Today is Sebrina's 17 years old birthday,and Marlin,Nemo and Dory decide to make a birthday party for her.

First of all,they have to think of the decoration of Sebrina's birthday party.

"What birthday party design should we make for Sebrina?" Marlin asked Nemo and Dory

"We can make a birthday party with a theme of Finding Nemo for her,you guys know that she loved Finding Nemo,right?" Nemo suggested

"Yeah,she loved Finding Nemo themed of birthday party! She's gonna love it!" said Dory

"That's a wonderful idea Nemo,let's start working!" said Marlin and they ready to decorate a birthday party for Sebrina

A few hours later,they finished decorating a birthday party for Sebrina with using a theme of Finding Nemo.

Second,they have to invite Sebrina's friends.

Nemo will go and invite his friends and Mr. Ray

Marlin will go and invite Crush and Squirt,and Dory will go and invite her pipe pal Destiny,Bailey,Hank,her parents Jenny and Charlie.

After they invited their friends to Sebrina's birthday party,everyone already had their presents for Sebrina.

Next,they have to think of the party game for Sebrina's birthday party.

Then Nemo have an idea,he decided to make a game about to put a fish tail on the fish,everyone agreed Nemo's idea.

Next,they have to make a perfect birthday cake for Sebrina,but they don't know how to make a birthday cake for Sebrina.

If they don't know how to make a birthday cake for Sebrina,they worried that Sebrina will be very sad!

Then Marlin tell everyone not to worry,because he already had a perfect birthday cake for Sebrina.

Then he shows to everyone and it's a Finding Nemo cake with everyone's here,including Sebrina,they all like this birthday cake for Sebrina.

Finally,it is time for Sebrina's birthday ! And Marlin tell everyone hide and he swims to Sebrina's house to wake her up!

In Sebrina's house,Sebrina is still asleep and she's dreaming about her perfect birthday.

Suddenly,Marlin came into Sebrina's house and wake her up.

"Sebrina,wake up! It's your birthday!" Marlin exclaimed and Sebrina wakes up

Gasp* "It's my birthday!" Sebrina exclaimed with the excitement

"It sure is your birthday Sebrina,are you ready?" Marlin asked Sebrina

"I don't know Marlin,what if everyone forget about my birthday?" said Sebrina,feeling a little bit worried

"No Silly,everyone won't forget your birthday!" said Marlin as he tickling Sebrina's tummy and she giggle.

"Hehe,that tickles!" said Sebrina as she got giggled and got tickled by Marlin

"Hold on Marlin! Let me do my things and change my clothes first,be right there!" said Sebrina and she quickly do her stuff and change her clothes and ready to go,but she need to turn herself into a mermaid

"Alright Sebrina,ready to go?" Marlin asked Sebrina

"I'm ready Marlin!" exclaimed Sebrina and Marlin covered her eyes,so it won't ruined the surprise

"Whoa! Hey,I can't see!" said Sebrina

"I have to covered your eyes Sebrina,I don't want to ruined the surprise!" Marlin exclaimed

"What kind of surprise Marlin?" Sebrina asked Marlin

"You'll see,just don't peek!" Marlin exclaimed and bring Sebrina to the birthday party

"Here we are Sebrina,now I'm going to uncover your eyes now!" said Marlin and he uncovered Sebrina's eyes and everyone jumped out and shout "Surprise!"

Gasp* "Wow! Guys!" exclaimed Sebrina,feeling surprised

"Happy birthday Sebrina!" everyone say happy birthday to Sebrina and she's very happy.

"Thank you so much everyone!" said Sebrina

"So,what can we do first?" Sebrina asked

"How about we do the birthday cake?" Marlin suggested and everyone agreed his idea.

Then,Marlin showed a perfect birthday cake for Sebrina,Sebrina got surprised

Gasp* "Wow! The birthday cake was perfect! I love it! Who did this for me?" Sebrina asked

"Well,I did this for you Sebrina and I bought it because we don't know how to make a birthday cake,so we're very sorry!" Marlin and the others apologize to Sebrina

"That's alright guys,it was perfect!" Sebrina exclaimed

"Now Sebrina,go ahead and make a wish!" Nemo exclaimed with the excitement

"Alright Nemo!" said Sebrina and she closed her eyes and make a wish and blow out the candles

"Hooray!" everyone cheered

"So,what's next guys?" Sebrina asked

"Let's play a game!" Dory suggested

"What kind of game is it?" Sebrina asked

"It's called put a fish tail on the fish!" Nemo exclaimed

"Oh! I've never played this game before,how to play ?" asked Sebrina

"Well,in this game,you have to put a fish tail on the fish." Dory explained the rules to Sebrina

"But in this game,you need this eye fold to cover your eyes. Now,put it on Sebrina!" Marlin exclaimed

"Alright!" said Sebrina and she put the eye fold on her eyes to cover it and she's ready to put the fish tail on the fish,but suddenly she bumped into something.

"Ouch!" Sebrina shouted

"Oh! Sebrina,are you alright?" Marlin asked if Sebrina is alright

"Ow,I'm okay! It's just I can't see anything!" said Sebrina

"Here,we'll help you!" said Dory and she asked Marlin and Nemo to help Sebrina to lead the way to put the fish tail on the fish and Sebrina finally did it.

"Yes,I did it guys!" Sebrina exclaimed with the excitement

"Yay! Well done Sebrina!" everyone shout hooray for Sebrina

"Now,who's ready to give me a present?" Sebrina asked and everyone was ready to give Sebrina a present

First,it's Destiny's turn to give the present to Sebrina

"Happy birthday Sebrina!" said Destiny and she give the present to Sebrina

"Thanks Destiny! What did you get for me?" asked Sebrina and she opened up Destiny's present.

When she opened it,she saw a wonderful present,it was a plushies of Marlin,Nemo and Dory.

Gasp* "Wow! Destiny,you gave me a plushie of Marlin,Nemo and Dory? Thank you!" Sebrina exclaimed with the excitement

"Actually,not just only me! Bailey and Hank helped me to choose the perfect present for you!" said Destiny

"Thanks Bailey and Hank!" said Sebrina

"No problem Sebrina!" said Hank and Bailey

Next,it's Pearl's turn to give a present to Sebrina

"Happy birthday Sebrina! Here is the present for you!" said Pearl and she give the present to Sebrina

"Thanks Pearl! What did you get for me?" asked Sebrina and she opened up Pearl's present.

When she opened it,she saw a pretty present,it was a shiny pearl.

Gasp* "Wow! Pearl,this pearl is so shiny and beautiful,I love it! Thank you so much!" said Sebrina with the excitement

"No problem!" said Pearl

Next,it's Sheldon's turn to give a present to Sebrina

"Happy birthday Sebrina! Here is your present!" said Sheldon and he give the present to Sebrina

"Thanks Sheldon! What did you get for me?" asked Sebrina and she opened up Sheldon's present.

When she opened it,she saw three perfect presents,they are fidget spinner,a book about Sebrina's adventures and the bracelet.

Gasp* "Wow! Sheldon,you gave me three presents for me? Thank you!" Sebrina exclaimed with the excitement

"Actually,the book about your adventures and the bracelet are Mr. Ray and Tad gave it for you!" said Sheldon

"Thank you so much Tad and Mr. Ray!" exclaimed Sebrina

"No problem Sebrina!" said Mr. Ray and Tad

Next,it's Dory's turn to give a present to Sebrina

"Happy birthday Sebrina! Here is the present for you!" said Dory and she give the present to Sebrina

"Thanks Dory! What did you get for me?" asked Sebrina and she opened up Dory's present.

When she opened it,she saw a shiny present,it was the blue sparkle shell.

Gasp* "Dory,this blue sparkle shell is so beautiful,how did you know that I love blue sparkle shell?" Sebrina asked Dory

"Well,my parents helped me choose the perfect shell for you,so this present me and my parents gave it for you!" Dory exclaimed

"Aww,thank you Dory,Jenny and Charlie!" said Sebrina with the awe

"No problem Sebrina!" said Dory,Jenny and Charlie

Next,it's Nemo's turn to give a present to Sebrina

"Sebrina,happy birthday! Here is the present for you!" said Nemo and he give the present to Sebrina

"Thanks Nemo! I wonder what present you got for me?" asked Sebrina and she opened up Nemo's present.

When she opened it,she saw a beautiful present,it's a magical necklace.

Gasp* "Oh! Nemo,this magical necklace is so beautiful, I have to wear on my neck right now,thank you!" Sebrina exclaimed and she wear the magical necklace on her neck

"How do I look?" Sebrina asked Nemo

"You look beautiful!" said Nemo

"Thank you Nemo, I love it!" said Sebrina

"No problem Sebrina,I'm glad you like it!" said Nemo

Finally,it's Marlin's turn to give the present to Sebrina and it's a special surprise for Sebrina

"Happy birthday Sebrina! Here is my special surprise for you!" said Marlin and he give the special present to Sebrina

"A special surprise? For me? I...I don't know what to say,thank you Marlin! I wonder what it is?" asked Sebrina and she opened up Marlin's special present.

When she opened it,she saw a wonderful special present,it's a princess crown,her dreams come true.

Gasp* "Oh! Marlin,this Princess crown is so beautiful! My dreams come true!*hugs Marlin* Thank you Marlin! You make my dreams come true,this is the best present ever!" said Sebrina as she hugged Marlin happily

"Your welcome Sebrina,I'm happy that you like it!" said Marlin as he hugs Sebrina back and help Sebrina to put the princess crown on her head

Suddenly,something happened and Sebrina is changing. "Whoa! What is going on?" Sebrina asked and she changed

"Whoa!" everyone shouted and they saw that Sebrina is a mermaid princess

Gasp* "Oh my gosh! Am I a mermaid princess?" Sebrina asked herself

"Wow! Sebrina,you really are a mermaid princess!" Marlin got surprised

"You look different!" said Nemo

"It's a good different! You're now a mermaid princess!" said Dory

"I can't believe it,I'm a mermaid princess! I love it! I love to be a mermaid princess,thanks everyone! This is the best birthday party ever!" Sebrina exclaimed

"Your welcome Princess Sebrina!" said everyone

It's already night and everyone is ready to go back home

"Thank you guys so much for planning this birthday party for me,you guys are the best!" Sebrina exclaimed to Marlin,Nemo and Dory

"Your welcome Princess Sebrina!" said Marlin,Nemo and Dory

Finally,Marlin,Nemo,Dory and Princess Sebrina were ready to go to sleep

The end

This is the end of my story,thanks for reading and Merry Christmas everyone