Death was not as cruel

Bang! Blackard's bullet pierced thru his armor as the great Zed king Terrence fell to his death
When he came to himself he was naked, he could only see himself tho he heard voices of other people afar, there was no color no light just a rocky area and cold frostbite level cold is this hell? he thought, he looked around unable to sit paitently he walked toward the west of his place, he found what he felt like was a door he stumbled around to find the handle once he opened the door he could not believe what he saw

"April!" his 3rd mate the mother of his stillborn son and the only human that made him feel the distanct spark of what others would call love

April was naked as she was when he first captured her, she was the few survivors of a austraillian village he had massecared, Terrence looked at her arms, she was holding something, he walked closer "Your son my lord" Terrence looked at the child in her arms it was indeed his stillborn son as she handed him to his father upon looking at his face there was no baby and the cloth vanished out of his arms he looked quickly at April as she vanished too "NO! show yourself you bastard!" he looked behind him seeing the culprit of the allusion, Blackard his greatest foe with glowing swords drawn

"Come you bastard!" Terrence then realized he had no weapons or armor but in his rage he did not care then suddenly Blackard disappeared.

The whole land became dark visions of all the deaths Terrence had murdered and caused then Brigs's shadow spoke to him "You've derseved the eternal dream of your past that has come upon you Terrence" Terrence could not drive out the sights or sounds all he could do was kneel with his hands over his ears and scream "DAMN YOU ALL, YOU ALL DERSEVED THE DEATHS AND HELL I RAINED ON YOU!" "This worthless earth didn't deserve a leader as great as I, I am death I am the monarch of the earth I am the greatest human ever to exist!" I will escape and bring about pain your ungreatful fools are worth of!

As the years past from Terrence's death in 1999 to the year 2009 the Zedbite empire was down to almost dust, most of the Zeds had been captured, in hiding, betrayed or killed
All that remained were Terrence's children,the Zed counsel, Yohn Multize, Tanker, Yevette, and few hundred Zed-warriors, Yevtte came on this particiler day with a glowing object "What is this?" the Zed-counsel leader asked "the way to bring our sovereign back to us"

It seemed like an eternity of voices screamings and visions of death until a faint light shown then a portal of fire Terrence looked through and on the other side he saw Yevette "Welcome home your highness"