A/N: I just want to write something for this anime.

Disclaimer: I don't own Special A.

It's not often that Ryuu contemplates his friends' love lives. But when he does, well... This is the result.

Ryuu always compare Jun and Sakura with springtime.

Their love is a newly found love. It is refreshing in its blossoming stage. Sakura's effort in understanding both sides of Jun and Jun expanding his world to accommodate her gives Ryuu hope for the future.

Kei and Hikari is summer, obviously.

They're the kind of person who's bright on their own. Kei with his intelligence and Hikari with her personality. So when they're together... Well, it can almost certainly burn the people around them if they're not careful.

They're the most entertaining for Ryuu because Hikari's passion can bring out Keis. And when that happens, something or someone, almost always explodes. Both literally and figuratively.

Akira and Tadashi meanwhile, they're fall in Ryuu's humble opinion.

Because slowly but surely, they fell for each other. And, there's no way to go back after that. It's just that simple for Ryuu.

Tadashi was there when Akira needed him and without realizing it, Akira leaned on Tadashi more and more. Until it became natural for them to be together.

Megumi and Yahiro, well, Ryuu can say that they're winter of course.

Yahiro can be cold when he wants to be but Megumi still sees the good man inside. Ryuu said that they are winter because he knows that it will take Megumi a long time to melt the ice in Yahiro's heart. But Ryuu believes that if anyone can do it, it's Megumi.

A/N: Thanks for reading.