saw the Halberd in the sky, next to it appeared to be some kind of light? Maybe it was just her but the Halberd seemed really busy.

She looked over to Bandanna Dee assessing the situation. Then Dedede went to the window between both of them, "THIS WONT STAND, TO THE DEDEDECOPTER!" Dedede yelled.

"You have a helicopter?" Adeline asked, genuinely surprised.

"He hangs on to me while I use my spear copter and calls it the Dededecopter." Bandanna Dee groaned.

"Oh." Adeline looked at him awkwardly. "Can I try?"

Bandanna Dee sighed. "Sure..."

Meanwhile on the Halberd.

Kirby, Ribbon, Sword Knight, Blade Knight, and Meta Knight were all gathered in a meeting room. Meta Knight sat in a swivel chair with a large rectangular table in front of him. Above the chair, there was a 50 inch screen.

"I've brought you all here for a special reason." Meta Knight said as he pulled up a PowerPoint Presentation on the screen. "I have satellites which scan the spacial area of Dreamland for threats and I've found something interesting." Next slide.

He went to the next slide labeled 'The big reveal?' in red text. "Oi Blade, what do you think it is?" Sword Knight asked.

"What if it's Santa Claus?" Blade replied. "He may have messed up with his gifts." Sword considered the option.

"Makes sense why I got a pair of moldy socks this year. "Sword admitted. Meta Knight muttered something about appreciation.

"Shush you two." Ribbon whispered. "This is important."

The slide showed a poorly cropped image of a generic Sci-Fi ship moving in a circle. "We have scanned a moderately sized ship heading towards the planet." Murmuring the in room became abundant, as they began to ask many questions.

"So are ya asking us to strike em' down?" Sword questioned.

"We don't know their capabilities, I only detected two lifeforms present on the ship, but odd energy pulses coming out from it." Meta Knight flipped to the dedicated slide for questions. "Any other questions?"

"Poyo?" Kirby asked, meaning 'What kind of Energy?'.

"Radiatory." Meta responded, turning to the next slide which was completely blank.

"Po poyo?" Kirby asked smiling, meaning 'Is there a chance for them to be friendly?'

Meta Knight sneered. "Since when has anything that has ever landed on this planet uninitiated ever been friendly?"

"Ahem." Ribbon coughed, glaring darts at Meta Knight. "Besides me, didn't Kirby just randomly land here one day?"

"Uh…" Meta Knight then wrote a note to himself to add both of them as an outlier to his 'From Space = Bad' theory. "I'll keep that in mind, Fairy."

"Poyo?" Kirby asked Meta Knight, meaning 'When are they going to arrive?'

"Well, if they keep accelerating at the speeds they are, I would say they arrive in about one to two hours." Meta Knight told Kirby.

"WHAT?" All of them, minus Meta himself screamed. "That's not enough time to do anything!" Ribbon declared.

"Well that's too bad." Meta Knight replied. There was then a sudden shake of the Halberd as an object whipped past them at high speeds. The ship quickly stabilized itself and there was more complaining. "Ignore that, probably just a stray Birdon."

"But, I don't even have my sword ready!" Said Blade.

"And I don't have my blade ready!" Said Sword.

"Poyo!" Kirby said in a panic, as he didn't have his sharp and pointy object which he cuts rope with!

"That won't be necessary my friends." Meta Knight chuckled. They all asked why to which Meta responded, "Simple." He then jumped up from his chair, and activated the slide. After which he read what it said. "We're going to meet them when they land." Then all hell broke loose.

yet there is one more thing.

They smiled.

Why were they smiling? They had just been. Doing something… The room. It had a breeze. It has no walls. It wasn't a room. It was an empty black space. What would it be called? They didn't know. They felt something?

They opened their eyes.

OH, looks like I'm back. What do you want?

"You failed; we trusted your reawakening. " A voice said. The presence felt large. They looked as pale as ever.

It's not my problem you thought I could handle that sweetness. They laughed. Why did they laugh?


Maybe if you experienced what I did you'd get it, bye Z!

They closed their eyes.

Why do they call them Z? That was a funny name. What were they feeling? They found it... Funny? Yes it was funny.


"Where are you going with that wretched nickname? Traitor."

They opened their eyes.

Kid, I've been in this business for eons and I've made my decision. Bye.

They closed their eyes. They felt an odd feeling. Was this really how they were to be treated after all they did?

There was no response for a bit but they felt figures slip bye. There was a corrupted weapon, then a… headpiece, then there was one missing maybe a star? Then something… shattered passed by. Brings back good memories. Then finally 'Z' spoke.

"I convulsed with the others; you shall be sent to rot with your own traitorous kind."

Wait, don't I have a right to an attorney?

Then the piece of headgear spoke "You have the right to shut the-"

Watch your language, buddy. Did they just say that… But it was rude to curse. Ugh. Why were they thinking this?

"Ew, they were right, you've changed." The one with the sword spat. "Get em out of here."

Ok, Mr. Bottom Left corner, suit yourself. There was a hiss. Like a cat. Why did somebody just hiss like a cat?

Then finally the large one spoke, "SUNNY SKIES, WINDY TREES, SEND THIS TRAITOR TO THE BREEZE!"

The breeze got stronger and they gave a very rude gesture before warping. They felt their form shift. Couldn't they live a happy life with no turmoil? They were traveling light speeds with no explanation. They felt cloth form around them. Some red strands formed on their head. They slowed down. There was a bright light surrounding them. It was getting hot. They were looking at a star and coming in hot, and hot, and OH MY GO-

THERE was a buzzing noise. They opened their eyes. They were in a hole, and standing above them was some circular creature with a blue hat thing, and another weird thing with a red hat. What could they say right now…? They might as well ask where they are.

But, when they opened their new mouth for the first time, instead of saying what they wanted, their lips curved and out came the word,


To be continued...

Salad? To

Update 5-19-20 10:01PM [Fixed stupid grammar which I have no idea why I wrote that way]